Muhammad Mukarram Technical Services L.L.C

Tag Fixtures Repairing & Maintenance

Options for Beautiful Outdoor Garden Lighting

Applying outdoor low voltage lighting to gardens is a specific application of low voltage landscape lighting. Every garden is unique and reflects both the gardener and the particular landscape effects the garden creates. In fact, there are just as many definitions of a garden as their are gardeners.

Most people today refer to flower gardens and not vegetable gardens when they talk about lighting. But gardens can be hedges, or trees, or cactus, or various combinations of any of these.

Most experts agree that gardens should be lit vertically rather than horizontally. This means the lights should shine up and down, or preferably from above or below the plants to get the effect of the sun shining down on the plants or a reflection of the sun from underneath. This is considered to be the most natural way to light a garden. To achieve this effect, lighting fixtures can be attached above the garden, on trees, walls, fences or even architectural elements. This also keeps the lighting elements safe from being knocked about by children or pets.

Since the garden lighting will be displayed in the dark, it’s important to make people feel safe and comfortable at night in the garden. To do this, experts recommend you add lighting to pathways, borders and boundaries to give a welcoming effect. If you’re worried about the lights attracting insects, you can add a blue light further away from the garden to attract insects away from the garden. Insects can see a blue shade of light the best, and most will flock to that light.

As far as the type of lighting that is optimally used for outdoor gardens, LED’s are the consensus choice. LED’s offer bright light that can be supported by batteries or even solar power. Their small form factor makes them ideal to use for paths, borders, walkways, fences, statues and even above and below the garden.

When using solar LED lights, their most popular form comes in staked versions which can be hammered into the ground to act as path lighting. On the top of the lights are usually small solar panels which will store power from sunlight during the day and automatically light up the area around them for a few hours at night. LED string lights are also a good option for hanging on fences, walls or borders, offering lots of light with little work to install.

Source by Lydia Quinn

Riobel Faucets Review: A Few Things You May Want to Know

A home can’t be called a home if it does not contain any faucet. Whether you realize it or not, faucets are crucial fixtures that are perfect in managing the ever precious water. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize the importance of carefully selecting their faucets. If you deliberately chose Riobel Faucets for your kitchen and bathroom needs or if you bought them because they happened to be the most available when you needed faucets, then this article is for you.

What are Riobel Faucets?

These are basically faucets made by the Riobel company. They vary from other faucets by virtue of the brand name Riobel and the emphasis the company places on its products. Riobel has the self-defined mission of providing the best faucets, shower systems and other related products to the general public. This company already has around 15 years of beyond satisfactory service to its pleased customers.

Why are faucets made by Riobel different?

Although all companies constantly spend on the development of new product lines and preserving high quality standards, Riobel differ from the rest in terms of the kind of people working for it and the type of consumers advocating its offered items. Riobel has a very strong grasp on the reality that vigorous enthusiasm is essential in everything its people do, especially in ensuring that trusting clients will be aptly aided in achieving hassle-free home maintenance or renovation.

Riobel’s faucets are conceptualized and manufactured in such ways that the buyers will not have so much trouble installing them. Mechanical parts can just be purchased swiftly, because they are conveniently placed above many counters. This customer-friendly environment allows faucet owners optimal cleaning and maintenance success. With Riobel being distributed by a very fast network, it is logically expected that customers can make the most out of Riobel products. The company also does its best to make sure that the product design, actual manufacturing process and quality control system will produce completely durable products. This durability prevents unnecessary expenses that may be brought about by frequent repairs, replacements or product upgrades. To provide additional customer protection, these long-lasting products are backed up by limited lifetime warranties.

What kinds of faucets does Riobel make?

Riobel manufactures durable, visually appealing, warranty-protected and well designed faucets for kitchen or for bathroom uses. These faucets come in different models that will definitely cater to the aspiration of all person types (be they classical, contemporary or midway between the two). A few designs are perfectly similar to the faucets that can be normally seen in public establishments and typical households, while most of the designs provide uniqueness and an additional layer of personality. These designs are based on varied references and inspirations, such as adherence to classical designs.

