Muhammad Mukarram Technical Services L.L.C

Tag Installation & Maintenance

Koi Pond Construction – Your Three Choices

Building a koi pond can be an expensive and time-consuming process. It can be very expensive if you hire contractors to build an in-ground pond and install all the pumps and filters that are needed to keep the water clean. Whether you contract the job or build it yourself, if you want to get a good estimate about the cost of koi pond construction (before you buy any fish), there are several things you need to decide.

The first consideration is the size of the pond itself. Many koi owners insist that bigger is better. There may be some basis for this since koi, as a member of the carp family of fish, can grow to be very big fish and the size of the pond determines how many fish you can have in it. Bigger fish need bigger ponds. It is a simple as that.

After the size has been determined, you must decide how you want to build it. There are basically three pond construction methods to choose from. Each has some specific advantages and disadvantages.

1. In-ground concrete pools: Construction is more difficult, often requires professional installation and sometimes requires a permit from a local zoning board. The advantages are easy to see. Concrete ponds are built with rebar reinforcement and can last forever with minimal maintenance. It is easy to install bottom drains for the filter systems and since all the plumbing is underground, utilities can be located anywhere you want.

The biggest disadvantage is the expense and time involved in designing and installation. But if you are not planning on moving, this may be the best choice. Look at swimming pool designs and construction before you start sinking money into this hole. Dream big and add everything you might want before you start. It might be a good idea to get competitive bids from several contractors before making your choice.

2. Preformed fiberglass pool liners: Fiberglass is a good second choice for a long-lasting pond with long life and low maintenance. The cost of a preformed fiberglass pool can be considerably less than concrete construction and takes a lot less time to install. But the advantages are the same as concrete.

A big disadvantage is that some fiberglass pool liners are difficult to transport and still may require some professional help during the installation. Design and planning is important because you still have to dig a hole to put the liner in, install plumbing and backfill around it after it is installed.

3. The third option is to use a flexible liner. Liners are the easiest and fastest way to build a koi pond. This makes it easy for a do-it-yourselfer or the mechanically challenged to construct a pond on a budget. Liner ponds can be built above ground or partially underground and in any size you want. A mojor advantage is that they can be moved or removed if needed. Plumbing is simplified and if the filter system is carefully chosen, maintenance is fairly easy.

Above ground liner ponds can be constructed of almost anything, bricks, concrete blocks, stone or even wood. The choice of material is entirely up to the owner.

A major disadvantage of liners is that they have to be replaced and are subject to punctures and leaks. A good underlayment of styrofoam, geotextile or vermiculite will reduce the chances of a puncture from an outside source. Taking care when installing plants and fixtures inside the pool will also reduce the chances of a leak.

Most above ground ponds are limited to two feet above ground level. This seems to be the most convenient height for viewing your fish and for cleaning and maintaining the pond. If you want to increase the depth to three feet or more (recommended by most experts), this can easily be putting the pond partially in-ground.

Koi pond construction is a major undertaking for most people. If you already have a pond, then just stock it with koi and watch them grow. If you want to build a koi pond, go for it. Having a pool full of beautiful fish that you can enjoy for years will be the end result.

Source by Marshall Crum

Hire The Best Commercial Water Heater Repair Burbank

A consistent hot water supply is vital for business operation. However, when there is a breakdown of the hot water tanks, there can be an inconvenience and cost you high. Moreover, there can be catastrophes if not taken care of in the early stage. If your hot water tanks is more than 10 years old, then it’s time to replace it with the new one. When there is damage or a halt in the water supply, hiring commercial water heater repair Burbank Plumbing Boys, is the right decision you can take. Plumbing Boys offers prompt service with complete insight on the water heater repair service.

Timely Maintenance:

Like every other appliance, the water heater will require maintenance regularly for safe and efficient working. As the heater gets old, it will require maintenance. Hiring hot water heater repair Burbank service Plumbing Boys will help you determine the type of care needed based on different factors, including location, design, quality of installation, and water quality.

When you look forward to installing a water heater, you will come across different options. This include-

Conventional: Using electricity or gas power to heat the water inside the tank, which is significant in the tank. You can find this in commercial establishments.

Hybrid: Hybrid heater uses a tank and heat the pump. This is certainly the most efficient method that can reduce the water heating cost up to 60%.

