Muhammad Mukarram Technical Services L.L.C
Ceiling Fans and Their Benefits

Ceiling fans today can do so much more than what they were able to do years ago. This ceiling gadget regulates the air temperature while adding an aesthetic quality to a room. There are types of this fan that also come with a lamp or lamps, making it a truly multi-purpose accessory.

During the warmer months, this fan is able to provide cool air and balance the temperature inside your home. It can do this function on its own or as a perfect partner of an air conditioning system. An air conditioner’s role is only to bring in cold air, but a ceiling fan helps spread out evenly that cool air throughout the room. The fan lets you lessen your use of an air conditioner, giving you a more energy-efficient home. Aside from this, it can also help you keep your house warm by pushing the warm air down from the ceiling. This helps you bring down your usage of your heating system, leaving you with lower heating expenses.

To do these two functions, you only need to control the direction of the fan blade’s rotation. The counter-clockwise direction provides the cool air you need for the summer or the warm season. Reversing the fan’s direction will produce the updraft needed to bring down the heat coming from the ceiling. This is what you need to use when the chill sets in.

As a result, these fans also give you health benefits. Possible harmful traces of chemicals won’t accumulate in your home since the fan helps circulate the air inside. Indoor air that’s not recycled is said to be more dangerous to your health compared to the air outside.

Let’s just face it. Air conditioners aren’t the best-looking appliances in a home. Ceiling fans, however, come in different designs. You’ll surely find one that will even enhance your interiors. The blades alone can be made of various materials – metal, wood, and wood-plastic combination. They can have a brass finish or natural wood stain. They also come in different shapes, from the usual long blades to the exotic palm fans.

These are just some of the reasons why a ceiling fan would be a good option for your house. If you think you want to have one, check the measurements of your room or area before shopping. This will help you determine the type of ceiling fan you need to buy.

Source by Frances Roy

Car AC System Check Up Tips

It’s hard to even imagine the days when most cars didn’t have air conditioning. They have become a necessary item, especially during the hot summer months. Since you never want to have a broken car air conditioner, here are some tips to follow:

1. Buy a recharging kit

When an air conditioner stops working, sometimes it just needs to be “re-charged”. If you’re handy enough, a recharging kit allows you to fix the problem yourself and can be found at auto stores or most department stores.

2. Remember eye safety

If you’re going to try and repair an air conditioner on your own, always wear goggles. When dealing with car liquids, you never know what can end up going where and you don’t want to get any dangerous liquids in your eye because it could cause serious damage.

3. Check for refrigerant

This should be the first thing to check on when the air conditioner isn’t running properly. If there is no refrigerant, it won’t cool.

4. Check for leaks

There is no point in recharging an air conditioning system if there is a leak. Depending on the size of the leak, you may not even notice it for months until the system stops cooling.

5. Watch the AC Condenser

If the AC Condenser is dirty on the outside or clogged on the inside it’ll have a hard time keeping the refrigerant cool on a hot day.

6. Get it checked by a trusted mechanic

You should always keep up with scheduled maintenance on your car, but it’s a smart idea to have a mechanic check out the air conditioner at the start of summer just to be on the safe side. Some mechanics will offer this service for free so ask around.

7. Watch for water

Water should drain outside of the car after it’s parked when using an air conditioner. If there is water inside of the vehicle that means the drain is clogged.

8. Listen for noises

You shouldn’t hear any rattling or vibrating when using an air conditioner. Something could be obstructing the blower fan which will cause the AC to not work properly.

9. Use your nose

The AC shouldn’t smell like mildew. If it does, mold could be growing inside of the system and it isn’t healthy to breath in that air. A car service repair shop can clean it to eliminate the issue.

Some car AC problems are just too complicated to fix. For safety purposes, don’t try and fix something on your own if you aren’t exactly sure what you are doing. It can end up causing more harm than good.