Aside from overall appearance, Riobel Faucets also vary in terms of the applied finish. Options include brushed bronze, brazen bronze, polished chrome, brushed chrome, polished nickel and brushed nickel. Aside from adding another dimension in visual diversity, these different finishes also provide different textures and endurance levels.

Source by Arrick Chakraborty

Repairing Your Gooseneck Lamp

While it is generally not really that worthwhile to repair your gooseneck lamp, particularly if it is the cheaper type of gooseneck desk lamp, there may be times when you would prefer to do so. Some repairs are all together too difficult to attempt, but there are some that you can safely try.

The first repair, or maintenance, that you will probably need to do with your gooseneck lamp is replace the light bulb. If your light will not turn on yet it is plugged into the switch and the power button is pressed on, the first thing you should check is your light bulb. Usually these screw out. With some lamps you can easily see if the filament is broken by holding it up to the light. It may not be as easy to tell with other bulbs, however. You should try to keep one or two replacement bulbs on hand so that you can instantly switch to a new bulb should you suspect yours is broken. If replacing the bulb with a brand new one does not resolve the problem you may have to look further.

If you have the type of gooseneck lamp that clamps onto something you may have problems if the spring on the clamp breaks. With a little ingenuity and some basic handyman skills, it is often possible to fashion your own base. You can attach the broken clamp to a piece of 2 x 4. You may need to weight the bottom down, especially if the shade section of the lamp is heavy. If so, look for some heavier metal that you can attach to the base of the wood. That should give you enough weight on your base to keep the lamp positioned properly. Be sure to sand the wood and paint or stain it afterward.

Sometimes the wiring is broken. This often happens close to the plug, especially if you are in the habit of grabbing the cord to pull the plug out of the socket, rather than grasping the plug itself. It is actually fairly simple to replace a plug. All you have to do is cut the old plug off, strip the wires, find a new plug and attach it to the wires, carefully entwining the wires around themselves so that a connection will be formed. Wrap up the individual twisted wires with electrical tape and then finally wrap some black electrical tape around the cord where it was cut.

Of course, these simple tips may only help on a temporary basis. As gooseneck lamps are actually fairly inexpensive, you may find it is easier and perhaps more safe to simply pop out at the next earliest convenience and buy a new one.

Source by Susan L. West

Now You Lien It – Then, You Won’t

I’ve been reading long, gas-baggy recorded documents like Declarations of Easements and Restrictive Covenants for so long that my eyes instinctively roll back, revolting at their recognition of the familiar stack of paper. These instruments are particularly prevalent in shopping centers and office and industrial parks, and mixed use projects that incorporate varieties of commercial product types. They mandate owner maintenance and repair, cleanup after a fire or other casualty, insuring each lot’s common area, and other assorted obligations pertaining to their respective parcels. The declarations customarily make, courtesy of the Declarant, dire threats for non-compliance with this and that obligation, including an owner’s failure to reimburse the Declarant or another intervening owner (called an “intervenor” here) if it must step in and do the work of maintenance, repair, cleanup, payment of delinquent taxes or special assessments, affording of liability insurance, and so forth. The instrument typically provides that the failure to reimburse the intervenor for fixing the mess neglected by the uncooperative or disengaged land owner will constitute grounds to impress a lien for reimbursement against the miscreant’s parcel that “may be foreclosed in the manner of a mechanic’s lien.” Here’s one illustration:

Any sums remaining unpaid in accordance with Article [number] or Section [number], together with interest calculated at three percent (3%) above the prime rate charged by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., or any successor thereto, or at the then-highest annual interest rate allowed by law (whichever is less), may be secured by a lien on the parcel of the owner in default and may be perfected in accordance with the laws of the State of Arizona, which lien shall retain the priority of title of this Agreement and may be foreclosed upon within one (1) year of the date that the lien is perfected.

