Muhammad Mukarram Technical Services L.L.C
How to Store Handmade Rugs and Kilims to Minimize the Risks of Moth Damage

There are many reasons why people at one point or another need to store their rugs or kilims for an extended period of time. If you follow just a few guidelines, you can minimize many of the risks associated with storing your valuable rugs and kilims. Unfortunately, there is no way to eliminate the risks of moth damage completely, but follow these guidelines, and you’ll at least minimize the risk of having your rugs or kilims damaged while they are in storage:

1. Whenever you store wool rugs or kilims, you should always have them professionally cleaned first. Moths are attracted to dust and dirt; storing a dirty carpet is very risky and greatly increases the chances of having your piece damaged by moths.

2. Wrap the carpet or kilim in a cotton sheet or any other natural material that will allow the rug or kilim to “breathe.” Never store your rugs or kilims in plastic. Plastic or other similar sealing material provides the ideal humid environment for moths to flourish and devour your wool items.

3. Store your rugs and kilims in an area that is exposed to cross-ventilation. Closets are among the worst places you can store your wool rug or kilim because it provides an ideal dark and stagnant environment to which moths are attracted.

4. Keep your rug or kilim away from other wool products while it is in storage.

5. It may seem obvious, but never store your rug or kilim in an area that you know has had a moth infestation.

6. Every few weeks, open your rug or kilim for a day and place it an area where it can be exposed to some sunlight and cross-ventilation (although you may not want to place an antique rug in direct sunlight if it will cause it to fade). Examine the piece for any signs of moths or moth damage and if you find any, take it as soon as possible to a professional Oriental rug cleaner and restorer to have the problem addressed. Do not procrastinate and give moths more time to extend the damage.

Lastly, remove your rug or kilim from storage as soon as you can find a good home for it. Rugs and kilims were made to be enjoyed so never store them for longer than you have to. Follow these guidelines and you’ll go a long way to minimizing the risk of having any damage done to your handmade rugs and kilims while they are in storage.

Source by Atilla Kosker

The Benefits of a Wireless Commercial HVAC System

Whether you plan to remodel you current office or commercial property, or plan a new construction for your company, you must consider how the heating, air, and ventilation system will figure into your plans. For businesses involving in a new building, the idea of committing to more recent technologies and innovations in the industry seems likely. Wireless systems specially designed for commercial enterprise are not only gaining popularity, but will possibly become the future where commercial HVAC is concerned.

What are the benefits of having a wireless system to control your office heating and air? Take into consideration these points:

1) A wireless system is more cost effective. There are less materials required to set up the system, therefore less parts to worry about and purchase/replace. Already you are working toward a more efficient way of heating and cooling your commercial property. Consider, too, that a wireless system does not take as long to install as a traditional HVAC, so workflow is not interrupted.

2) Ease of use. Wireless sensors set around your building and other workplace property are simple to use and adjust where needed. High quality equipment helps guarantee round the clock comfort for employees and customers/clients.

3) Less maintenance. A system from a trusted name in commercial HVAC will run on a long-life battery and provide you with few problems. Even in the instance of an equipment breakdown, wireless systems have proven simpler to repair or replace.

4) Cost efficiency. As your wireless system properly manages the heating and cooling of your buildings and offices, you may find your monthly energy bills decrease. Sensors in place will detect activity and temperature and adjust accordingly so you are not necessarily heating or cooling an unused area.

5) Flexibility. Because wireless systems, naturally, have no wires, the motion sensors may be adjusted to place anywhere they are needed. If you decide to renovate your office – take down walls, move furniture – the sensor can be easily relocated to a place where supplemental heat or air from a fan or copier will affect it.

Wireless technology is the future, and it is fair to say that the future is here. When you install a wireless system to manage your commercial HVAC equipment, you benefit your company with reduced energy bills, increased comfort, and the convenience of a heating and cooling solution that lasts. Consult with your area commercial HVAC contractor to learn more.

Source by Kathryn Lively

Five Secrets to Preventing Your Crawl Space Pipes From Freezing

Your crawl space needs to be your main focus when freezing weather comes knocking. Keeping your crawl space above freezing temperatures can save your water pipes from freezing and bursting. Plumbing problems from freezing pipes can cost you thousands of dollars and the inconvenience of being without water until they are fixed.