Tankless: Under this, water heats up instantly and can lower the water heating costs by 30%.

Some Signs You Will Need Repair Service:

There are situations when it may need attention for commercial treatment.

Brown Tinge to the Water: When the tank isn’t cleaned for long, the interior area starts getting rusting or corroded. If the corrosion continues, the water quality gets affected.

Leaking Tank: As the tanks get older, there is a high chance of leakage. This leakage can hardly be fixed. In most cases, the replacement is the only possible way.

Clogged Drain Valve: In some cases, sediments get collected at the bottom of the tank. This further blocks the drain valve causing issues.

How Do Plumbing Boys Help?

If you want to hire a tankless water heat repair Burbank service, Plumbing Boys will do the job effectively. Expert plumbers carry in-depth knowledge about replacement and treatment and they will ensure that the water heater has the proper venting and isn’t a fire hazard. Their commitment to the work is what makes them unique from other plumbers.

Source by Prakash Babu

Roofing Works and Services

Roof covering installation and assembly

Roof structure is often called “roofing pie” and not without reason – indeed, any rooftop consists of several elements, which, sort of stratifying on each other, create strong safeguard for housing. Each of coating construction’s layers performs its own designated role, whether that be moisture-proofing, noise insulation, or defense against heat loss. During roof’s installation it is important to pay particular attention to the sequence of coats in order to ensure effectiveness of their functions. Basic elements are:

– damp-proof membrane and vapor sealing pellicle;

– warmth-keeping lagging;

– protection against wind;

– roof-boarding material;

– ventilation arrangement;

– other components.

Roof installation implies creation of such a “pie”, which at the final stage is covered with cladding or thatching, and, if necessary, is painted. Material selection to obtain the desired hermeticity and durability is carried out with due regard to climate characteristics, building’s designation and architectural peculiarities, roof’s structure (flat or pitched). In addition, it is important to consider degree of loadings imposed by snow, winding and other atmospheric phenomena.

Assembly of flat-deck and inclined roofs, other roofing activities require different approaches, equipment and appropriate knowledge of installers. Let’s take a detailed look at different roofs’ specificities, and focus on such important operational aspects as repairing, maintenance and mounting of rainwater systems.

Features of flat roofs installation

Flat roofs with a slope less than 2.5 degrees are arranged by means of fusion-bonded reel-fed materials or polymeric membranes. These stuffs are designed specifically for terraced-roof option, customized in light of its profile, that gives them maximum protection against weathering, ultraviolet exposure, etc. Assembling rolled materials is accomplished by welding sheets of roll composition roofing using hot air. Various mastics allow achieving waterproof membrane’s perfect impermeability.

Assembly of membranous rooftops is executed by attaching the fabric to roofing’s screed; membrane sheets are fastened between each other by hot-air welding method. Extruded heat retainers, mineral wool rigid insulants and expanded plastics are applied for flat-deck roofs’ winterization. Installation technologies and insulation’s choice is determined by roofing type and loads intensity on it.

Pitch roof installation notes

Pitched roofs with a slope of above 8-12 degrees are covered with different roofing materials, among which the most common are clay roofing shingles, metal tile, profiled sheeting, flexible bituminous shingle and cement-sand tiles. In most cases choice of suitable option id driven by customer’s personal preferences and size of budget allotted for housetop arrangement.

Corrugated sheets and metal shingles are installed by laying on lathing and fastening with special self-drilling screws. Folded covering assembly involves the use of specialized equipment, by which galvanized steel sheets are bonded in seams (single or double). Flexible bitumen tiles are laid on roof’s substructure, which is preliminary necessary to be carefully prepared – cleaned and dried. Mounting versatile bitumen plates is executed overlapping or on self-adhesive tile layer (in certain cases – asphalt coating compound), or by means of nails. Species of slate are laid on prepared lathwork; shingles are attached using stating nails with rubber gasket and anticorrosion cap. Holes for nails in sheets of slate are drilled in advance. Thermal insulation of inclined roofs, implying the presence of loft (or mansard), is produced using fiberglass or mineral-based materials having density from 35 to 125 kg / cubic meter. Depending on whether attic or mansard will be arranged, heaters are attached along the slope or on ceiling slab respectively. Qualitative carrying out of works on roofing weatherization can substantially reduce electricity consumption for heating and improve reliability of the entire roof structure.