Sounds awfully impressive, even though that text fails to describe the type of lien contemplated. I’m thinking, however, that this is wholly unenforceable claptrap, noble statement of remedial purpose notwithstanding. Item First: the manner of lien perfection goes unexpressed, perhaps with good reason. There are only two means in Arizona to perfect a lien on commercial real property (excluding fixtures filings, and a certificate of purchase creating a lien for the repayment of “funded” real property taxes and assessments) validly held by a non-governmental entity-via the mechanic’s lien statutes and the mortgage/trust deed statutes. I can dispose of the latter avenue for a wannabe lien in a few words. A consensual lien against real property must be signed by its owner or someone authorized by law to do so on behalf of that owner. Merely participating in a larger development of property governed by CC&Rs–however assertive these may be–does not constitute a grant of authority by a land owner sufficient to constitute an intervenor his attorney-in-fact to legitimize recording a foreclosure-worthy, mortgage-type lien.

Item Second: One assumes, since there’s no “proxy deed of trust” available to a fellow owner in a “restricted” commercial development, that someone contemplated a lien like that perfect-able and executable under our State’s mechanic’s lien regime found in Chapter 7 of Title 33 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. On the surface, one further assumes that the aggrieved intervenor procedurally first records a Notice and Claim of Lien, followed by a suit to be brought within the period set forth in the Declaration after the date of recording that Notice. Whoops. Apollo 13 to Houston-we have a problem.

Issue One: The mechanic’s lien statutes [A.R.S. §33-992.01(B)] require, “as a necessary prerequisite to the validity of any claim of lien,” that a preliminary 20-day notice be served upon the owner, any general contractor or any construction lender. See also A.R.S. §33-981(D). There’s one, tiny, very limited exception to this requirement-the subcontractor who’s physically out on the parcel where the work is being done. So say the declaration requires, in the event of casualty, that the affected owner of that damaged lot has to make repairs or “scrape the improvements” to eliminate an eyesore. If the neglectful owner doesn’t do it, and the intervenor takes care of the matter, unless the helpful owner was physically performing the work on the lot himself, there’s no mechanic’s lien enforcement rights, no matter what the declaration says. Have a look at Performance Funding, LLC v. Arizona Pipe Trade Trust Funds, 203 Ariz. 21, 49 P.3d 293, a 2002 Arizona Court of Appeals decision, for the (currently) final word on that limited exception to satisfying the state’s 20-day notice service statute.

Issue two implicates the timing aspect of the enforcement of the wannabe lien described in the declaration; while the CC&Rs drafters can choose any deadline they wish by which the intervenor can pursue reimbursement against the miscreant owner, Arizona courts won’t indulge the claimant unless he hews to the mechanic’s lien enforcement deadline-assuming that the intervenor even gets that far, which I doubt it will. In Arizona Department of Water Resources v. Rail N Ranch Corporation, 156 Ariz. 363, 752 P.2d 16 (1987), our Court of Appeals filleted DWR when it tried to foreclose, after two years had lapsed, under a wannabe lien under a state statute providing that “the [department’s] lien shall have the force and effect of a mechanic’s lien” and “may be foreclosed in the same manner.” Yeah, sure, ruled the court-even if Arizona’s legislature can “incorporate by reference” certain provisions of the mechanic’s lien statutes, DWR doesn’t get to substitute its own period of limitations on enforcement, inconsistently with the “incorporated” statutory scheme. If you don’t file your suit within 180 days after recording your lien claim, as the mechanic’s lien enforcement statute provides, you’ve snoozed too long. (Note, however, the appeals court did not declare the DWR lien to be void from its inception; it just dismissed the department’s untimely enforcement of its purported lien.)

Issue three is whether it’s fantastic to believe an intervenor can use the lien rights in Chapter 7 of Title 33 at all. You don’t have to be a licensed contractor to avail yourself of the right to lien under A.R.S. Sections 33-983(A) or -987 (subject to compliance with the 20-day notice, etc.) for this fundamental reason: Both statutes provide that “a person who labors” upon someone else’s lot can impress a lien. The words “contractor” and “subcontractor” and “architect”-licensed persons, appear throughout Chapter 7; so the legislature understood the distinction between licensed and unlicensed individuals and companies. That is what the Court of Appeals held in Performance Funding, LLC v. Arizona Pipe Trade Trust Funds; the union’s funds did not have to be licensed to impress the lien, although they could not enforce what they filed.