The following are five secrets to keeping your crawl space above freezing temperatures and your pipes intact during the cold winter months:

  1. Prepare for the Cold Weather – Benjamin Franklin once said that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is as true today as it was when Franklin made the quote. Take the time to inspect your crawl space and look for any leaks from your pipes. If you see any leaks, get them fixed before it leads to bigger problems. Check your crawl space doors to make sure they are correctly working for maximum ventilation. Replace them if needed. A crawl space with high humidity and moisture can lead to structural and plumbing problems. A small investment for as little as $99 can potentially save you thousands of dollars.
  2. Open Your Cabinets – Believe or not, your bathroom and kitchen cabinets with plumbing on the outside walls of your house can help or hinder you with the process of protecting your pipes during cold spells. Take the time to open your cabinet doors and let the heat from your home help keep the pipes warm. Every little bit helps!
  3. Keep the Drip Going! – Keep a slow drip going in your faucets so that this will hinder your pipes freezing. Water in motion is harder to freeze than water standing still.
  4. Insulate Your Pipes – Make sure your pipes have the right insulation for the winter time. Over time, the insulation may have worn off your pipes exposing them to the elements. Inspect and replace any insulation that is worn or missing.
  5. Crawl Space Covers Are the Key – Inspect your crawl space access for structural damage that can lead to cold air getting into your crawl space and causing potential problems. Replace them if needed, and if you don’t have one, I would suggest you buy one. For under ten dollars, it will be one of the best investments to help keep your home and pipes safe.

So, go into this winter knowing your pipes are protected from the elements. Following the five secrets to keeping your plumbing safe and you will save thousands in repair bills and gain peace of mind.

Source by William Sykes

Three Ways Your Business May Be Killing Your Employees and Customers

Yes, you read the title of this article right! Three overlooked causes of serious health problems are having a detrimental impact on the health of employees and customers. Fortunately, important research is bringing these vital business health concerns to light. According to a landmark 2018 report from the World Health Organization (WHO), leading Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) in homes and businesses are:

* Environmental noise;

* Air quality; and

* Water quality.

Governmental health agencies worldwide are actively studying SDoH using advanced cloud-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. This article will discuss the importance of these findings on business owners. Other articles in this series will present inexpensive methods for improving health in polluted business environments.

Environmental Noise

Both indoor and outdoor factors contribute to the level of noise in homes and businesses. Indoor sources of noise include ventilation systems, white noise machines, and appliances and other machines. Outdoor sources of noise include cars, trucks, airplanes, playgrounds, schools, and construction and other urban activities.

According to the WHO report, the expansion of urban activities, highways, airports, and low-quality building construction increases the level of noise that people are exposed to in homes and businesses. All told, these factors are known as “environmental noise.”

In addition to hearing loss and lack of sleep, SDoH studies have revealed that excess noise has other detrimental effects on health. Guidelines based on AI analysis of SDoH found that the relative risk for death by heart attack or stroke increases 14% for every 10 dBA increase above the annual average of 45 dBA daytime and 35 dBA nighttime.

For example, a 50 dBA turbine installation that meets current US and EU standards, running all day, every day imposes a 7% increased risk of heart attack and stroke annually on people exposed to the turbine’s noise.

Since the typical business office “cruises along” at 55 dBA, it’s easy to see the negative effects that noise is having on employees’ health!

Consequently, WHO noise guidelines of 45 dBA day and night will soon be adopted in the US by the NIH, HUD, NIOSH, EPA, and HHS. This means it behooves businesses to proactively implement measures for reducing noise.

Air Quality

As opposed to noise, poor air and water quality are more “silent killers.” In business, owners are responsible for providing a healthy workplace by ensuring proper building construction and maintenance. Management of moisture requires proper control of temperatures and ventilation to avoid excess humidity, condensation on surfaces and excess moisture in materials. Ventilation should be distributed effectively throughout spaces, and stagnant air zones avoided.

Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) can also result from the presence of furnishings and building materials containing toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, radon, and others. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), poor indoor air quality (IAQ) has been linked to certain diseases like asthma. In addition, substances such as asbestos and radon do not cause immediate symptoms but can lead to cancer after many years of exposure. Poor outdoor air quality results from vehicle exhaust, industrial pollution, commercial manufacturers and construction sites.

Poor air quality is a major health concern. Like noise, AI analysis found increased risk of serious stroke and fatal heart attacks when poor air quality (indoor and outdoor) is present. AI analysis of SDoH found that the relative risk for death by heart attack or stroke increases 14% when you live and work breathing poor quality indoor and outdoor air.

