Muhammad Mukarram Technical Services L.L.C
Air Conditioning Systems – Primitive to Sophisticated

The Romans had water therapy. They knew the pleasures of sitting by a cool fountain, but it was the ancient Egyptians who started refining the first air conditioning system.

To the Egyptians, the Nile River was the River of Life in many ways. Not only did it provide water for drinking and bathing, but it made farming possible in an otherwise arid landscape. Besides that, the Nile provided water for the first evaporative cooling on a large scale.

For eons, folks knew that putting water inside a semi-porous container, like an unglazed clay pot, resulted in a cool drink because of evaporation cooling. The Egyptians kicked it up a notch when they constructed parapets over which cascaded sheets of water. Slaves equipped with enormous fans stood nearby and kept the air circulating over the moving water. The result: evaporation cooling.

Several ancient cultures also used “wet mats.” We know that Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks all made use of wet mats to cool the air inside homes and other buildings. When a thick, damp cloth was hung over doors and/or windows, the air movement effectively promoted evaporation cooling and could reduce indoor temperature down to as low as about 66° Fahrenheit. The Egyptians even figured out how to make ice!

In the early days of air conditioning, especially in the arid parts of the United States, evaporative cooling was still in broad scale use. The boxy, adobe-style houses of the Southwest often have a roof structure designed to support the considerable weight of a shallow pond. When the roof is flooded, fans blow dry air across the liquid, speeding up evaporation. The cooled air is then routed through the building, a welcome relief in the hot summer months. These coolers, sometimes called “swamp coolers” are economical to operate and are still in use in some areas.

Modern air conditioning systems no longer rely on water for evaporation cooling. Gases like Freon or Puron are the modern refrigerants that lower air temperature. The actual air conditioning unit is usually placed outside the building because it is a harmless and more efficient way to get rid of the inside heat (into the atmosphere).

An important function of today’s AC system is to reduce the humidity levels inside the structure. Keeping the humidity levels low (in the area of 30%) reduces problems with mold and mildew, and helps to alleviate serious health problems for people who suffer with allergies. Also, dust mites find it difficult to survive in low humidity conditions.

When an air conditioning unit is up and running, it works to maintain a pressure level throughout the entire structure. To help the unit work efficiently, doors and windows need to be closed so that the pressure can remain as constant as possible. For spot cooling, consider adding a small fan to move the air right where you need to up the comfort level.

Source by Brian Figlioli

Five Common Causes of Air Conditioning Repair Calls

Air conditioners regulate the temperature indoors during hot days, keep out pollutants and contaminants, and maintain comfortable humidity levels in the home. Despite the amount of use AC units get, many homeowners wait until small issues become large problems to schedule an air conditioning repair service. Here are a few common reasons for repair calls.

Lack of Maintenance

When it comes to keeping an HVAC unit in good working condition, regular maintenance is key. A routine tune-up can help keep units working all summer long. When homeowners neglect regular maintenance, small issues can become costly headaches. Remember, technicians can spot damage before it causes a major issue.

Moisture Inside the System

Air conditioning units are designed to reduce the risk of moisture building up in the system. A central drain line funnels excess moisture outside, where it can do no damage to the home. However, if the drain line gets clogged, water can pool inside the system, leading to corrosion, mold, and even electrical issues. Furthermore, the moisture build-up can attract pests that can damage other parts of the home. These repairs require an experienced professional and should not be handled by the homeowner.

Overused and Overworked AC Units

During the hottest days of the summer, many homeowners run their systems continuously. While this does keep homes cooler, it can also damage the air conditioning unit. The constant use places a lot of strain on the system and can cause severe damage when the unit is not properly maintained. An overused unit may even stop working, resulting in an expensive air conditioning repair that could likely have been avoided with a routine maintenance appointment.

Improperly Sized AC Units

When a technician installs a unit, they always look at the size of the home to determine which unit will work best. If a unit is too small to cool a home properly, the air conditioner may break, forcing the homeowner to call an air conditioning repair technician to assess the problem. It’s important to note that unless the unit is upgraded or supported by additional units, an undersized AC will likely break again after repairs.

Faulty Wiring

When an unlicensed contractor or handyman installs an AC unit, they may not be familiar with the proper safety protocols for installation and could wire the unit incorrectly. If this is the case, the air conditioner won’t work as efficiently and may even be a fire hazard. Homeowners who notice that their unit runs without cooling the room or constantly trips the circuit breaker should schedule a consultation immediately.

