Muhammad Mukarram Technical Services L.L.C
What Brings About Malignant Mesothelioma?

Exposure to asbestos is one of the most common causes of mesothelioma. Over 50% of mesothelioma patients have a history of asbestos exposure. This exposure can occur directly during handling of the fiber material or can occur by environmental exposure.

There are many documented cases in which patients of the disease lived close to asbestos or coming into contact with asbestos when some of the fibers were converted into the air. The most affected are ship builders, construction workers, car mechanics (in particular brake lining work), insulation workers, pipe locksmiths and radiators and workers ground and ground. Roofer.

In addition, for those who had exposure to asbestos and smoking as well, the risk is exaggerated. Studies show that asbestos workers who also smoke are 55 times more likely to die from mesothelioma than non-smoking without exposure to asbestos.


Erionite is a mineral that has a long and thin structure, such as a rod amphibole. Exposure to this mineral is associated with an increased incidence of mesothelioma. Many cases of mesothelioma due to exposure to erionite have been diagnosed in the central anatolia region of Turkey.

Erionite is a brittle, fibrous mineral found in areas where volcanic and ash were exposed to the elements, usually alkaline. It is bright or white, and erionite looks like wool or glass.

As the mineral asbestos, erionite can be dangerous extremely if it is disturbed and released into the air. Also just like asbestos fibers, erionite microscopic small fibers can be inhaled and enter the lungs.

Once inhaled, their size can undermine the natural filtration system of the lungs and deposit in the Mesothelium, a protective lining surrounding vital organs. This in turn can lead to a rare form of cancer called mesothelioma. The exposure to erionite more is closely linked to the mesothelioma of the abdomen (lining of the stomach) and the pleura (lining of the lung). It also seems to be linked to fibrotic lung diseases and lung cancer.

Erionite is not regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), although it shares many properties with asbestos and presents risks.

Asbestos is the main cause of malignant mesothelioma in most patients. If you or a loved one who are exposed to asbestos, you are in danger.

There is no minimum exposure level as safe. Make sure that during your health care routine, tell your doctor about previous exposure to asbestos, especially if you have a feeling of breathing difficulty, dyspnea, chest pain or cough. Although these symptoms do not indicate the presence of a disease they are the most common symptoms and should be further investigated when exposed to asbestos.

Source by Frank Amankonah

Contact Beds For Wastewater Treatment Filtration

In this type of wastewater filtration, the sewage applied on the contact material is allowed to stand undisturbed for some time before, being emptied and an interval is allowed before recharging the contact beds. During the ‘contact period’, when the filter is standing full, the fine suspended particles of sewage are deposited on the contact material and worked over by the anaerobic organisms. During the ’empty period’ that follows next, the deposited matter is oxidized by the aerobic bacteria. It is then washed off the contact material and carried out with the sludge effluent on the next emptying of the tank.


Contact beds are watertight tanks with masonry walls and very much similar in construction to an intermittent sand filter. The contact material is made of broken stone called ballast and is of 2.5 – 7.5 cm gauge. The tank is filled with the sewage over a period of an hour; allowed to stand full over a period of two hours, then emptied through underdrains. This process takes another hour. The tank is now left empty for 3 to 4 hours before admitting the next charge. (Thus with a total working period in a shift of 8 hours, the contact bed can be worked in three shifts daily). The organic loading in this case is about the same i.e., 1.1 million liters per hectare per day.


The contact beds method is now only of historical interest and not commonly used. This is mainly because of the loss of efficiency brought about by the exclusion of air when the tank is standing full. For an efficient biological action, it is imperative that the aeration should be through the mass of sewage. It has therefore, been superseded by more efficient biological wastewater treatment process, as in the case of trickling filter wastewater treatment method and activated sludge plants. However, the contact beds have some merit when compared to the trickling filters as:

(i) Lesser operating head required

(ii) Freedom from filter (psychoda) flies

(iii) Lesser nuisance due to odor

Source by Richard Runion

How to Analyze the Qualities of Good Cleaning Companies

Getting a cleaning company within the shortest time possible can be stressful and time consuming. This is especially true if you have never dealt with any cleaning company before. When you are looking for cleaning companies to hire, you should only consider the best in the industry. Finding the best would involve knowing the qualities that set certain companies apart from others.