Water Quality

Significant adverse health effects have been associated with inadequate plumbing systems in businesses and homes stemming from poor design, incorrect installation, alterations, and inadequate maintenance.

Numerous factors affect the quality of water within a building’s piped distribution system. Poorly designed plumbing systems, for instance, can cause stagnation of water and provide a suitable environment for the proliferation of Legionella.

Moreover, improper plumbing materials, pipes, fittings and coatings can result in elevated concentrations of lead in drinking-water, and inappropriate materials can be conducive to bacterial growth.

According to the EPA, there is evidence that several metals found in drinking water (such as lead and arsenic) may contribute to heart disease or aggravate its symptoms. In addition, Stroke reports that even low exposure to arsenic is associated with an increased risk of stroke. To the surprise of investigators, AI analysis of SDoH found that the relative risk for death by heart attack or stroke increases 14% when you live and work where you drink or breathe (yes breathe) poor quality water. Researchers discovered that toxins such as lead, arsenic and even radon can be found in municipal and well water in quantities 100 times or more than found in poor quality air. Of even greater concern is that even if you do not drink the water coming from the faucet at home and work, the water that is aerosolized while running that faucet to wash your hands and aerosolized when flushing the toilet can carry enough contaminants to increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.


In conclusion, excessive environmental noise, poor air quality, and poor water quality can all lead to serious health conditions, including heart disease and stroke. When these Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) are present in your businesses, they can quite literally be killing your employees and customers. Now that the findings are in, the next step for business owners is action.

Source by Allison A. Sakara

Importance of Modern Rescue Tools

The art of safely removing a trapped person from a cramped or small space with out making additional injury or damage to the his life is called extrication and the rescue tools are employed by trained personnel with ample practical experience in handling such averse accidental situations and rescue operations. The main importance of rescue tool is to extract the trapped individual without creating any uncontrolled movements leading to secondary injuries. The modern tools are high performance hydraulic extrication tools powered to perform a range of rescue operations like innovative stabilization, lighting, and ventilation.

In olden times, rescuers used circular saws for automobile extrication, however the drawbacks of saws is spark get generated making it unsafe and had to be stopped for the better of the victim. Halligan tool or crow bars were also employed that were a threat the vehicle as well as the victims, as they can inadvertently trigger the airbags of the vehicle.

Modern rescue tools are an engineering marvel as they are the tools of saving life of people stuck in cars or high-rise building that are caught by fire or any natural or untimely accident. Hydraulic extrication rescue tools like cutters, confined space cutter, glass cutters, front liner, rams, telegrams, spreaders, cribbing tools, NT bags, SQ bags, LP bags, airbags, ventilation tools, cover sets and rescue gloves are the modern rescue tools employed by trained firefighters and technical personnel in rescue squads.

Natural calamities gave rise to the need for specialized tools and equipment capable of penetrating in stone and cement concrete partitions, finding trapped victims, and reaching out to them in cramped spaces, and perform rescue operations. There are times when modern portable and versatile tools capable of performing the necessary tasks in rescue operations are urgently needed. In the rescue operation, the firefighter has to shift the victim from the disaster site through these portable rescue tools and machines to a safe spot in no time. The accidents and untimely disasters are incidents with varied outcomes and differ in the type and kind rescue operation required to save the victims.

Rescue tools industry is in its nascent state yet and research operations on developing camera’s and audio visual tools to see through the concrete and stone walls are being idealized, communicating devices that can listen and identify voices of victims stuck under collapsed buildings are also being thought of late. A rescue operation may fall in similar categories like entrapment rescue, collapsed or a confined space rescue and impalement rescue, however it is possible that incidents have their own individuality, as well.

Source by Anusha Angle

Smoke Damage Book and Document Clean-Up

Smoke damage can be caused by the smoke’s gases or the soot it leaves behind. Depending on the extent of the damage and the type, different cleaning and restoration techniques must be implemented to properly clean the mess. When smoke damages books, photos, or important paper documents, the process to restore them can be especially difficult because of the fragility of these items.

Smoke Types

Smoke damages can be categorized into three general types: wet, dry, and fuel oil soot.

Wet Smoke

Wet smoke is a low-heat, smoldering type of smoke that leads to sticky residue. This smoke damage has the potential to warp books and documents.

Dry Smoke

Dry smoke is a created by high temperature, fast-burning fires. It is especially damaging to older, more fragile books.