So can you do something about this CC&Rs mess, and breathe life into what seems an unenforceable provision in your declaration? Well, do you need to do anything more in Arizona, if, as declarant or another owner subject to the CC&Rs, the intervenor can obtain a money judgment on a claim of failure to reimburse, and can record that judgment lien against the miscreant owner, to encumber its title until the intervenor is paid? It is not sufficient just to let a “declaration lien” (assuming the intervenor records an instrument reciting in the lien notice that it is based upon A.R.S. Sections 33-983(A) or -987, and that service of the 20-day notice was appropriately done, together with the text of the declaration) ride as a cloud on title to the other owner’s property. Under the common law, once the lien is stale (after six months without filing suit), it will be deemed unenforceable-and becomes a “groundless lien” under the provisions of A.R.S. Section 33-420.

Source by Michael N Widener

Main Causes of Home Water Damage

Insurance companies report that approximately 93 percent of water damage claims last year could have been prevented by simple home maintenance or the use of a standard shut-off system or leak detection system. With most flood damage claims costing an average of $5,000 in repairs, it’s extremely beneficial for homeowners to understand and easily identify possible threats that might lead to water damage.


According to insurance companies, rain damage makes up for 8 percent of all water damage claims. Even small amounts of rain, over time, can wear down at your home and cause eventual damage to your home’s foundation or interior. Extreme weather conditions such as floods can also cause major damage to homes, especially without the proper protection. Flood damages lead to especially dangerous amounts of standing water, which can house harmful bacteria and pathogens that often lead to illness.

Plumbing Incidents

Many plumbing problems such as burst pipes and pipe leaks occur within walls and can be very difficult to detect. Left undetected for long periods of time, these plumbing problems can cause severe water damage. Leaky and burst pipes are the most common culprits of flood damage, often resulting from backed up drains and toilets. Experts suggest regular inspections of your pipes in order to catch potential problems and make necessary repairs before any real damage occurs.

Household Appliances

Older and malfunctioning appliances can wreak havoc on a home’s internal water systems. Weak hoses and rusted or cracked pipes can lead to future leaks and water accumulation. Homes most frequently experience damage from damaged or aged washing machines and hot water tanks; however, dishwashers, refrigerators, and water heaters can also become more and more susceptible to damage over time. Fixing or replacing older models can prevent future leaks and water damage.

Air Conditioning, Heating, and Ventilation Systems

Most homeowners don’t realize that their heating and air conditioning systems require regular maintenance. Without proper attention, these units can see severe moisture buildups which can contribute to the growth of mold and mildew deposits. To prevent these issues, schedule regular maintenance with a professional to catch possible damage. Replacing old fixtures may be necessary in the long run to prevent moisture buildups and, ultimately, water damage.

How to Prevent Water Damage

While some water disasters occur as a result of unpredictable and uncontrollable circumstances, most H2O damage can be prevented through regular home inspections and the periodic maintenance of household products. Homeowners can also install a shut-off system or leak detection system to catch leaks and shut off your water main automatically in the case of a hazardous leak. Investments in smaller repairs and other preventative measures can end up saving you hundreds, even thousands of dollars in the long run.

Source by Allison Caldwell

How to Start an Industrial Maintenance Company

If you want to start an industrial maintenance company, there are several things that you need to do to be successful in this kind of business. Just follow some important information below before you start your industrial maintenance company.

The first thing that you have to do is to make preparation. This type of company commonly provides wide range of services that include cleaning, repair and routine equipment maintenance, installations, and painting. It is known that there are different requirements from various industries. Therefore, as an entrepreneur, you should spend your time to find where there is a need and also what kind of lack services in the area. You can start by finding the experienced staff before you offer services that you may not be able to provide. You can hire an electrician who is already familiar with the large industrial equipment. Besides, you also need to search for subcontractors at the beginning who are able to work on-call every time when needed.

The second thing that you should do is to train and hire a cleaning crew. The crew has to be prepared for handling jobs like cleaning industrial curing ovens, fans and light fixtures, ductwork and exhaust systems, in addition to floors, offices, and restrooms. By cooperating with training company, you can be easily to train cleaning crew.

