Muhammad Mukarram Technical Services L.L.C
Top Five Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning

A number of factors motivate people to maintain their homes. These include keeping it looking good, having a safe and healthy environment for their loved ones, preventing costly repairs and replacements and preserving the value of their home. Undoubtedly, the health and safety of your family is the most important of these reasons. The benefits of air duct cleaning make it one of the most important steps to include in the maintenance routine of for your home.

Having your HVAC systems serviced regularly is one of the most prevalent home maintenance routines because if an air conditioner breaks your home will be uncomfortable and replacing them is quite expensive. Servicing your heating and air conditioning systems is vital to keeping them operating efficiently and should entail cleaning the cooling coils, drain pans, fans and heat exchangers. Cleaning these components can result in dust, debris, mold or allergens getting into your air ducts which will subsequently be released into your home. For this reason it is important to clean your air ducts at the same time your heating and cooling system is cleaned.

5 benefits of regular cleaning and servicing of your heating and cooling system and your air ducts:

1. Savings. The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates that removing even four-tenths of an inch of dust from cooling system coils will reduce energy usage by up to twenty one percent. This can save you considerable money on your utility bill.

2. System durability. Estimate are that nine out of ten central heating and air conditioning systems fail or breakdown because a proper maintenance routine was not performed. Replacement parts and labor for heating or cooling system can be very expensive and total replacement costs thousands.

3. Your home’s air quality. Many people consider air duct cleaning essential to maintaining healthy indoor air. Dust, allergens (pollen, pet dander) and toxins (mold, mildew, rodent droppings) are commonly found in air ducts. If air vents are not cleaned regularly these particles can be released into your house. Even if family members do not have allergies many of these particles have the potential to cause severe illness.

4. Allergies. If family members have allergies, air duct cleaning is often required to provide a healthy environment for allergy sufferers. Air vent cleaning can significantly reduce the amount of allergens in a home.

5. Remove odors. A musty odor in your home can mean that dust, mold or mildew may be present in the air ducts that no amount of air fresheners or candles will eliminate. Air duct cleaning will eliminate the smell almost completely.

In addition to regular cleaning, it is recommended that you consider having your air vents professionally cleaned after any of the following events: water entering your ducts (leaking water pipe, leaky roof, faulty condensation management by your air conditioner), a flood (in your home or in your town), a fire nearby, mold was found during servicing of your heating or air conditioning system, rodents or insects are known to have been in the ducts, major home remodeling, moving into a new home.

Source by Kevin Johanson

Dry Penis Skin: Prevention Tips for the Summer

Spring is here, which means summer will be here before soon – and with summer comes new challenges in preventing dry penis skin. Even men who don’t spend a lot of time at nude beaches need to watch their penis health in summer to keep that dry penis skin properly at bay. Even though summers are typically more humid than winters, that doesn’t necessarily mean penis skin is safe from dryness.

As a matter of fact, there are many summertime activities that actively promote dry skin. Being aware of these can make it easier to work on prevention strategies.

Air conditioning

High on the list of summertime factors that impact dry penis skin is air conditioning. It’s a great boon, and the only thing that makes some intensely hot summer days bearable. But air conditioning can do a number on a person’s skin – including the penis skin.

Air conditioners actively remove moisture from the air, which makes things cooler. But that also removes surface oils and makes skin more prone to drying out. This makes dry penis skin an obvious problem for men who like to cool off in the buff, but even men who hang out fully clothed in air conditioned spaces can find it affects their manhood.


This is one of those counterintuitive factors. It would seem that swimming would keep skin moist rather than dry. Unfortunately, swimming in chlorinated pools or salt water oceans has just the opposite effect. Chlorine tightens the skin and depletes natural oils; seawater adds a layer of salt to the skin that does much the same thing.


Lots of men hate tan lines and like to soak up the sun sans swimsuit, either on a nude beach, in their own backyard or at a tanning salon. But it’s wise to be cautious; penis skin can get overexposed very quickly, resulting in a member that is both sunburnt and dry. And a peeling penis is not an attractive sight to present to a partner.


Another of the “big” causes of dry penis skin is simply not drinking enough water. This is especially true for men who are very active underneath the summer sun. The sweat pours off, but too many guys neglect to replenish themselves properly. Upping water intake during the summer is a good idea for almost all men.

Drinking the wrong stuff

Not only do many men lose too much water during the summer, but they’re likely to choose the wrong beverages to try to get rehydrated. Alcohol and caffeine intake both increase during the summer, and neither one is as effective as water. As a matter of fact, hard alcohol will actively decrease hydration. The occasional beer is fine, but in moderation.