Fuel Oil Soot

Fuel oil soot occurs when furnaces and other heat sources give off gritty puffs of soot. This kind of smoke acts as an abrasive on paper items like books and archive documents.

Smoke follows a general pattern for movement and destruction. It moves to the top floors of buildings. It is attracted to cool areas and easily moves through plumbing and ventilation systems.

How Damage Occurs

Smoke damages books and documents by staining exposed surfaces, mainly covers and paper edges. Damages to these items will depend on the quality, age, and condition of the documents affected. It will also depend on how well the items were stored prior to encountering the smoke. Most home and business owners keep books on shelves. Therefore the damage occurs mostly on the outer bindings and the top edges. Properly stacked books and documents will actually protect each other from intense smoke and soot damage. Keeping book shelves and desks away from the ventilation ducts or pipe work will also reduce the likelihood of smoke damage.

Restoration and Cleaning

Regardless of how much damage your books or documents have received, it is important to take extreme care when handling them. Books may not seem to have experienced much damage, but smoke, especially dry smoke, can ruin book bindings and make pages very brittle. Never handle damaged books by their pages – otherwise, increased “fingerprint” damage can occur.

You can clean most mildly damaged books by wiping the covers and paper edges with a dry sponge. This removes residue and prevents soot and ash from continuing to stain your books over time. However, you must be sure that you clean these items in a low humidity environment otherwise the moisture in the air can collect on the paper and cause further damage.

If your books, photos, or documents have experienced moderate to heavy smoke damage, you should seek out a professional book and document restoration specialist. Restoration companies have a number of state-of-the-art cleaning techniques they can employ to recover your damaged books. Many companies have sanding techniques to remove stubborn soot stains on page edges and employ a deodorizing technique to remove smoky odors. Other professionals will use ozone gas chambers to remove stains and safely deodorize documents.

Smoke is a lesser known damager of home and business materials. It can, however, be the most damaging because it is harder to assess the extent of the damage until it is often times too late. By properly employing strategic storage techniques and proper material handling practices you can greatly reduce the potential for smoke damage in the event of a disaster or emergency.

Source by Ben Anton

Common Issues Arising In Bathroom Remodels

Bathroom remodels are more work than just some paint and a little bit of tile. If considering a bathroom remodel put the extra time and money into doing a thorough job and completely gutting the bathroom back to square one. This will allow you to uncover issues that have been hidden and deal with them head on. The stuff that has been hidden surprises most homeowners. Thankfully professional bathroom remodeling companies are familiar with what can be uncovered. A complete, flawless bathroom that functions with zero problems will add not only ascetic value to your home but monetary value as well.

Many common issues with bathroom remodeling are due to two causes; one being incompetent workers and two being moisture. If a homeowner is choosing to move forth with bathroom remodeling on their own there are some things to watch for and correct before a project should be continued. Some issues are obvious while others are inconspicuous.

The first issue that can happen is with the framing of the floor. Unfortunately it is common to find floor joists in bathrooms that have been notched by plumbers. This will leave the floor weak. If the subfloor is not strong eventually the new floor will crack under the pressure.

Another issue that can occur is plumbing becomes old and corroded. If this is seen it should be taken care of immediately during the renovation. This will make it easier in the long run. Updating cast iron, galvanized drain lines and copper supply lines can easily be updated when the walls and flooring are torn up.

It seems that those tub surround and bathroom tiles only recently became required to have a waterproof installation. What many bathroom remodeling companies find when tearing apart older bathrooms is that regular dry wall has been put in place behind tub surrounds. If proper waterproofing techniques are not used in bathroom remodeling water vapors will occur causing leaks and deterioration.

With any type of moisture build up comes the nuisance mold. Very few bathrooms are remodeled without the presences of mold. Many reasons can cause this from lack of waterproof material used behind tub surrounds to inefficient ventilation. Daily moisture build up makes bathroom a likely place for mold issue to develop. It is pertinent that proper ventilation is installed in the bathroom remodel.

Another common issue is vents that are hooked up and running yet not properly vented. Vents that are run without proper duct work leading to the outside cause’s huge issues involving mold in attics and/or basement areas. When an inspection is done on a new home or a home that is being purchased this is something all inspectors know to look for. When the bathroom remodel is under way this is usually simple to fix with proper duct work.

The same applies to plumbing fixtures. It is important that homeowners to take the time to determine where the plumbing is all vented and to make sure that it is up to code and properly working. Doing a major bathroom renovation will help homeowner’s spot issues to be resolved and will stop small issues from accumulating into something larger down the road.