The third thing that you need to do is to invest in software program which can beneficially help you in managing your business and also giving you the ability in managing the schedules of maintenance for your clients. By offering this service to your customers, you will be able to take off all of the maintenance concerns from your clients while you can make yourself indispensable and securing the contract. Besides, you also need to search for suppliers that offer innovative cleaning products which can make the best use of your staff time as well as impress clients.

Source by Alexander O Mcgee

The Importance Of Getting Plumbing Right

Plumbing is mainly one of two major types including the plastic pipe plumbing and metal pipe plumbing. Plumbing is the skill of working with piping and tubing systems used for providing water and disposal of sewage and used to transport and drain water.

Materials used in home repair plumbing will include many items such as: augers, plungers, screwdrivers, washers pipe wrenches, adjustable wrenches, pliers and caulk. There are plenty of plumbers that specialize in shower set up, drain repair, and many types of restroom plumbing issues. There are different types of plumbing commonly been used by plumbers to set up watering systems. The plumbing has to meet the wants of a active bathroom as properly as setting up the bathroom plumbing appropriately. Basement bathroom plumbing is commonly referred to as sub-rough plumbing.

Another method to basement bathroom plumbing is installation of a plastic sump beneath the basement floor. Three major aspects of plumbing are installation of new pipes, repair work that needs completing and maintenance contracts. Plumbing work will include all new fixtures and installation for kitchen, lavatories, floor sinks, and connections. Plumbing is a hands on job which requires long hours, working out of hours, evenings and weekends. Plumbing is an extremely-expert commerce requiring a number of areas of particular knowledge, training and expertise.

If you are looking for a plumber to do some work in your home choose a good one with plenty of experience and references to ensure whatever work you require is done to your satisfaction and requirements. Once, my father employed a group of none registered plumbers to do some work on his ensuite bathroom and they ended up making a complete hash of it. They didn’t weld the pipework together (in fact I think they used piping that was stolen from a factory down the lane) and after only a very short period of time leaks started to appear.

We did not realise that the leaks where slowly filling up the ceiling above the drawing room and one day while father and his chums where playing billiards, the whole ceiling came down on them. It cost about twelve thousand pounds to recover the billiard table not to mention the complete embarrassment my father felt as some of the guests where distinguished gentlemen from his circle of business.

He learnt it the hard way that you must employ only qualified plumbers and not just anyone who thinks they can do the job.

Source by Simon Galloway

How to Save Money on Plumbing Repairs

If you are looking to save money on plumbing repairs, you are not alone. Maintaining your home is an inevitable part of every homeowner’s responsibility. Even if you are very diligent at properly maintaining your house, eventually, something will break and you will need to fix or replace it. Household plumbing is included in this list of things that eventually breaks and when it happens, you will want to get the best possible deal for repairing the situation.

Wouldn’t it be much simpler and less expensive if you had basic plumbing skills and the tools to go along with any repair that may surface in your home? The next best thing is to keep up with preventative maintenance so that you don’t have to resort to calling an emergency plumber when the toilet clogs or when the kitchen sink won’t drain anymore. Since the most frequent plumber calls have something to do with clogged drains that create floods, it is only natural to make sure your drains and toilets are free of grease, hair, food scraps, children’s toys and towels.

In the kitchen, to avoid grease build up, don’t be pouring fat down the drain! Even better, go vegetarian and avoid the grease and oil from unhealthy foods…but I digress! Actually, if you regularly pour boiling water mixed with a degreaser down the drain, it will greatly improve your chances of keeping your drains clean. As for hair, you can buy an inexpensive trap that you can simply clean every so often.

Another category of preventative plumbing you can do at home is to install water saving fixtures in your home. Unless you have your own septic bed and well, water and sewage treatment can cost you dearly, especially in large cities. If you reduce your consumption of water, you will instantly save money. Many fixtures today are designed to save energy and money. All you need to do is to look out for these fixtures and install them or get them installed in your home.

Of course, if there is something in your home that really needs to be repaired and you are not sure how to go about it, it is definitely time to call a trusted plumber. To reduce your costs for plumbing work, ask for a quote ahead of time and try to be as flexible as possible as to when you want the repairs done. Many plumbers will negotiate if you are lenient as to when he can come and do the repairs. It doesn’t hurt to ask!