If you can get companies that are proved, rated and accredited, you will reap many benefits. A company might rate among the best if it has a prestigious health and safety certification and accreditation, such as Contractor Health & Safety Scheme (CHAS) accreditation. In addition, the best companies should have employers and public liability insurance.

To determine the best professional cleaners, they should offer you competitive, qualified and market priced quotations. The service they provide should be reliable and of high quality. The level of expertise that the company possesses should be of utmost concern. In many cases, an experienced company would have a higher level of experience.

The best companies should invest in the best equipment to enable them do their work as efficiently as possible. Some of the common cleaning equipment that the companies should have include vacuum cleaners, sweeper, scrubber dryers, high pressure washers, outdoor maintenance machine, scrubber dryers, carpet cleaning machines, buffing machines, etc.

Most companies buy vacuum cleaners to carry out daily cleaning of offices, retail stores, hotel room and other light to heavy-duty applications. Such vacuum cleaners should have a strong filtration system to ensure that the quality of air within your room is not compromised during cleaning.

If you are concerned about noise pollution, you should insist on hiring a company that uses equipment that produces minimal noise. If you manage noise sensitive facilities, such as offices, reception areas, and hospitals, the cleaning companies in London should offer you guarantees of minimum disturbance from their equipment.

If you want to have the best company among hundreds of others, you should consider getting multiple quotes from different cleaners. This will enable you compare and ascertain the most suitable one for your needs. The comparison should be done to find out which company provides the best service offer. You should insist on getting detailed quotations. You may make a more informed choice if the quotation includes details such as buying of consumables like toilet paper and cleaning chemicals. By knowing such information beforehand, you can easily plan your finances to cater for the availability of the required items.

The best cleaning experts should be able to offer you multiple cleaning services, including emergency cleaning services, periodic carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, pressure washing of surfaces and floor waxing.

The best companies are those that offer assurances and guarantees for their services. For example, they should provide a contingency solution in case their cleaning employees are absent for any reason. If you get a company that offers customized cleaning plans, you will be able to choose the most appropriate time for cleaning to be carried out. With such great tips, you will be able to get the best cleaning service for your needs.

Copyright @ FastKlean

Source by Antoaneta Tsocheva

Asthma Generated by Cockatoo? Is It Possible And An Effective Solution

If you have recently adopted one of the many stunningly beautiful varieties of Cockatoos and are enjoying the bird tremendously, congratulations. But if each time you spend more than 5 minutes in close proximity to the bird, you find it hard to breathe, you’ve adopted a problem that you hadn’t counted on. Is it possible that the bird is causing these symptoms, and if so, what can be done?

This is not that uncommon a reaction for people who adopt powder down birds such as Cockatoos, African Greys, Cockatiels and Amazons. In addition to the dander that all birds create, Cockatoos also create a white powder that helps their wings stay healthy.

The protein in the dander and dust often cause people with asthma, allergic asthma, and allergies to become symptomatic with wheezing, shortness of breath, itchy or watery eyes, runny nose, congestion, and sneezing. Studies have shown that there are more people who react to birds this way than to any other type of pet.

So what can be done? You can literally clear the air. And the best technology for doing that is HEPA (or high efficiency particle arresting) filtration. This type of filtration is designed to efficiently eliminate high volumes of airborne particles. Eliminating these particulates will greatly reduce the allergens in the air and make visiting with your bird not only possible but enjoyable.

To be designated as a HEPA filter, it must be able to eliminate 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particulates with 99.97% accuracy. The particle size that is able to eliminate is.3 microns or greater, with a micron being defined as one millionth of a meter.