Avoid these common repair problems by scheduling routine maintenance each year. Call a local AC repair expert to be prepared for summer before it arrives.

Source by Antoinette Ayana

4 Things to Consider When Choosing the Right Air Conditioning Repair Company

An air conditioning unit is seen by many as a must-have appliance in the home to keep the air cool and comfortable. If this type of system malfunctions, it can lead to a lot of discomfort, especially if it happens during a very hot period. For this reason, it is useful to have the unit serviced at regular intervals by an expert.

Let’s take a look at a few things to consider in the process of finding a reputable and reliable company to service the air conditioning unit:

Proper certification and license

Any reputable company in this industry will have the relevant certification and license to perform this particular type of work. If you are able to confirm a preferred company has the right documentation you are more likely to get a high-quality service that meets your expectations and standards. It can be helpful to use a repair service with the right professional credentials such as NATE (North American Technician Excellence), ACCA (Air Conditioning Contractors of America) or similar. With the proper certification in place you will have the reassurance of knowing they are qualified to install, repair or replace HVAC systems.

Pay attention to attitude

A great way to shortlist a potential repair company is to go with one that offers great customer service. The person that handles your call should listen to your concerns and be polite. You want to speak to someone who is able to answer all inquiries and questions with the knowledgeable understanding and a respectful attitude. Also, if the team at the call center are respectful, there is a greater chance that the technician will have a similar attitude and arrive on time.

Number of years in business

When researching the options it benefits to check the number of years a company has been in business. Any repair company that has been able to display proof of a quality service over the long-term is very likely to have built up the experience and know-how to provide a trustworthy and successful business.

Best value for money

Any decent repair company will give a complete range of option, such as annual tune ups, one-off repairs, emergencies and service contracts. Before the work begins, the company should provide an estimate for the specific job with a list of the work to be completed. A warranty is often given on most jobs. Also, it is important to make sure the quoted price is the final amount to pay at the end of the job with no hidden charges.

Source by Leo Eigenberg

Understanding the Use of McQuay Air Conditioning

McQuay Air Conditioning is top-of-the-line recognized names in mercantile and industrial surroundings control. The corporation continues to be in operation since 1872, when it first started producing steam engine machinery. The line of technology products presented by McQuay has developed in mature way through the years, with the company progressing itself soundly in competent industry. McQuay offers a complete range of heating system and cooling machines which can fit the wants of colleges, office, residence buildings, and also larger domestic houses. Technology products consist of complete-pack central air conditioning devices, unit ventilators, interior and outside air handlers, condensing models, rooftop systems, water-cooled chillers, and heat pumps.

McQuay Air Conditioning accomplishes more in less place than the majority industrial environmental control devices. Full-pack air conditioners are smart, indoor, water-cooled systems that allow for cooling large buildings in a reasonable and efficient manner. Lots of sizes are available with number of operations and features to satisfy the wants of conditioning through fans which throw air to all the parts of a house either corridors or stairs successfully. Air ventilators offer single room comfort, drawing warm or cooled air into an indoor room. Ventilation units are capable of cover those areas of building where ventilation is impossible since these can be fitted on interior or exterior wall.

Efficient heat pumps from McQuay can be added to any part of a building which has access the water system. These devices are water source heat pumps which make use of a water circle to function. They are an environmentally firm method for heating and cooling a shop, applying less power and increasing performance across the way. Heat pumps can be found in multiple sizes and can be useful in controlling internal temperatures in any number of businesses, commercial facilities, domestic apartment buildings, and medical conveniences. With increased efficiency and less dependence upon fuels, McQuay heat pumps are thrifty technique of heating and cooling large buildings. With a well developed grip in the industry, McQuay Air Conditioning has created the status it holds as one of the best among industrial HVAC providers. The variety of stuffs offered by McQuay ensures that all your HVAC needs may be met through an individual provider.

Source by Mike Riggins

Six (6) Common Factors To Consider When Installing Air Conditioning Units

If you have a new structurally constructed house and your next step is to install the air conditioning units, then you have to consider a few things about air conditioning before you install them. There are common mistakes in installing air conditioning systems which will be depicted in the following article in order to help you not make these.

1. Falling for the articulated sales talk of a highly experienced salesman.

Do not just let the salesman win your favor through his flattery and articulated sales talk. Winning you to his favor is his job as a highly experienced sales person. Often, some customers are not really knowledgeable about air cooling units. Some end up buying air conditioning units that are recommended by the salesman who would not care whether the merchandise is too large or too small for the intended area. This is a common mistake of some customers which is making an outright decision to buy an air cooling unit without knowing what things they should consider first.