Source by Sophia Rodriguez

6 Quick Tips for Fiberglass Boat Care & Maintenance

A well-maintained fiberglass boat has the potential to offer many years of boating, pleasure and fun. While a fiberglass boat does not need an extensive amount of maintenance, it can still benefit from a practical maintenance schedule. Issues with a fiberglass boat include repainting the hull, repairing any cracks, and giving a good clean and polish. Proper maintenance is certain to keep the boat operating issue free for the long-term.

Get organized by writing out a maintenance schedule to ensure the work on the boat is completed on a consistent basis. A separate calendar for boat cleaning can itemize the best times to check parts for failure or wear, apply fresh paint, give a general clean, or prepare for winter lay-up.

Below are six steps to maintain the aesthetics, performance and safety of the fiberglass boat:

1 – Fresh water rinse

After using the boat in a saltwater environment give it a complete wash down using clean, freshwater to help remove all signs of salt residue. Also, make sure to clean the outboard engine (if applicable). A build up of salt residue can soon start to eat away at the finish of the boat.

2 – Superstructure (clean)

Give the entire area of the deck (superstructure) a complete wash with a high-quality marine soap, warm water and soft sponge. This should include washing and rinsing the windshield, deck boxes, vinyl seats, etc.

3 – Scrub the Deck

Scrub down the hull, deck, fixture and fittings using a pH-balanced and biodegradable that is especially intended for marine applications. A medium stiffness deck brush is likely to give the desired results. Avoid the brush with stiff bristles as this could potentially damage the boat’s finish.

4 – Superstructure (dry)

After the superstructure is fully cleaned make sure to thoroughly dry the surfaces using a dry, soft cloth.

5 – Windows and upholstery

Give the windows a sparkling shine using a home solution of water and vinegar or a more typical commercial cleaning product. Also, give the upholstery a good coating of a commercial vinyl solution to ensure the boat and equipment is well-maintained at all times.

6 – Polish and protect

A high-quality polish can help to protect the surface of the fiberglass hull once it has been given a good wash. A quality wax benefits the fiberglass material by providing a hard shell and a great shine. This protective layer will help to minimize signs of color fading or discoloring after long-term exposure to salt water. Use the right equipment when polishing to avoid scratching or digging into the surface of the hull.

Source by Leo Eigenberg

Masonry Chimney Repair – Getting it Right For Your Home

There are chimneys in most homes, adding to the warmth within the home. The difference between various homes’ chimneys is the actual construction and design of the chimney. A masonry chimney is one type of flue that is quite common in many homes, and many times with age will require some sort of repair.

Use of any flue will eventually age it and age through elements will definitely erode any structure, making it necessary to maintain your masonry chimney in the most proper way. It’s inevitable that everyone isn’t a masonry flue repairer, which means that you must not only know when your flue needs fixing, but just who to employ for the job.

It is most often needed to perform some sort of masonry chimney repair when your home’s vent has been in place for many years. This is most common when purchasing a home that hasn’t been occupied in a while. Even if you have occupied your home but haven’t used your vent in a while, the nonuse could allow it to wear with age. If you don’t frequently clean or provide maintenance to your flue, it can often erode or become damaged through time. Any of these situations could greatly require the need for a great flue repair company to provide the most appropriate repairs for your chimney repair needs.

Getting just any chimney fixing company will not do. You must do your due diligence and research companies to find those that are most experienced and skilled in the repair as this is a major fixture within your home. If the job is not performed correctly, you will end up having more costs down the road and most likely worse damages than before.

With a masonry flue created of solid units made from brick, stone, or other masonry material, the company you choose should be able to provide the materials needed to perform the most accurate and proper repair to your specific vent. Masonry chimneys are also lined with specialized fire clay flue liners, meaning that the company you choose should also be able to provide the most appropriate lining for replacement to your original chimney.

When you are able to distinguish the need for masonry chimney repair, you will be better able to choose the right company based on what you need. You should be able to find a company that can provide you with a great repair service, that is accompanied by a great price.

Source by Derek Farley