Roof repair

Despite the fact that installing carried out by professionals ensures housetop’s trustability and its primary function – protection against atmospheric precipitation, nevertheless sooner or later a necessity of repair arises. Roof repair, regardless of its type, is divided into current and capital. Current repairing includes eliminating small defects in coating (cracks, bumps, depressurization of joints), and if necessary, elements’ partial replacement. Major overhaul implies replacing roofing material, comprising dismantling of old covering, restoration of roof structure, installation of thermal insulation, installation of new coverage and painting (if necessary).

Timely conduction of current repairs allows to maintain the roof in excellent condition with minimal resources and efforts. Permanent maintenance performed by professionals is important to detect and correct defects.

Roofing maintenance

In order to extend roofing’s service life and eliminate the need for major repairs, attendance is conducted, implying thorough inspection and elimination of existing defects. Different types of covering require individual approach and high professionalism. Examination should be done at least twice a year for timely detection of potential problems. Roofing service may also include roofing cleaning spillway chutes and pipes, sealing elements of roofing system, cleaning debris, snow and ice from the roof, painting elements that have lost their original appearance and many other things.

Drainage systems arrangement

Organization of gutters is necessary action in building any rooftop. For pitched roofs exterior drainage system is used, consisting of pipes and gutters fabricated of metal or PVC. Properly organized water disposal shields facade and basement from premature destruction upon exposure to moisture and, in addition, allows giving the house more finished attractive look.

Choice of material and shape of the drainage elements is dictated by customer’s financial resources and personal aesthetic preferences. In most cases, installing PVC gutters is less expensive, but because of their properties to change under influence of temperature, plastic pipes and gutters can lead to leakages. Modern rainwater systems’ manufacturers for this purpose develop special sealants delivered with PVC gutters, which can significantly prolong their lifespan.

Copper cunettes are considered to be the most durable, but other metallic watercourses also have an excellent performance and can serve for decades. “General Builder” also offers solutions for flat roofs, where internal runoff systems, including spillway funnels, pipes and connectors, are organized. Professionals’ participation is necessary for optimal calculation of load, imposed on drainage system. Works should be carried out with clear correspondence to requirements specified in regulatory documents, taking into account structure’s slope, dimensions, and many other factors.

Source by Anzelm Tannerman

How Cloud ERP Software Can Add Value to Your Business

Cloud ERP gives you the opportunity to select the deployment option that fits your particular need so that your business will be taken to another level. You can also explore models like software-as-a-service (SaaS) in the cloud in contrast to the conventional on-premises software application.

Cloud ERP lowers your business’ total costs as well as flat-fee prices and there is a high level of security, privacy, easy accessibility and integration. You can also move your data at anytime while new features and functions are added continually. It is a flexible and cost-effective option for medium-sized businesses because of its pricing model that comes with various alternatives like paying a flat fee for unlimited users which can boost return on investment (ROI).

Furthermore, Cloud ERP provides application scalability and reduces cost on hardware. The hassle of managing hardware, software and upgrades is reduced while upfront expenses are also reduced. You can create an internal cloud in order to reduce constant hardware costs even as you maintain a greater control over integration as well as have local access to your data server.

You will also save money and time on installation and maintenance. Cloud ERP delivers access from any device on any platform devoid of costly and intricate VPN and remote access software. It can be managed from a central data store so that you can have access to real-time data and dashboards from anywhere. You will also have the opportunity to make use of it in multiple locations if you have branches.

In addition, due to its multi-tenancy in nature, cloud ERP is not costly. The cost of upgrade and product update is also reduced and the swapping between flexibility and cost gives good reason for a multi-tenant infrastructure and a multi-tenant platform. However, the multi-tenancy takes place at the infrastructure, platform and application levels.

Big companies can own a server containing many servers as a cloud datacenter. This is referred to as internal cloud but if a company has only one server, there will be limitations in the ability to add capacity. Hosting is another method of outsourcing IT operations and it can be only effective if the software does not have any client components.

Cloud ERP makes the integration of various areas of your business easier. Using the cloud in contrast to traditional ERP applications will give you an edge over your competitors because of the amount of money and time you will save.