Source by Dan Tole

Michael Jackson and Arfaq

Michael Jackson, Arfaq, Balmain and the Clothes that set Todays Fashion

Billie Jean Tux

Jackson’s contemporary take on the tuxedo was groundbreaking. Made from black leather and worn with a pink shirt and red bow tie, it allowed men to approach evening looks in a less conventional way. The look has been replicated on the YSL catwalk.

Beaded Moonwalk Jacket

The beaded jacket is what Jackson originally wore in 1983 when he performed his first ever moonwalk. Glitzy monochrome as well as fedoras are slated to be a big trend this winter even if white socks paired with loafers continue to be a style challenge.

The World’s First Air-Conditioned Jacket

Countless hours blending state-of-the-art technology and cutting edge design experience resulted in a world first: the unique micro air-conditioning and purifying system incorporated into a garment.

The “AC-7″ jacket was designed and fitted for Michael Jackson by Arfaq. Created in a distinctive military style, the jacket is a captivating combination of Capri Blue with a dash of Light Amethyst. Specially created stones dramatically recreate the effect of the Aurora Borealis enhanced throughout with glorious pulsating rainbow colors. One arm simply shimmers in a torrent of clear crystal droplets. In excess of 275,000 crystal stones, each cut with eight facets, were utilized in the production of this jacket.

Military Jackets

Atten-shun! Jackson led the fashion troops in his custom-made, braid and button-bedecked military jackets. Forward march a couple of decades and the Parisian catwalk is crowded with similar strong-shouldered looks. Rihanna picked up a very M.J. denim piece from Balmain-a brand the King of Pop himself grew to favor.

Military Man

The military look – with lashings of gold embroidery and sequins – was one of Jacko’s most compelling and copied styles. Balmain paid tribute and Rihanna tried the look. Jackson himself wore this Balmain jacket on a hospital visit.

The military look, worn on the Dangerous Tour in 1992, is arguably classic Jackson. It’s a style that he has refined over the years and it inspired Balmain’s Autumn/Winter 09 collection. It was designed by Denis Tompkins and Michael Bush, who were also responsible for designing his outfits when he appeared in court for child abuse charges. Tompkins has said that Jackson was very fond of his military details as they had clean lines and fitted almost like dance clothes. Further- more, uniforms demand attention.

‘Magician’s Fall’ Military Half Jacket

‘Magicians Fall’, designed by Arfaq for Michael Jackson, is a military half jacket, designed from black dress suede. The garment demonstrates a very simple cut and fall and is very comfortable to wear. In return, this jacket is lined in a fine black silk and is flamboyantly decorated with 18ct gold buckles.

Gangster Style Smooth Criminal

The gangster-style suit from Smooth Criminal was designed by Betty Madden and is a homage to Fred Astaire’s outfit in the 1953 film The Bandwagon. It was much slicker than the costumes Jackson wore in the early Eighties. To achieve the impossible effect of leaning that far forward in this picture he wore shoes that used special harnesses with wires and magnets.

The World’s First Pair of Adjustable Shoes

Arfaq designed and developed custom-made shoes for Michael Jackson. These shoes were made to electronically self adjust to his foot. The concept was created because his production company, MJJ Productions, did not disclose his shoe size!

Hat Tricks

Jackson had the ability to take a simple fashion item and invest it with iconic status. His tilted fedora is a good example. It became more than simply a hat. It was an extension of the man and of his dancing. He used it to create drama. The look is now popular with Kate Moss, who uses hers to hide from photographers.

The Bad Days

For the Bad album, Jackson toughened up his image with masses of belts, buckles, studs and straps, but it was always more glam than intimidating. Mary-Kate Olsen wears the Givenchy version of the Bad look.

1990s Glitter

Jackson and sparkles go hand in hand. He loved to shine and was one of the first to wear clothes entirely encrusted with Swarovski crystals.

The Swarovski Black Diamond Glove

In 1994, Arfaq made a Black Swarovski diamond glove for Michael Jackson known as “Healing Hands”, which was worn by Michael Jackson on the HIstory Tour. Handmade with 18,443 diamond stones imported from Austria, from the legendary Swarovski Crystal House, the specially formulated adhesive allows total control and movement.