One of the most common ways for bacteria and viruses to spread is by attaching to airborne particulates making them available to be inhaled. And even though many types of airborne germs are less than.3 microns in size, by eliminating the particle you also get rid of the germs. And the most refreshing part about this technology is that there are no harmful side effects produced when the air is cleaned. The only by product is fresh clean air for all.

Eliminating the dust and dander is also good for your bird. Because birds’ airways are so small, they are easy to clog. And once they are clogged disease and infection often follow. And often once you are aware that your pet has a problem, it’s too for them to be saved.

HEPA filtration can greatly reduce the airborne allergens that are triggering your respiratory problems, and make your air the healthiest it can be for you and your bird.

Source by Debbie Davis

Anti Aging Tip – Does Chlorine Cause Your Skin To Age Faster?

Chlorine has been added to our water supply since the early 1900’s, and for the most part, it really hasn’t changed much over the last 100 years. If you’ve ever been swimming in a chlorinated pool, you know how harsh it can be to your eyes, skin, and even your lungs, but did you know that chlorine actually cause your skin to age faster?

Well if you didn’t know you are about to find out just what chlorine does to your skin. Let’s start by clarifying one thing – chlorine is not used because it is the safest chemical to disinfect our water supply, it is used because it is the cheapest. Studies have shown that the cancer risk in those that drink chlorinated water is 93% higher than in those that do not. That in it self should make you stop and take notice. But what about your skin?

The chlorine in the water might make it safe to drink but in the process, it is ruining your skin. Chlorine is classified as an oxidative agent that is designed to attack any living organic matter. That’s why bacteria in water are killed. However, it’s also why your skin is so vulnerable to damage; after all it too is an organic matter.

But it gets worse. When you have a hot shower, the chlorine vaporizes into the air then it combines with organic compounds hanging around the air and the result is the formation of chloroform gas, which is a strong irritant for your lungs, and it can also cause fatigue. In fact, you can absorb more chlorine in a 5 minute shower than you would drinking 12 liters of tap water in a day! If you plan to shower, then think about using a shower filter to filter out the chlorine from the water.

Chlorine causes your skin to become dry and your hair brittle. And because our skin is like a sponge absorbing whatever is placed on it, studies have shown you are at risk for more serious diseases such as breast cancer.

As the chlorine dries out the skin it ages the skin faster. One of the best ways to combat the effect of chlorinated water is to add one of the special filtration systems to your homes water system. You can also buy special filters that attach to the shower, which can remove chlorine. It’s best if you can completely eliminate the chlorine in all of your water system including your drinking water.

There are also lotions that you can apply to your body that form a barrier that will protect your skin from the chlorine when you shower. It won’t however stop you from breathing in the vapors.

It’s also important to keep your skin well hydrated with a quality moisturizer. Remember exposure to water even excluding the chlorine can cause you to have dry skin and that will age your skin because the elasticity is reduced. How to solve this issue of chlorine? Use a shower filter to filter out the harmful chlorine. This will keep the skin soft and supple and help to protect the skin.

Now that you know what chlorine can do to your skin, you’ll need to consider your options not only to slow the process of aging the skin but also for your overall health.

Source by Marcus Ryan

How to Repair a Hot Tub Filter Housing Leak on a Hot Tub?

Filter Housing Leak Review

Sooner or later, you will need a hot tub leak repair depends on how you care for your spa. A tub spa normally does not leak. The majority tub leaks can be derived to certain parts of the tub such as: heater assembly manifold, pump wet end seal, jet bodies, PVC plumbing parts and tubing, slice and gate valves, connections. It is recommended to do tub leak repair in the beginning to avoid hot tub severe damaged.

Leak and discolorations are the most filter housing problem. Discoloration is usually happened on an older hot tub while the hot-tub leak unclean water. Housing leak can damage tub overall if you don’t do anything, not so with discoloration.

Filter housing discoloration is a nature event with really nothing you can do now but know it is happening. Over time it will happen to brittle and easy to break. Until it starts being a problem and it’s out of spectacle, let it be not in of mind as well.

The discoloration will not hurt anything including housing; it is just natural discoloration from over a decade of use. You do not need to worry about it since it is still working well.