2. Installing the AC unit without careful planning.

In some cases, installations of air conditioning units are simply done to satisfy the caprice of the homeowner. This should not be the case. Installing air cooling units is not that simple, many things need to be considered. This should be well planned by your electrical engineer. The AC units to be installed must match the contour or layout of your house. This is why one type of air cooling unit is set in one place while another type is installed in another part of the house. Some mistakes committed in installing air conditioning units include installing too small or too big units in a room without considering the number of warm bodies occupying it, the area, sizes of windows on the wall and house layout.

The primary consideration when deciding what size to buy would be the area and the number of people using the room. First, you must determine the area in your house which you want to be cooled. This should determine how much power you need. Your room area should match the BTU or the British thermal unit value and the strength (capacity) of your air conditioning (ac) unit. It becomes a recommending guideline that a cooling capacity of 2000 BTU be required for every space of 50 square meters. So here, you need to do a little mathematics. The other thing to consider is the number of warm bodies occupying the air- conditioned area and how often they will use it.

3. Location of the AC unit

Another mistake commonly committed would be installing the unit inside a room or area with too many lights or light bulbs around. Such condition generates more heat from light bulbs when switched on. This does not help at all while using the air conditioning unit. In another related situation, setting up an AC unit in an area facing the sunlight or adjacent to a plant or tree is an installation that is not carefully thought out. Air conditioning systems must be cleared of any debris or any obstructing object.

4. Unchecked AC unit’s connections

When installing the connections of the chosen air conditioning unit in your house, try to re-check the connections made if you have left everything to the technicians. More often, if not properly checked, some connections may not have been fit well, thereby, causing leaks in the future; therefore, it is better check these connections before it’s too late.

5. Making window-sized holes in your walls to fit in an AC unit

The lesser holes you make in your house, the better. Nowadays, they do not make large window-sized holes in your house to accommodate your air conditioning units. There are several air conditioning units today that only require a very small hole for its installation. Today, you can have split type systems or portables, or independent wall unit, whichever suits your needs. Therefore, the lesson here is not to allow window-sized holes be made within the four corners of you walls unless it is absolutely necessary.

6. Installing AC unit in rooms with wood floors

It is not exactly bad to have an AC unit in a room with a floor made up of wood. It is just that the type of floor material you have or use affects the speed of cooling the area. This is based on the principle that cool air sinks and hot air rises which also indicates that air bounces back fast in solid surfaces. If you are lucky to have a good consulting electrical engineer, then he should be explaining how the materials of house floors affect room cooling. He should also mention other alternatives which can somehow economize the use of your AC units.

Source by Tom Pittenger

Air Conditioning Increases the Incidence of Asthma

Technological miracles have made our lives simpler and convenient. It has become possible to control our surroundings and work as per our convenience. However, despite these phenomenal changes, we have become more susceptible to a number of ailments and disorders. For example, asthma a breathing complication, which was earlier thought to be triggered by pollution, caused by vehicles and factories has now found to be caused largely by allergens at home. Apart from dust and smoke, this breathing complication is also caused by household appliances such as air conditioners. It is important to note different people react differently to the temperature changes. For asthmatics, variations in temperatures often result in a sudden attack. This explains why air conditioners are considered harmful for asthmatics.

Notably, research reports suggest that people working in rooms where air conditioners remain on for more than seven hours are more likely to suffer from asthma than those who do not stay in air conditioned rooms for longer hours. This is also because the air conditioners have an adverse impact in rooms that may have pollen and dust particles. Prompted by these revelations, a number of asthmatics are now opting for fresh air over the air conditioned rooms that they have become so used to. Moreover, doctors are also seen recommending their asthmatic patients to turn off their ACs when not required.

Asthmatics who stay near beaches are advised to go for walks everyday as regular walks on the beach can help them to inhale fresh air. More importantly, to reduce their dependence on air conditioning systems, people are seen keeping their windows open during day and evening times. It is now widely believed that by keeping the air conditioners off, asthmatics can not only minimize sudden asthma attacks but also play a crucial role in preserving nature.

Source by Roland Poitevin

Performing Annual Checks on Your Air Conditioning System

Every homeowner knows the importance of having an air conditioning system in good working order, although few really know how to make sure that their system stays in good shape. The key lies in regular checks that all homeowners should be doing.