Five 9ct Egyptian gold buckles fasten the glove in place, each buckle is extremely light, thus preventing distortion of the finished glove.

His look inspired this Antonio Berardi catwalk style. Today, sequins work for day and evening wear.

The Velvet and Crystal Jacket

When Michael Jackson celebrated 30 years in music at Madison Square Gardens in and was presented a velvet and crystal jacket designed by Arfaq.

A Thriller of a Jacket

The flamboyant red leather jacket Jackson wore in the Thriller video is one of his most memorable looks. It wasn’t so much the colour or the style that were important, but the way he wore it, with the sleeves pushed up past his elbows. With that simple styling tick, he set a trend that lasted a decade.

This is one of Jackson’s most iconic outfits. The bold red leather jacket with exaggerated shoulders is from the video to Thriller. Fast forward 25 years and leather jackets and coloured jeans are enjoying a revival.

The World’s Most Expensive Cufflinks in GBWR

In 1996, The Guinness Book of World Records listed the V2 Cufflinks as “The World’s most expensive cufflinks” designed by Arfaq. The pair were privately sold to Michael Jackson and MJJ Productions for £23,850 in November 1996.

Made from platinum and 18ct yellow and white gold, the V2 cufflinks are adorned with sapphires and diamonds, and individually hallmarked and numbered.

The V2 Cufflinks are presented in a handcrafted Burr Elm case. Each tailor-made case is lined with contrasting scarlet red suede. Each case bears the individual number and recipients name on a 24ct gold plate. With production limited to 7 pairs only, this makes it an extremely rare piece of jewelry.

Source by Susan Dolan

Pre Listing Home Inspection – 7 Shocking Examples Show Why Home Sellers Need One

Over the last 10 years home sellers had it made. No need for inspections. If a buyer’s inspector found a problem, another buyer would come along. But that has changed. It is VERY difficult to get buyers into escrow now, and very easy to lose them if they find problems during their inspection. Here are true stories about issues that caused disasters ranging from large monetary losses for sellers to outright escrow cancellations. It is time for sellers to realize the value of the “Certified Pre Owned Home” services now available. A $300-$500 home inspection coupled with a home warranty can save the seller $1000s of dollars, make the buyer happier and help sell the home faster.

1. Listing says “Air Conditioned” but the home is not.

During the inspection, the buyer asked the inspector about the air conditioning. The inspector found that there is no air conditioning installed. The listing agent, when asked why the listing stated there is air conditioning, replied that the seller said there was. The air conditioning was important to the buyer, who works from home. The buyer attempted to negotiate a fair settlement from the seller to add air but the negotiation broke down and the sale was lost.

2. Home has serious construction defect.

Many homes are now built by builders as two on a lot or more. The home inspector saw that a balcony over the entry was tilted. When measured, it showed a slope to the east of over 2 inches in 4 feet. But there was no sign of distress in the stucco around the balcony. Inspection of the identical rear home showed that the same balcony was absolutely straight. The conclusion was that the builder had allowed the balcony to be finished even though it was at a tilt. The buyer dropped out stating “I was concerned that there might be other construction defects that were not as obvious.”

3. Bathroom sink has small water leak in tile counter top causing serious water damage.

Some defects are nearly undetectable. In this case, the dark tile on the counter and the rather stuffed cabinet concealed significant water damage. There was enough water to have caused the cabinet’s pressed wood base to expand, the shelf paper to discolor and some mold to start to grow on the paper. But there was no leak in the plumbing. Upon further inspection, it was found by the inspector that when water was splashed on the tile behind the faucet, it ran through small cracks in the tile grout and dripped to the back of the cabinet base. There was reason to expect that there was more moisture and mold under the cabinet base that could not be inspected. This finding, coupled with other troubling issues, caused the buyer to cancel.