Source by Kevin Germain

Simple Protection Tips Against COVID-19 Delta Variant

The Delta variant of COVID-19 has been spreading across the globe like wildfire. Now, It’s obvious that vaccination alone can’t protect against this variant. Therefore, we have shared some tips to help you stay safe when it comes to coronavirus. Read on to find out more.

How the Delta Variant is Different

According to statistics, the Delta variant of the virus is 300% more contagious than the first variant of the virus. Early research studies suggest that this is because of the ability of the Delta variant to replicate much faster than the previous strains.

Apart from being more contagious, the symptoms of this infection are more severe. Although vaccines may reduce the severity of the infection, you can do a few simple things in order to protect yourself against the new variant.

The Delta Variant

The size of the particles of the Delta variant is.125 microns. In simple words, one single strain of human hair is 500% thicker than one coronavirus. The good news is that you can use the right type of face masks in order to filter out even smaller particles.

We know for sure that face masks can filter tiny viruses of influenza. But we are not sure if they are effective against this variant of the virus. According to facts and figures, the particles of the Delta variant are bigger than influenza particles.

According to a study done in Brazil, wearing the right type of mask can reduce your likelihood of catching the virus by 87%. It is as effective as the vaccine against the virus. There is no doubt that vaccines can also help you survive when you are infected.

In response to the new variant of the virus, fresh masking recommendations were released by CDC. According to CDC, n95 masks are the best choice if you want the maximum protection against two different types of viruses including covid-19.

N95 masks or Surgical Masks

As far as preventing influenza infection is concerned, the surgical mask is are almost as effective as and 95 masks. Apart from this, both of these marks are capable of capturing tiny particles that are over 10 times smaller than COVID-19 particles.

Improving Ventilation

Since the concentration of the virus is relatively higher inside and closed spaces, COVID-19 spreads faster due to poor ventilation. Therefore, you may want to improve your indoor ventilation to bring the viral concentrations down. You can do this by keeping a few windows open during the day. Apart from this, you can turn your central air fan to “Always On” mode. If you follow this simple strategy, you can reduce the spread of the virus by 30%.

HEPA Filters

Air purifiers are also effective against this type of viruses. But make sure that you go for an air purifier that has HEPA filters inside.

Long story short, you can follow these protection tips if you want to stay safe against the Delta variant of COVID-19.

Source by James Yuan

Concrete – What to Do About Dusting, Crumbling, Cracks and Discolouration

Concrete is one of the most common materials used in modern construction; the reason for this is that there is no other material that can provide the same results as concrete. The use of concrete for construction provides some great advantages, such as ease of use and strength. When concrete is in it’s liquid form it is very easy to use, but when it dries it provides incredible strength that will last for years. Despite the fact that concrete is a great source of construction material for everything from concrete floors, to building foundations, bridges and tunnels, there could be some problems with the concrete over time. Some issues that may arise include the overall strength of the concrete itself, as well as corrosion due to the concrete being exposed to excessive moisture; in addition, the surrounding soil composition could also cause some problems. Not only could low quality materials and improperly mixed concrete be costly later, but it can also be dangerous if the result diminishes the concrete’s strength. To avoid these problems it is advisable to always use high quality concrete and to stay vigilant for possible problems with the concrete.Some of the most common concrete problems include,

  • Dusting: The surface of the concrete will form a loose powder, which indicates that the surface of the concrete is disintegrating. This can be caused by water bleeding into the concrete during finishing. This may cause the concrete to have a high water ratio, leading to a weakened surface. Additional causes of this concrete problem may include using heaters during a cold weather operation without adequate ventilation, which may cause excessive carbon dioxide, leading to carbonization, or allowing the surface of the concrete to freeze.

  • Flaking & Peeling: The freezing and thawing process of finished concrete often causes flaking and peeling; some of the factors that may contribute to this problem include, not using air-entrained concrete, which is a must to protect the concrete from the affects of freezing and thawing. In addition, if there was too much calcium chloride used as an accelerator, this may also cause a problem with peeling and flaking. Some other situations that may cause concrete to flake and peel include working the surface of the concrete too much, insufficient curing, water bleed, or using deicer.

  • Fine Cracks in the Surface of the Concrete: In some cases the surface layer of concrete may begin to form a network of fine cracks. This problem is often caused when a rapid drying procedure was used, or there was inadequate curing of the concrete. Other contributing factors may include water on the surface during finishing, or the sprinkling of cement on the surface in order to dry the water bleed.