How to repair a filter housing leak spas problem?

Having a housing leak in your hot tub can be a real throbbing, especially if you don’t know what you have to be done. You need to call tub repair professional for easy way.

The best way to stop a leak between the filters housing and the shell is by draining some of the water in your tub to get it below the filter. You can add some good silicone sealant and caulk all of the seams between the tub shell and the filter housing.

Make sure to press the sealant into the gaps with your finger or caulking tool to get good penetration and let it set until fully cured before filling. Filter housing leak might cause a plumbing leak or damage the housing when you try to remove it. So you must do carefully.

Make sure there is no strain on the filter housing system, the o-ring locks up with strain. Depending on the diameter of housing, a large pair of channel locks or a strap wrench should work. But be careful to hesitate you don’t want to break the filter head. Remember to do carefully.

Source by Peter Jhowen

Aquarium Filters – The Pros and Cons of Each Filter

Having a good aquarium filter can make the difference between enjoying fish-keeping or not. Here are descriptions of the different kinds of aquarium filters available, what kind of tanks they are best for, and the overall pros and cons of each option.

Corner filters

These small clear plastic box filters have an airstone that pushes water up through layers of floss and charcoal. The box sits in the gravel in a corner of the tank. Sometimes they need to be weighted down to keep them from floating. They are very cheap, but not terribly efficient. While they do add some aeration to a tank, you are not going to clean up a dirty tank with this kind of filter.

Sponge filters

These are similar to corner filter, but there is no floss or charcoal or even a plastic box — all filtering is done through a sponge. Again, this is not a very efficient filter, but it does help. Sponge filters are used in fry and quarantine tanks because they create no strong currents, and they do clean up a tank a bit, and they provide some aeration. Fry may also enjoy nibbling algae off the sponge.

Undergravel filters

Undergravel may be the best choice for a standard community tank. You can also combine an undergravel filter with a exterior box filter for some extra clean water. The benefits are that undergravel filters are relatively cheap, they do a good job once they are established, and they do not create strong currents that some fish, like bettas or discus, will not like. These filters use biological and mechanical filtration by pulling the dirty water in the tank down through the gravel. The plastic aisles of the undergravel filter hold the gravel up so there is a small space at the bottom of the tank. This is where most of the debris is captured. The clean water is pushed up through two tubes on either side of the back of the aquarium and pushes the clean water out — fairly gently — through two window-shaped grates.

Undergravel filters use your aquarium’s gravel as the filtration media. While there is mechanical filtration, most of the action is happening via biological filtration in the gravel. So these filters may take a few days to show you clean water. There’s also no way to upgrade them aside from adding a powerhead, which is only going to add more pull. You will also need an air pump to run an undergravel filter. The stronger it is, the more filtration you will get.

External/hang on the side filters

These filters are boxes that do most of their work just outside of the tank. They hang on the side with an uptake tube that goes down into the tank. The dirty water is pulled up the intake tube and pushed through a series of sponges and usually a bag of activated carbon. This performs biological, mechanical and chemical filtration. The clean water is pushed out through a trough formation that spills into the tank.

These kind of filters do create a bit of current, especially if you have got a large tank. They can handle tanks up to 100 gallons, and if you had a larger tank than that (lucky you) you could just add a second filter. These kind of filters have to be cleaned about every week to two weeks by squeezing out the sponges until all the trapped particles are released. Sometimes small fish get caught or pulled up by the intake tube, but this only happens with very, very small fish. That said, do not use these kinds of filters in a fry tank. Otherwise, they do a pretty good job and are a very good filter for the money. They run about $20 for a 20 gallon tank. “Trickle” filters is similar technology.

Canister filters

These are the “big dogs” of the filter world. Unless you have a community tank that is over 50 gallons, using a canister filter is a bit like swatting a fly with a cannonball. The benefit to canister filters is that they do a very, very good job and you do not have to clean them more than once a month if that.