4. Home has concealed earthquake damage.

A condo looked excellent from the street. The interior was in beautiful condition. Inspection of the plumbing under the sink, however, revealed a disturbing fact. The galvanized pipe drain that ran up from the bottom of the subterranean garage 3 stories below appeared to have raised up and smashed the drywall above it. Suspecting that this was impossible, the inspector recalled that this building had suffered damage from a powerful nearby earthquake. A closer look revealed that the floor had dropped 1-2 inches during that quake and not recovered and the ceiling had dropped along with the interior walls. Only the perimeter load bearing walls remained as built. The result was that the torn drywall was wall that had FALLEN onto the solid pipe. The damage was so extensive that the buyer dropped out.

5. Another listing without air conditioning.

This was a condo conversion and a very nice property. But again the listing said A/C but there was none. The buyer was, in this case, not as eager for the deal and used this as an excuse to drop out.

6. Hillside 1930’s home seller loses $200,000.

This home is on a hill and there were multiple retaining walls and tiered foundations that needed repair. There is no doubt that had the seller done a pre inspection, problems with the foundation could have been addressed for far lower cost by taking more time. But work was rushed because the home was in escrow and cost far more than necessary.

7. Lots of minor issues turn off first time buyer.

The buyer, a young lady looking for her first home, was put off by issues that were not individually that expensive, but they added up to a long list of problems she just could not cope with. Had the seller done a pre inspection and just done a little work this escrow would have closed.

Note: This article is copyrighted by the author but sellers, buyers, agents and other home inspectors are encouraged to copy and use this article as long as the author’s name and web site are kept with it.

Source by Kurt Shafer

Detailed Information About AC Repair Services

An air conditioner is an expensive appliance that is used in every household. AC’s act as life saviors during the scorching summer months and therefore, require regular maintenance. However, in case your AC has started to struggle in the absence of maintenance, then it is time to utilize the services of an air conditioning repair company. You will be glad to know that some of the best AC repair companies are located in the Miami and Palm Beach neighborhoods. If you are dwelling in the same towns, and are in search of the services of a repair company, then a quick browse along the Internet will save time. You can also take recommendation from friends, family and co-workers who may have approached the services of a repair company. This will help you in choosing a good service provider for your needs.

It is recommended to utilize the services of an air conditioning repair firm that has earned credibility and reputation for its top quality work. The repair firm must also have a team of experienced professionals who have a vast experience in the repairing domain. An experienced professional will be able to identify the issue in the AC unit. Clients can easily benefit from AC Service that has been operating in the area for a long time. Most of the repair companies utilize branded spare parts in the AC unit to ensure that the machine continues to perform flawlessly for years to come. You can enjoy the cool breeze of AC and spend your summer months in comfort with the help of experienced service professionals.

While hiring an air conditioning repair firm, it is recommended to check the license of the firm. The repair company must be state licensed to operate their business. Air conditioning firms must also have experienced and insured professionals at their disposal, to make sure that you get the best quality services every time. There are many repair companies that provide 24 hours service to their clients. These firms are well equipped to handle any emergency cases that arise. If you are worried about the cost involved in repairing, these services can put you at ease. You can easily get hold of some of the best repair firms online.

An excellent air conditioning repair firm will provide maintenance services to their clients for commercial and residential needs. You can schedule the regular maintenance of the systems as well to check for any leaks or broken parts or pipes. They will clean the filters as well as vents to make sure that the air conditioner is working effectively. You can also benefit from their air duct cleaning services available at an affordable price range. You can enjoy the excellent repairing and maintenance services of the company at very economical prices. With the help of experienced professionals, you can make sure that your air conditioning unit is working perfectly, while preventing exceeding consumption of energy. Energy wastage is not just bad for the environment, but will also raise your energy bill. You now have an opportunity to counter this.

Source by Sergio Amaya

Application of the Internet of Things in HVAC, Lighting, and Outlets for the Home

The Internet of Things has already made its way in the industrial and commercial sectors, and now it is taking up on the homes too. The home automation system is available nowadays by the companies who are looking forward to introducing the smart devices. The industries are looking forward to using them for HVAC, Outlets and even for the lighting system of one’s home. Many companies are providing these services, and many others are about to introduce them in their smart home services’ section. Let us look at the performance of smart devices in the residential houses.