Use this four point checklist for examining your air conditioning system every year:

1. Clean the evaporator if you can get to it. If not, have a professional service provider clean it. The evaporator is typically located right above the furnace. In some models, this part of the system is not easily accessible and should only be cleaned by a professional, although other systems do make it easy for a homeowner to access it in order to clean it. When in doubt, call in a professional the first time to make sure that this is something you can handle each year.

2. Clean the condenser coil. In most cases, you should be able to get to this part of the system because it is usually located outside the house on a concrete slab. Be sure that you are always keeping grass and shrubs from growing over this unit because if the airflow is blocked, the efficiency will suffer greatly. Use a commercial coil cleaner to clean the condenser and then flush the coil clean. Avoid using a hose for this because you could end up accidentally clogging the unit. Look for a tool known as a fin comb to clean between the tiny spaces.

3. Check fluid levels. This is another item that some homeowners might feel comfortable doing, while others are better off leaving it to professionals. With some models, it is fairly easy to see how much refrigerant is in the system. If the number is too high or too low, then it’s time to call in a professional for repairs or charging. In cases where there is not enough refrigerant, usually the issue is a leak in the system. You should always leave major repairs to a professional, although it is helpful to know how to spot a problem before it becomes a very serious one.

4. Have the thermostat tested regularly. Every year it is essential that you have a professional service provider check the thermostat so that you know it will keep your home at the temperature you want. Testing the thermostat is a rather complex process that most homeowners won’t want to tackle on their own.

Of course there are also other things you can be doing to keep your air conditioning system in top shape and also save money on your electric bill. For example, running your dehumidifier can actually make the system work harder because the extra airflow makes it seem like there is a larger space to cool. If you use a dehumidifier, make sure that it isn’t turned on at the same time as the air conditioner.

Also avoid flipping the air off and then right back on again within five minutes. This puts a heavy load on the system and can cause problems, like blown fuses or even more serious permanent damage to the compressor.

It is critical that you let a professional air conditioning service provider handle any and all repairs to the evaporator and condenser parts of the system. Both of these units are sealed, and the entire system should be checked annually by a professional in addition to the regular checks done by the homeowner.

Source by Irvan Sanjaya

Air Conditioning – Automating Your System

With today’s technology it is very easy to automate your air conditioning system. Automation will help prevent you from having to get up and down to fix the temperature in the room. It can also save you money using a more efficient system that is provided by the programmable thermostat.

Total home automation

Some homeowners are automating their entire homes and not just their air conditioning systems. With total automation it will allow the homeowner to control all of the electronic devices and utilities with a single remote control. The remote control can be managed from your computer, mobile device, laptop, iPad, or just using the stand-alone controller. In the beginning it is an expensive investment but will pay for itself with energy savings. It can automate your air conditioning system, garage doors, security, lights, and more. In your home, with this type of system you will have a thermostat in each room instead of one central thermostat that controls the temperature of the entire home. With individual thermostats each person in the home can have the room at the temperature they choose, especially bedrooms as most have different temperatures they like to sleep in.

Programmable thermostat

Before you purchase a programmable thermostat for your air conditioning system make sure that it will work with this type of thermostat. This type of thermostat helps give the homeowner an energy efficient home and save money in the long run. The thermostat works by adjusting the cool air output to the changes in the temperature outside. This way the unit will only work when needed.

Automated heating system

For those cool days when you only want certain rooms to be warm, this is the type of automation you would need. For example, if you watch television in the living room or den and then take a shower before bedtime you can program your bathroom and bedroom to be warm before you get there. This helps prevent you from exiting a warm shower into a cool bedroom.

Smartphone and mobile device remote control

These are used when you have total home automation to help control the temperature of your home from a distance. When no one is at home and you forgot to turn set the air conditioning before you left you can use a smartphone or mobile device to do this. This will help to save on your monthly electric bill. To use either of these two devices you just have to download the app to either one.

These are just some of the many ways in which you can use automation to help save on your electric bills and to have an energy efficient home. Talk to an air conditioning professional to find out which is right for your home.

Source by Lora Davis

Home Air Conditioning Systems

An air conditioner is a must have in today’s rapidly warm world. As temperatures rise across the globe, home air conditioning systems are flying off the shelves as manufacturers and retailers see increasingly good sales in such items.

It is not hard to see why when temperatures can soar up to previously unheard of highs. Humans could not possibly survive without cooling systems.