Some people “cheat” and buy canister filters made for tanks two or three or even four times the size of their aquarium and then (sometimes) they can get away with cleaning the filter less than once a year. If you have lots of extra money, but very little extra time, this is a viable trick for those of us who hate cleaning the fish tank (you still have to do water changes, though). The downside is that cleaning canister filters is a big deal and they are quite expensive ($75 to $300).

Source by Pamella Neely

Different Types of Water Tank Storage

Are you decided in getting a water tank for your home? If you are, then have you decided on which tank construction material you will choose? There are different materials available in the market today, and if you picked the wrong material in your home then you might have unexpected water contamination and immediate repairs. But don’t worry because here is your basic guide in choosing the right type of water storage.

The old fashioned type of water storage tank is the concrete water tank. This is entirely made of concrete which is also the primary material used in building establishments and houses. This is durable, fire resistant and chemical resistant and is often used in farms and in rural communities. The concrete tank is known for decades but it is still said to be one of the safest and effective types of water storage.

Another type of water tank is the steel storage tank. It is made of steel and is durable and heavy. One problem of this type of material is that it is prone to rusting. A very good solution is to apply safe and non-toxic coatings so that there will be no instances of rusting. Another problem is the inflexibility of the material when the air pressure of the climate changes. It could result to damage or tank explosion.

The last type of tank is the plastic water reservoir. It is the cheapest tank among other storage tanks, and is flexible, lightweight and safer unlike steel vessels. But a problem with this type is its vulnerability to heat. Once the temperature rises, it will be prone to melting and the plastic liquid can easily be mixed with the water contained inside.

Choose the best water tank for you according to your budget and your climate needs. Get your ideal water tank so you will have fewer worries in the future.

Source by Ed Purvis

How To Identify A Quality Hydraulic Oil

In an optimally running hydraulic system, the temperature would remain consistent throughout the fluid’s duty cycle, the temperature of the fluid would never exceed 130 degrees, and the vented outside air would always be clean and dry. In these conditions your hydraulic oil could last forever and you would never have any equipment failures. In reality, none of these conditions are easily achievable, if not impossible. In a single duty cycle, a hydraulic oil can see changes in temperature ranging from 100 degrees to 500 degrees and even higher in areas of extreme high pressure. This rapid change in temperature leads to high levels of condensation (water) in your system.

Additionally, depending on the application, it is difficult to keep your reservoir temperatures below 165 degrees, which is the point that regular mineral based hydraulic oil starts to break down and oxidation occurs leading to sludge and varnish build up. Top that off with dirty, humid outside air being drawn in through the breathers and you have dirt and water that are definitively not good lubricants for your pump. With these conditions you can start to better understand why doing proper filtration and using a quality hydraulic oil is the only way to achieve a long service life for your equipment and your hydraulic fluid.

Outside of using after treatment devices such as heat exchangers to assist in controlling heat, fluid filtration systems to remove particles of debris, and reservoir breather filters that help absorb incoming moisture and debris, it is your hydraulic oil that is ultimately responsible for protecting your hydraulic system and keeping it running to minimize down time. With so many different options in hydraulic oils as well as quality levels it is important to understand what makes one product better than the other.

When it comes to all lubricating oils, it starts with a base oil. Using high quality base oil in a hydraulic lubricant means it will have fewer waxes, which leads to better flow properties as well as enhanced ability to shed water readily. The base oil will also have a more stable hydrocarbon molecule structure that resists thermal break-down, a process that leads to oxidation and ultimately varnish and sludge build-up. And it will have a better “Stay in Grade” capability, which basically means the hydraulic oil won’t get too thin in high temperatures leading to wear at the pump. A top notch base oil will also resist thickening at cold temperatures, which leads to pump starvation and improper valve operation. Finally, the proper mix and concentration of additives provide the correct amount of protection to your pump without holding water droplets in suspension. This is very important in hydraulic systems that have condensation issues and that is why we don’t generally use motor oil in a hydraulic system. Because of the high level of additives in motor oils, they will hold water in suspension which is not a quality you want in a hydraulic system.