Source by George O Olushola

5 Simple, Basic Home Maintenance Steps

While, for most people, the value of their house, represents, their single, largest, financial asset, it’s somewhat amazing, so many, do so very little, to protect it, to the best of their abilities. While we’ve all heard the adage, An ounce of Prevention, and some, heed this advice, when it comes to their health, etc, and even some of their other investments, etc, few homeowners do so, regularly. This article will attempt to, briefly, examine, review and discuss, 5 simple, home maintenance steps, which go a long way, towards protecting this investment, in a way, which makes sense, from a more bang, for the buck, perspective.

1. Resealing: Nearly every driveway, uses some sort of paved surface, and most rely on blacktop, because it works well, and is relatively, cost – effective. This tar – based, surface, is what, nearly every road, uses. Because of weather changes, chemicals (such as salt, etc), we generally witness, a degree of wear – and – tear, which begins with slight cracks, and irregularities. Rather than let this go, and hope for the best, or try to ignore it, an effective, cost – efficient way, to proceed, is to seal, this area, on a regular basis. In areas, where there is a significant difference in weather, and temperatures, on a seasonal basis, especially, doing this in the fall, will often prevent further damage, etc!

2. Leaves: Commit to regularly clearing, and removing leaves, both, from ground surfaces, including gardens, lawns, and other surfaces, as well as from roof areas, including leaders, and gutters! Doing so, significantly reduces greater challenges, and potential expenses, such as deterioration, and damage to leaders and gutters. Depending on one’s comfort level, this can be done, by the homeowner, himself, or, by hiring someone, to do it for you!

3. Paint chips: Whether on the inside, or the exterior of a house, addressing paint issues, sooner, rather than later, is the most cost – effective, approach! When there are exterior, paint – chips, scrape and repaint, before it gets worse!

4. Clear drains: If you hope to avoid ground water, issues, it’s important to, commit to clearing the exterior drains, so they can do their job, as designed. Remove leaves, and other obstructions and/ or impediments, so you aren’t faced with unwanted flooding, or excessive, avoidable icing, etc.

5. Seal windows and doors: Is air leaking from below, beneath, or the side of exterior doors, etc? Are your windows keeping the cold out? Paying some attention to this, and using items, such as caulk, door – sweeps, etc, will save energy costs, and keep your house, far more comfortable.

These may seem obvious, but many people, still, don’t address them! Taking these 5 simple, basis, maintenance steps, is a great preventive measure!

Source by Richard Brody

Mechanical Seal Installation For Centrifugal Pool Pumps

Your swimming pool pump is one of the key component in your pool filtration system; however, there will be times when it will require some major repairs. One of the more common repairs done on a pool or spa pump is the replacement of the mechanical seal. This is one of those repairs that could cost you a pile of money. A more cost effective way of doing this repair, is learning how to do it yourself.

Purpose of the pump seal

All centrifugal pumps have a shaft seal installed. The purpose of these shaft seals is to stop the water or liquid that is pumped from leaking along the shaft. Understanding mechanical pump seal designs is very important. It teaches you how a basic mechanical seal works. So how do I change the seal on my swimming pool pump? Please understand! Some pump seals are installed a little differently in some swimming pool and spa pumps; however, the principle purpose of the seal is the same. And that is to stop leaks.

Mechanical seal repair

Before you begin your seal repair, you have to kill all electrical power source to the pump motor. Once the power source is disconnected, you have to lock out the main circuit breaker. This will prevent any accidental switching of the power.

Tools and resources needed for the seal replacement

Replacement of pool pump mechanical seals require some basic tools and parts for the job. These are items such as:

  • An open end wrench set as well as a good ratchet set.
  • A new mechanical seal for the new install.
  • A set of flat screw drivers.
  • Emery cloth (sand paper).
  • A bearing puller. To help remove the pump impeller.
  • A new replacement impeller. This will only be needed if the one that is on the pump needs replacing.
  • A new volute paper gasket. You will not be able to re-use the original one.
  • Hammer or heavy duty rubber mall.

Now that you have the tools and parts needed for the repairs, you can proceed.