Air cooling systems actually come in different types. You might have the central one which is normally used to cool down a singular room or a smaller area. Most air conditioners would use refrigeration technology to transfer the cold around.

When choosing a suitable cooling system for your house, there are a few factors that you have to look into or risk getting the wrong product for your home use.


Of course, most indoor air conditioning systems come in regular sizes which you can easily get from the shop. However, not planning before buying could see you purchasing a unit that is not compatible with your home. For example, if you buy a larger unit for a small room, you will end up wasting money and energy because your consumption would be high for such a little requirement.

My advice would be to look around at the systems available before making your choice. Get as much information as possible. There are customer service attendants at most hardware shops that would be more than happy to assist you in making the right choice.


There are so many types of technology available that different home air condition systems claim to do different things for your home. Some allegedly clean the air while cooling down your home while others eliminate dust at the same time.

While all these things are well and good, the most important consideration you should look into is the general efficiency of your air conditioning system. Like I mentioned before, size does play a very important role in terms of efficiency as well. Purchase a home air conditioning system that is too small for your big home would mean that you are actually consuming more energy in the long run.


You are on the lookout for an air conditioning system because you absolutely have to get one before summer hits. Well, yeah, home air conditioning systems are designed to help you get through the day more comfortably.

However, you should definitely plan your budget before actually going out and purchasing one. It makes no sense to blow your expenses out of the water just for the sake of comfort. You would also need to take into consideration how much your energy consumption would rise upon installing the home air conditioning system or mini split heat pumps.

At the end of the day, air cooling systems are pretty useful tools to help you cool down when the temperatures start to rise. Although air conditioning supply has become very common nowadays, however, there are things you need to do before actually rushing out to buy air conditioner.

Just remember that if you’re thinking in terms of the long run, you will never go wrong. At the same time, you get to save more in terms of efficiency and energy conservation as well.

Source by Harry Tan

Busted – Top 3 Myths About An Air Conditioning System

Has your air conditioning system started malfunctioning just after a few months of installation? Well, it is not something that is only faced by you as a lot of people deal with the same issues. Instead of panicking with the thought that all your investment in the expensive air conditioning system you have just bought has gone away, you should see the issues minutely and find out the solution.

Panicking can seem to be relevant, but if you have somehow developed the false notions driven by the misconceptions you already have, you need a reality check.

Let’s face the fact. You cannot discard the HVAC system from your life as it becomes the saviour on the hottest summer day. Therefore, you need to get over with the misconceptions and trust believing on essential facts associated with the system.

Here are some of the misconceptions along with the truth beneath it you need to look at.

“You can cool down the room temperature fast by setting the temperature too low.”

Well, you have to realise that the air conditioning system does not work in that way. It absorbs the hot air in your room and drags it out through the ventilation. The room temperature gets cooled down automatically.

Even if you set the temperature of the air conditioner too low at the first place, it will continue to work at the same pace, leaving you with no options other than to wait. Instead, pushing the temperature to drop down drastically, it may leave an impact on the compressor, causing it to wear out too fast.

“Air conditioning servicing is wastage of money.”

Do you believe in this fact? If so, get ready to pay a ransom amount of money for the repairing work as the filters will stop functioning in the next few months. Moreover, it will also degrade the compressor and does not let the air cool down too quickly. Keeping the filters clean is essential to keep your house away from getting infected by a bacterial infection or allergen attack as the dust and dirt get accumulated in the filter.

Consider it mandatory to call up the professionals for air conditioning repair and make sure air filter is entirely free from dust particles. It will prolong the life of your system and give you a fresh breath of air all the time.

“Replacing the AC is always a better option than repairing”

Another common misconception regarding air conditioning repairing is to consider replacement as a better option than fixing it. A lot of people will suggest that the expenses you have to bear regarding AC repair is almost similar to the price of a brand new air conditioning system and therefore you should buy one instead of repairing the old AC.

Well, it is not the truth. It requires complete replacement only when there is no way out. Problems with the cables and other electrical malfunctions can also cause disturbances in the air conditioner. Hence, it is wise not to take any decision without a foolproof inspection.

Final Words

Make sure you call up a reputed service provider to get the job done instead of rushing to get the cheapest services. The experiences of the professionals can contribute to diagnosing the issue with your system and give you immediate solutions. Carry out extensive research to find out the best services in your locality and get significant advantages regarding work quality as well as the pricing.

Source by Natasha Unger Nandi