So how do you determine whether your hydraulic oil is a quality hydraulic fluid? Review the product data sheet. This will tell you all the typical properties of the product as well as how it performed on standardized tests. Let’s review BlueSky Lubricants PureBlu Hydraulic Oil as an example. To determine the quality of the base oil go to the Oxidation Stability Test, ASTM D-943. This test procedure, which is reported in hours of performance, measures the oils ability to resist oxidation at elevated temperatures. BlueSky’s PureBlu Hydraulic Oil reports 5000+ hours. You can be assured that this product uses a high quality base oil considering most hydraulic oils come in between 1000 to 3000 hours. If a product data sheet doesn’t report oxidation stability, then you can almost guarantee it doesn’t perform well. Another key to base oil quality is the hydraulic oils pour point, the lowest temperature at which the fluid stops flowing. BlueSky’s PureBlu Hydraulic Oil reports -27 degrees F. This is outstanding for a single grade product. Some lesser quality products don’t have the ability to flow at 0 degrees. Not that any of our hydraulic systems have to operate at these low temperatures, but this is just a great indicator of your products quality. Another quality characteristic is reported in the Viscosity Index (VI). This gets back to an oils ability to “Stay in Grade” as it is affected by temperature. BlueSky’s PureBlu Hydraulic Oil reports a VI of 100. This is very good being that the higher the number the better the expected performance of the oil. Lesser products report Viscosity Index’s in the 80’s and 90’s where synthetic oils have viscosity Index’s starting at 120.

Finally you have your additive levels which are reported as Sulfated Ash Content. In hydraulic oils, zinc weight, being zinc is your main anti-wear additive used to protect your pumps. This is the area that you are limited in how much additive you use because it will affect the oils ability to separate from water, which is critical in most hydraulic applications. If water is an issue, look at the hydraulic oils demulsibility test, ASTM D5182. This is the time in minutes that it takes for a mixed sample of oil and water to separate. BlueSky’s PureBlu reports a 10 minute pass time, which again is an outstanding performance for a hydraulic oil. Beyond looking at these standard performance levels, certain hydraulic oil incorporate additional enhancements to their product to assist in operation. For example PureBlu Oil is dyed blue to help quickly identify leaks as well as help determine what product is leaking on a piece of equipment that has multiple lubrication systems. This is no different than knowing whether or not a leak on your garage floor is from your transmission.

Bottom line, your hydraulic fluid is a very important purchase that should be taken seriously. Hopefully you now have some insight and useful tools to help make this important decision for your hydraulic system’s needs

Source by Richard A Rose

Fabric Make Of Filament Yarn Has Larger Tenacity Than Spun Yarns

Yarns are threads produced by drawing and twisting together of fibres. They are the basic material used for making various apparels and fabrics. Yarns are made up of any number of plies, each ply being a single spun yarn. These single ply of yarn are twisted in the opposite direction together to make a thicker yarn. Depending on the direction of this final twist, the yarn will be known as s-twist or z-twist.

The two main types of yarn are filament yarns and spun yarn. Filament yarn is made when two or more filaments or yarns are drawn and twisted together which stretches the yarns slightly.

Spun yarn is made from staple fibres also known as shorter fibres. These include all natural fibres except silk, but may also include synthetic filaments which have been cut to form staple fibres.

Staple fibres are made into a yarn by combing to straighten the fibres, drawing, and spinning. Staple yarns tend to be bulkier, softer, and less lustrous than filament yarns, which are usually used for smooth, shiny fabrics. However, filament yarns can be given different textures, by different texturing and bulking processes.

Filament yarn is smooth, so the fabric make of filament yarn has larger tenacity than the fabric made of staple yarn, as well as greater air permeability. Filter fabric made of staple yarn has hair on the surface, so it is better than filter fabric made of filament yarn for dust collection and pressure filtration. While the fabric made of filament yarn has smooth surface and high air permeability, so it is suitable for liquid filtration. Silk is the only natural single filament yarn available in the market today.

Source by Christopher Mantford