Making the Smart HVAC System

The smart home concept will add convenience in the lives of the people, as they will be able to save more on energy and cost. This will also add convenience to the working of the people but before that, they need to go through several aspects of this newer technology. Most of the houses have air conditioners, centralized heating system or equipment, lighting, water heaters, outlets and much more. As the companies are providing smart HVAC system nowadays, so it plays an important role in the homes.

Most of the homeowners are dependent on HVAC as it is must have in every home in today’s days because one needs the air conditioner and ventilation system for the summers and heating system for the winters. With the usage of the IoT for this system, it will make the smart home concept, and the improvement will be shown in its working. Here are some of the positive aspects that the IoT is going to present for the HVAC system:

  • The smart device will be able to adjust the room temperature, smart thermostats will be adjusted with the cooling temperature, and the minimization and saving of energy will be there.
  • The users’ will be educated about the cooling and heating temperatures simultaneously, and the app will be monitoring the smart devices.
  • The IoT will also advise the homeowners about saving the energy and providing knowledge on saving more on the energy usage.
  • This is also a cost-effective approach as smart devices will help in saving the energy and in return, the cost will be cut down too.

Top companies have manufactured many smart home devices that will help in adjusting the room temperature and will be using a sensor to determine the temperature and the time of users’ location. It can even work well with the latest voice-activated assistants.

Watch out for the Outlets

Not only, are the smart devices designed to work well with the HVAC system but also the outlets that comprise of the power usage in your home. The IoT helps the homeowners to be aware of the power consumption of the home and how to save it as the smart thermostat does it. The hi-tech Outlet devices will help in the real-time monitoring of the power usage that is done in the home. Such devices react in an efficient manner and avoid any kind of electrocutions or the over consumption. Here are some of the uses of smart devices for the Outlets of the home:

  • An automated feature will keep a check on the consumption of power by the old and the new appliances and will warn the homeowner about the same.
  • The affordable and modernized plugs from the companies are used with the voice assistants in order to state about the power consumption of the home.
  • With the addition of wireless controls, hi-tech power sockets, etc., the power usage in the home has taken a newer scenario.

Lighting and the Internet of Things

The smart home lighting concept will also make the work of the homeowners easy, as there are many companies working on delivering the latest technology lighting devices. Various top companies are offering the most lucrative shades and the kit for smart lighting. There is a bridge offered by most of the companies that handle nearly 50 lights simultaneously. This is a great investment for the larger homes, and even some apartments prefer taking smart LED bulbs. Here are some of its useful effects:

With the usage of hi-tech lighting devices, the homeowners can get convenience, and they can save more on power and cost of the lighting system.

The features of such devices allow the residential owners to get the lights off from any place in their home. They even offer colors, and these modernized lights can prove helpful during power disruption too.

Most of the homeowners are nowadays making investments in the smart bulbs in order to save energy by turning off the lights automatically when no one is around. Therefore, in order to minimize the power consumption, smart lighting is a cost-effective idea.

The software that is developed for the lighting system is compatible with Android and iOS systems, and one can control the bridge or LED bulbs through this software.


While seeing the current system, the smart homes are being preferred by the homeowners as this reduces the power consumption and saving of energy is being done. The automated lighting, Outlet, and the HVAC system are becoming the need of an hour. Therefore, homeowners are ready to take the services from the companies for the smart home devices.

Source by Frank Shan

Just What Is An HVAC System, Anyway?

Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment can be a bit of a mystery to homeowners. You may be aware that your home has the ability to remain climate controlled at the touch of a button, but you find yourself wanting to understand more about the machinery that works so hard for you. Read on for a comprehensive definition of the components of your indoor climate control machinery.