Steps to a successful shaft seal change

  • Double check that your main circuit breaker is off and locked out.
  • Close the valves on both the discharge and suction side of your pool pump.
  • Loose the bolts that is holding the motor in place on its base plate.
  • Back the motor away from the pump section and secure the flex coupling.
  • Loose the drain plug on the volute housing to release and drain the pump housing.
  • Loose the bolts that connect the volute cover plate to the volute.
  • Loose the pump stand blots and separate the cover plate from the volute. Using the back away bolts. You may need to use your hammer to lightly tap the cover plate away.
  • Using your ratchet, remove the bolt that is holding the impeller in place.
  • Pull the impeller off the pump shaft. If it is hard to remove, use the bearing puller to aid in its removal. Inspect the impeller for wear and tear. This will determine if it has to be replace. If the impeller is in good condition, use care in its removal. You don’t want to crack or bend the impeller.
  • Once the impeller is removed, remove its holding key from the slot on the shaft.
  • Using your screw driver, remove the spring and the rotating component of the old seal from the extended end of the pump shaft.
  • Next, remove the ceramic (stationary component of the seal) from the seal recess in the volute cover plate. To do this, you have to turn the cover plate over and gently tap the damaged seal out.
  • With the old mechanical seal completely removed, inspect the pump shaft and sleeve along with the seal recess for damage. There are times when you may have to replace the pump shaft but that is another repair within itself.
  • Clean the seal recess with emery cloth and water and dry thoroughly. Clean the extended end of the shaft and sleeve to remove all the rust and dirt.
  • Open the new mechanical shaft seal, be careful not to touch the polished face of the seal faces. Also do not rest the mechanical seal on down on your work table. The faces of the pump seal is easily scratched and once this happens you seal is not longer useful. It will leak.
  • Install the stationary part (ceramic portion with the black rubber cup) of the seal into the volute cover plate. Remember it has to installed in exact manner as the old one. Also check and make sure that this part of the seal is inserted all the way into the seal recess on the cover plate.
  • Now slide the rotating part of the pump shaft seal over the extended end of the shaft. Carefully push it down towards the polished face of the ceramic piece in the volute cover plate.
  • Insert the impeller key into its slot on the pump shaft.
  • Position the impeller over the shaft, aligning the slot of the impeller with the key and slide it into place.
  • Replace the impeller washer and blot and tighten.

Now you are ready to re-assembly your pool centrifugal pump.

But first you need to replace the volute paper gasket and secure it in place with a little RTV silicone sealant. Always use non-hardening silicone lube on all your swimming pool and spa pump repairs. DO NOT use Vaseline or any other lubricants made with petroleum. They can cause problems by eating away some paper and plastic gaskets. Once the paper gasket is in place, you can begin your re-assembling of your pump.

  • Slide the volute cover plate assembly into the volute of the pump housing.
  • Line up the holes for the cover bolts.
  • Insert the bolts and tightened in a crisscross pattern. This helps the cover plate assembly to slide into place without the impeller binding to the walls of the volute. housing.
  • Re-insert the flex coupling into its hub and slide the motor back into place; thus aligning the hub on the motor to the end of the flex coupling.
  • Insert the holding bolts for the motor. Align the pump and motor to ensure proper operation. Failure to do this will cause your mechanical seal to fail again.
  • Open the valves to both the discharge and the suction side of your pool pump.
  • Restore the electrical power supply to the pump motor.
  • Run the pump system and check for any leaks.

Congratulations! You just saved yourself a pile of money, by replacing the mechanical seal on your pool pump. I invite you to visit my site, where you will find a wealth of information that will help you manage your pool/spa correctly. Just click the link in the resource box.

Source by Elkin H Jones

Affordable Garage Door Repair Services

The garage door is practically the largest moving object in a home. It therefore calls for proper care and maintenance if at all it is to serve its intended purpose effectively. The maintenance will also add longevity and reliability to the doors. There are very good companies that offer repair services. The companies will simply take care of any repairs that are needed. These companies also offer other garage door services such as new door installation and installation of garage door openers. When you find a good company, you can enjoy all the services that you need with your door without moving from one company to another.

Garage door problems can result from different reasons. The spring and rollers for instance, can break or snap as a result of age. The doors can also get squeaky and unstable over a period of frequent use hence requiring repairs. It is also common to run into the door by accident or incidents where the doors get stuck and won’t move. The repairs will therefore accommodate different needs, including he repairs and replacements of door essentials such as cables, rollers and springs.