  • Cracking: The most common reason that concrete cracks is due to the expansion and contraction of the concrete without s sufficient means of relieving stress. This could be the result of improper jointing, shrinkage, and settlement. Other contributors to this problem include freezing and thawing, or external restraint, such as flooring.

  • Shrinkage: Another common problem with concrete is cracking due to shrinkage. This may occur when there is a rapid evaporation of the surface before the concrete has set.

  • Reduced Strength of Concrete: This can happen when improper casting, handling and curing procedures are used; additional causes may include high air content, too much water, or an error in the manufacturing of the concrete.

  • Delamination: This is a situation where there is a separation between the top slab and bottom slab that may be caused by a thin layer of water or air. Some situations that may lead to this problem include when air entrained concrete is used for hard finishes, sealing the surface while there is still bleed water present, overworking the surface, or using a polyethylene vapor barrier.

  • Discoloration: Some of the most common causes of concrete discoloration include using calcium chloride to speed set times, changes in the mix proportions or material sources, uneven curing.

  • Curling: When curling occurs, essentially what happens is that there is a distortion of the flat surface into a curved shape. This is frequently the result of a difference in the temperature of the moisture content between the top and bottom of the slab.

  • Uneven or Spotty Setting of Concrete: The most common cause of this problem is not mixing the concrete thoroughly, and the use of some superplasticizers with normal setting or retarding admixtures.

Many of these common concrete problems can be avoided when the proper procedures and materials are used during construction. Concrete admixtures can help to ensure a perfect concrete finish, if they are used correctly. This is why you should always purchase your products from an experienced construction chemicals supplier. Concrete sealant is an important aspect of preserving a concrete finish. These sealants are designed to inhibit liquids from being absorbed by concrete. In addition, this will also help protect the concrete from water erosion or freezing, as well as from substances such as salts and acids. Making mistakes when laying concrete can be very costly; to avoid the added expense of having to repair the concrete at a later time, you should always ensure that you use the best concrete products available, and that you follow the proper procedure for laying concrete.

Source by Sam D Goddard

Tent Camping Tips

Many people would like to go for vacations in a serene and secluded spots. The spots can be beaches, hill stations, adventurous forest region or calm and quite valleys beneath a lake. In most of these renowned tourist destinations camping facilities will be available. There can be nice luxurious resorts or forest huts or good camps. But camping in a tent is the most exciting experience one can get, and especially with family or friends. It will be an unforgettable vacation for all who spent nights in tents with viewing the nature’s gift all around and in the lap of Mother Earth. The satisfaction and enjoyment derived out of such camping is beyond words. It is a fun merged with relaxing moments. But it is very important to know how can you set up a tent for camping? What precautions you need to take while camping in a tent. This article will deal with some of the important Tent camping tips. These tips will help you to ensure a comfortable and memorable camping in a tent.

o Before the trip itself, make sure that you are carrying with you all necessary camping materials including the tarp for tent. Check thoroughly the tarp for any defects like leaking points, loose stitching and many such spoiled portions of the tarp. Tarp need to be leak proof.

o See that all other materials like poles, tarp fixing materials and pole fixing equipments are taken.

o Make sure that you use tarp which is rain proof. This simply tells that you can use a rainfly which will cover full tent, including the top and sides. It will have provision for ventilations and openings. It will ensure the inside is 100% proof against rain. Always use a rainfly that provides full coverage of your tent.

o Use a good floor cover, covering entire area. It will assure you no wet or dirt inside the tent. It is better if you can make a plastic bottom with cloth made sheets in the top of this floor cover. Cloth cover can be taken as per the climate, in winter season woolen sheet and in summer cotton sheet can be used to cover the floor. This will ensure comfort of staying.

o As far as possible select a flat area for tent. Undulated regions will give many problems. If possible make the ground tidy by removing the dirt, bushes and insects. Level the camp area before setting up the tent. Also clean the surroundings as much as possible.

o Do not select the camping place near stagnant water ponds. These ponds will be the haven of mosquitoes and you will not able to spent comfortably there.

o Make sure that the tarp is anchored very strongly to the poles. Poles need to placed by reinforcing with rubbles and mud. Also make sure that all cross wires and threads are properly fixed before the first night.

o Put some borne fire outside the tent in night. This will keep off animals and insects reaching the tent.

These are some simple but important tips which will help you in making good tent for a comfortable camping.

Source by Robert Grazian