In hot summer months, the air conditioner is the star of the climate control show. Your AC unit draws air from outside and cools and dehumidifies it as the air passes over a cold metal coil. This coil is itself an air-to-liquid heat exchanger, meaning the warm air absorbs cold from the coil, and vice-versa. Rows of tubes pass cold liquid through the coil, and flat surfaces connected to the tubes create a large cooling surface area, increasing the amount of air that can be cooled at one time. More cold surface area equals more cool air. The type of cold liquid used depends on the system you have, but can be a liquid refrigerant or chilled water with added freeze protection. Regardless of the liquid medium used, the liquid is delivered to the cooling coil at a cold temperature.

As this liquid passes through the cooling coil two things happen to the air that passes over the coil’s surface: the air’s temperature is lowered (cooled) and moisture in the air is removed (dehumidified). The cooling ability of your air conditioner depends on its efficiency at cooling and dehumidifying air. It’s important to note that factors such as outdoor temperature can affect the cooling capacity of some machinery. When cooling is inversely proportional to outdoor temperature, a machine’s ability to cool your indoor air is reduced when outdoor temperature increase. Similarly, indoor temperatures and humidity affect your machinery in much the same way. Most manufacturers of AC equipment provide a user guide that shows the efficiency change of the machinery when indoor and outdoor temperatures and humidity changes.


Central air conditioning units are usually paired with a gas or oil burning furnace to provide heat to your home through the same set of air ducts. Alternatively, there are central HVAC units called heat pumps, which combine both the heating and cooling functions. If you heat your home with electricity, a heat pump system can be more efficient in moderate climates, providing up to three times the heating per electrical energy it consumes.

Air conditioners and heat pumps use different components to functionally cool or heat your home’s air, but the basic principles of operation are the same. The heat pump transfers heat from the evaporator coil to air and circulates the now-heated air through your home. A heat pump’s heat coil actually extracts heat from outdoor air (yes, even cold winter air carries heat that can be extracted by your system). Heat pumps are often installed with a back-up furnace to help heat your home during those times when only a small amount of heat can be extracted from outdoor air.

Types of Systems:

Typical homes employ a “split system” HVAC, with the air condensing unit placed outside the home, and the coil inside. The other available type is called a “packaged” air conditioner, and it combines the condensing unit and the coil into one outdoor unit. The best unit for you depends entirely on your home’s location and construction.

Source by Shawna Thompson

Installation of HVAC and the Things to Consider

Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning are basic functions which are closely related from each other, they can be found in every establishments like houses, workplace, and other building structures. With proper installation and usage and little cost, these can provide real comfort, safe and quality air all the time.

The geniuses; Nikolay Lvov, Michael Faraday, Willis Carrier, Reuben Trane, James Joule, William Rankine, Sadi Carnot, and many others, was the think tank of these wonderful systems that brings relief to the changing climate that people in different countries have. It was also recognized as climate control, the heating and air conditioning units can maintain comfort in every dwelling by reduced air infiltration, and maintained pressure relationships between spaces, that’s why most modern buildings that you see have integrated system. It also promotes good health since the air is filtered so good and quality air flows within the perimeter.

It is necessary that the system is installed, if we want to attain utmost comfort in our dwelling place. But before doing the installation, there are things that you have to take into consideration; the size, It is essential that the system is properly sized for the room or house, unless you do this, efficiency, and comfort level will never be attained.

The size or the area matters a lot in choosing the proper type of HVAC service for your home. If your home is big and with many floors or rooms, you should have multiple units or a zoned system in order to have accurate temperature between spaces and rooms. But for smaller house it is more economical to install a single system.

Another thing is the design of the building; you have to make sure that system is fitted to the overall building design; improper installations of air ducts or refrigeration lines will affect the efficiency of the system and will lead to future problems. It is also essential to install the outdoor unit a correct distance from your house to allow for proper airflow and to allow room for repair. Many times heating and air conditioning units are not installed with the thought that it will need to be serviced in the future. So it is important to choose a good location that will allow for easy service or maintenance.