How are the repairs done?

The professionals will start by examining the garage door to really identify the source of the problem that you are facing. They then will recommend the best solutions since there might be need to replace some parts. If you are working with a good repair company, you will be provided the hardware options that you need to have the problem solved. The door issues are usually not that extensive unless you are having the entire door replaced. You therefore can expect the repairs to be completed in a couple of hours depending on the extent of the damage and the labor that is needed to have it running.

When going for new garage door installations, the options are numerous. The companies offer anything from traditional overhead doors to powder coated doors and steel or wood carriage door styles. These are options for residential settings. For commercial settings, they will offer rolling steel, sectional doors, dock equipment, counter shutters and access systems. During the repairs, therefore, you can have any other garage door enhancements done to make your life much easier. You can for instance, have door openers installed to offer you keyless entry through transmitters and receivers.

Finding the Best Repair Services

The simplest way of choosing a good repair company is by looking at the services that it has for you. A good and professional company will not offer the repairs alone. With the knowledge it is supposed to have on garage doors, it should be in a position to offer you other services including installing new doors or installation of openers and other services associated with doors. Through the services, you can tell how much of the company knows hence you will find it easy to trust it in delivering quality services relating to your specific needs.

Source by Shalini Mittal

Comparing the Cost of Asphalt and Concrete

The most common materials for paving streets, sidewalks, and roadways are concrete and asphalt. Both are paving materials that come with a long list of pros and cons, depending on the application. But one of the first questions that comes to mind when deciding between an asphalt lot and a concrete one has to do with cost. Property owners are interested to know which paving material is a more cost-effective investment, and how much their initial price tags might be. Continue reading to learn some helpful cost comparisons for asphalt and concrete.

Asphalt and Concrete Pavements

With proper maintenance and minor repairs, asphalt and concrete pavements can last for decades; asphalt can last 10 to 30 years, while concrete up to 60 years. Both options are strong and durable, standing up well to inclement weather and natural wear and tear. The material you choose for your property will depend on several factors; one of the most influential being price.

Square Footage

Asphalt is one of the cheapest materials for paving, which is why so many streets and highways are paved with this material. For the same kinds of applications, concrete can be more expensive than asphalt. On average, concrete will cost between $3 and $10 per square foot. Asphalt on the other hand will set you back only $1 and $5 per square foot. The size of your lot or space that is being paved is one of the most influential factors in terms of total cost. The larger the scope of the project, the more money it will cost to purchase the materials, pay for the labor, and continue to maintain it year after year. Larger projects require more supplies, equipment, manpower, and time, all of which will also add to the cost regardless if you use asphalt or concrete.


When evaluating the price of pavement, maintenance is something to take into consideration. Although asphalt is cheaper to purchase and install, it requires more routine maintenance than concrete. For instance, asphalt pavements have to be resealed every few years to maintain a protective layer and support proper water runoff. Sealants vary in price depending on the quality and brand. A 5 gallon bucket of a low-grade sealant will cost an average of $6, while a higher-end sealant will run an average of $20 per gallon. These buckets only cover around 400 square feet of pavement, so the math is easy to estimate here. Concrete, on the other hand, can cost more to repair when cracks begin to form. Concrete crack repair can cost anywhere from a few dollar to a few hundred dollars, depending on several factors.


You can conclude that asphalt and concrete are similar in total cost if you consider initial purchase, maintenance, and possible repairs. The best choice for your property will depend on several factors, including soil conditions, location, average climates, intended usage, water drainage, and much more. For this reason, it is vital to consult a licensed, bonded, and insured paving company in your area before making any final decisions. They have the skills and knowledge necessary to guide you in the most cost-effective direction.

Source by Sarahbeth Kluzinski

Green Roof Trays: Back to Basics

Green roof trays are simple, easy to install modules that can help you with your roof repair and maintenance. Each module consists of a solid green roof system, which includes a waterproofing system, rain retention, and protection against thermal and UV fluctuations. Other benefits of green roof trays include habitat creation, noise reduction, rainwater irrigation, and reduced heating and cooling costs. Let’s find out more.