There is a lot that goes into the installation of a new heating and air conditioning units, all of these factors must be analyzed in order for all of the components to work correctly together. The end result will be a system that will work in its highest efficiency.

Source by Cris Ma

An Explanation of How Heat Pumps Work

Heat Pumps are devices which use small quantities of energy in order to move heat from one place to another. Usually they are used to pull heat from the air or the ground in order to warm a building. They can also be reversed in order to cool a building. They work much the same way as air conditioners do, except that they can do the work of both an air conditioner and a furnace. Therefore, when using heat pumps it is not necessary to install both heating and cooling systems – a single system performs both jobs. They are also more efficient than furnaces because they merely transfer heat rather than burn fuels to make it; but as a result, they work better in moderate rather than extreme climates. For people in moderate climates like Arizona, using heat pumps Arizona rather than furnaces and air conditioners can save considerable money on utility bills.

There are different types of heat pumps, but all of them operate on the principle of heat transfer, which means moving heat from one location to another rather than burning fuel to create it. Because of the second law of thermodynamics, heat naturally tends to flow from a place with a high temperature to one with a lower temperature. They use small amounts of energy to reverse that process, pulling heat from low temperature areas and moving it to high temperature areas – from a heat source such as the ground or air to a heat sink such as a building. A common type of heat pump is an air source one, which removes heat from air outside a building and pumps it through coils filled with refrigerant to the inside.

Air source heat pumps AZ consist of two fans, the refrigerator coils, a compressor and a reversing valve. One fan is used to bring outside air over the refrigerator coils, which transfer the heat inside where it is blown from the coils by a second fan and distributed through the building. The purpose of the reversing valve is to reverse the flow of refrigerant so the system operates backwards. Instead of pumping the heat inside the building, it releases the heat, like an air conditioner does. Then the refrigerant absorbs the heat inside the pump and carries it outside where it is released. Then the refrigerant cools down and flows back inside to take more heat.

Ground source heat pumps work the same way as air source ones except they absorb the heat from the ground, or from a body of water under the ground, and then transfer the heat indoors or vice versa when working in reverse mode. An absorption heat pump AZ is an air source unit which is powered by solar energy, propane, natural gas, or geothermically heated water instead of by electricity. The chief difference between air source models and absorption pumps is that instead of compressing the refrigerant, absorption ones absorb ammonia into water then a low power pump pressurizes it. The heat source boils the ammonia from the water and the process begins anew.

Source by Alice Lane

Choosing a Heating and Air Company and What Qualities to Look For

When choosing a heating & air company, you have to be able to choose the best one for your money, or risk not being protected from the cold, the heat and just about any weather condition that you live in. It is important that you learn what makes a good HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) company, and what things should matter when you are out choosing one.

Of course, there are literally hundreds of companies that could offer you the services that you need. Even if you narrow it down to local providers, you would still be looking at tens of different companies that could all seem perfect for your wants and needs. Choosing a heating & air company would be difficult if you do not know what makes a good HVAC company, so here are some things that you might want to look for (see list below):

1. License and certificates. If you’re looking for an HVAC company you’d have to make sure that you are choosing one that is licensed to operate and offer services in your area. Look for certifications that prove that they have the skills and the training to do the job that you need them to do.

2. Competence. There are many ways that you can test a company’s competence. One of them is to get them to bid on your project. A good contractor should be able to give you a reasonable price just by checking out your place and looking at the project. They should be able to look at the problem and see exactly what they need to do.

3. Honesty. A good contractor should be able to explain to you the problem on the spot without confusing you with too much information and using too much technical jargons, proving once and for all that he is knowledgeable of the job and that he is honest about it. This will also prove that he looks at things in the big picture.

4. Technology. Choosing a heating & air company isn’t all that difficult. You can spot a good contractor from a bad one if he offers that you use good, up-to-date machines that you can incorporate in your home. For example, if you want to use a new, efficient and power-saving air conditioner, your contractor should be willing to explain the benefits and the disadvantages of using such a model from such a brand.

Source by Karl H. Abbott