Structure and Design

Green roof trays are a combo of cost-effective installation and design flexibility. Given below are the features of the design structure.

• Strong, rapid drainage and effective storage functions

• Can allow up to 1.8 liters of water and can withstand high temperature

• Overhead layer designing and housing function can keep your roof dry

• Allows multi-layer heat insulation

The Traditional Approach

The traditional approach to build a roof uses a multiplayer system, which requires more time and effort. Given below are the components you need for the installation:

• Structural support

• Roofing membrane

• Root barrier and membrane protection

• Insulation

• Root barrier, water storage, aeration and drainage

• Growing medium

• Vegetation

Advantages of installing a Green Roof Trays System

• Quite easy to assemble

• Can stand the test of time

• Easy to maintain

• No need to build multiplayer

By placing a pedestal below the planter bottom, it will be in an aerial state for better drainage and ventilation. Plus, it will block high-temperature and save you a lot of time and money. Let’s get a deeper insight into the advantage of green roof trays.

Easy to Assemble: Based on your needs, you can get the right-sized planters and put them together to make a garden on your roof. You won’t need any tools to complete the job in a few minutes.

Great Design: With the crisscross water filtration, you can balance water-logging and drought.

Durability: Since the garden box features UV-protected polyethylene, it won’t peel, crack or rot. Plus, there will be no water leakage at all.

DIY Garden on your Roof: Green roof trays can help you make a DIY garden on your rooftop. You can use plastic trays and put them on your roof or in your yard with ease.


Typically, Polypropylene Copolymer is used as the raw material for making these trays. This makes sure that the trays can withstand high temperature to stay with you for years to come.

One planter uses two irrigation systems: the bottom box is for the water storage and the other system is for drop or infiltrating irrigation.

The structure of the modules allows you to assemble or disassemble the unit so you can have different designs.

The trays offer different functions like water storage, drainage, rainwater collection, and infiltrating irrigation.

So, if you want to protect your rooftop and turn it into a garden at the same time, we suggest that you install green roof trays. You will find them quite useful. However, if you don’t know what to do, make sure you get in touch with a professional.

Source by Shalini M

How Important Is Drainage Maintenance?

A drainage system comprises of a water line that carries waste water outside home. Most of the time people often put off their drain cleaning tasks until the day when something serious strikes.

Regular drain cleaning is very necessary in order to have a properly functioning drainage system; this will eliminate clogging that blocks the water ways. A clogged drainage system can run havoc with the interior as well as exterior structure of the property resulting in flaky walls, water logging in the basement and weakening the foundation of the property itself.

The Hazards of a Bad Drainage System

The simplest of clog or blockage could bring about severe destruction such as flooding the whole house and damaging the things inside the house. Most of the home insurance policies do not cover damages caused by water flooding, as a clogged drain shows the home owner’s carelessness to take hold of the problem before it gets out of hand.

The first thing that every new homeowner must learn is that water can cause huge destruction to the home if there is lack of a proper drainage system. For instance, a crack in the ceiling can leak, leading to the ceiling to rot away. If pipes are clogged with high compressions then it can even burst open because of high water pressure. When water saturates and collects in a stationary place it can give rise to the growth of bacteria which can destroy walls and pose health hazards to the inhabitants of the property.

Finding a Drainage Solution

Trained Roofers and Roofing agencies not only offer roof repair and replacement services, but they are also well trained in solving problems related to the drainage system.

The support that these roofing and drainage contractors offer covers the entire area by providing clients with the best resolutions. Their drainage solutions include jobs such as; installation of drainage system, reconstruction, cleaning of drains, waterproofing, excavating, drainage repair and maintenance services. As a matter of fact, these contractors provide complete service that ensures that the drainage system is at par with the rest of the house’s safety and there would not be any future issues to the proper functioning of the drainage system.

The Types of Solution Procedures

Roofing & Drainage Contractors offer residential as well as commercial drainage solutions: Some of the solutions include repair clogged or damaged drain systems, video inspection, drain and sewer cleaning, sewer and sump hook-ups, garden and yard drainage, repair of cracked or leaking foundations, re-construct storm drains, repair and installation of drain tiles, cleaning of electric drains, waterproofing, excavating, and concrete wall repairs.

Source by Abraham Albert