Summer often means lengthy vacations, often arrived at via airplane. But airplane cabins tend to be almost devoid of humidity. Spending a few hours on the airplane can seriously dry the skin – even skin on a body part as protected as the penis.

Avoiding dry penis skin during the summer means making sure the member is in the best overall health possible. That requires regular application of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) – and not just during the summer, but year-round. Obviously, it’s essential that the crème contains potent moisturizing ingredients; one with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (vitamin E is ideal) can develop a “moisture lock” that helps keep vital oils from being depleted. It’s also wise to find a crème that contains alpha lipoic acid. As a powerful antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid battles the free radicals that, left unchecked, can lead to thinning (and weakening) of penile skin.

Source by John Dugan

5 Tips to Increase The Life of Your Split Air Conditioner

We often call professionals that provide industrial electronic repair to get our appliances repaired and our split air conditioner is one of them. Every year thousands of people call to inquire about the electronic parts and services regarding their split AC. Global warming is on a new high and long gone are those days when winters actually used to be long. This has ultimately made us more dependent on our beloved split ACs and the pressure on these sophisticated electronic appliances has all the more increased.

Split Air Conditioner Tips

To ensure the smooth functioning of your split AC you need to take care of its proper maintenance. By following the points given below one can easily add a few more years to their split AC.

1. The filter is a quintessential part of an AC and must be changed every month or after every two months depending upon the use. As the name implies, the air filter filters out the air and separates dirt and pollutants from it. Changing the air filter periodically will ensure that the air you are breathing when the AC is switched on is void of any pollutants. Moreover, it lowers maintenance cost significantly.

2. Just like the filter, AC’s compressor is another important part. It helps to compress low pressure and low volume gas into a high pressure and high temperature gas that’s needed by the AC for its functioning. It also helps to remove vapour from the evaporator so as to maintain a low boiling point. Cleaning the compressor on a regular basis will give you cool and refreshing air for a long period of time.

3. While passing through the air conditioning system the air also passes through the evaporator coil. This coil absorbs all the heat from the air so as to provide cold, fresh air in the space. If you are getting warm air from your AC, there is a high probability that your AC’s evaporator coil might not be functioning properly. Replacing this coil with a new one can certainly improve air flow and its circulation in the home.

4. All air conditioning systems use some sort of refrigerant as a part of their machinery so as to absorb excess heat and contribute in the supply of cold air in the house. However, at some point of time in its life your AC might experience a refrigerant leak. Hence, a reliable company that provides industrial electronic repair solutions regarding air conditioners should be called-in immediately to repair that part.

5. Proper air conditioning maintenance must include regular cleaning of all those air ducts from which the AC is able to provide fresh, cold air. In an air conditioning system, air ducts are generally spread throughout the house so as to keep the entire area cool and pleasant. Hence, the ductwork present in the AC must be cleaned on a regular basis so as to remove all sorts of dust and dirt present on air ducts.

Maintenance cost of both – window and split air conditioner is generally the same, hence it does not matter which AC you use as maintenance is vital for both of them.

Source by Geoff Child

Air Conditioners Service To Increase Efficiency

Air conditioners service is very important to ensure a longer life for the system. Through proper maintenance and regular service, you could always rely on the system during the summers when they are needed the most. Many users of AC never bother about their servicing and as a result have to replace their system very early. Though they are very tough and could sustain most of the abuse for a longer period of time, its life can be extended through better maintenance. Besides, through proper air conditioners service, you could also ensure better efficiency of the system.


Thermostat is the heart of it. Thermostats can detect the temperatures and help in providing the required cooling to your home. It is the main part in an air conditioner which will automatically switch on and off the system when the required temperature settings are reached. Even a small problem in the thermostat could lead to major problems in it. While air conditioner servicing, the technicians will inspect the thermostat and evaluate its condition.

If you have signed annual maintenance for it’s repair service contract, the technicians will regularly conduct inspection of your thermostats to check its efficiency. One of the most common problems of the thermostats is the poor performance of battery that leads to reduction in the efficiency of the system. This in fact will increase your energy bills.

Battery Leakage

Air conditioners service will enable you to timely detect the leakage in the battery. Leakage of battery will directly affect the system. This may even lead to complete replacement of the system as a whole. Regular and routine repair service will ensure the early detection of such leakage and save your system from adverse effects.

Many of them require yearly replacement of batteries to ensure efficient running of the system. Air conditioners service provider will be able to guide you in this. They will send the technicians who through their years of experience and expertise will advise you on the right time for replacement of batteries. When batteries are not replaced on the right time, it may lead to more consumption of energy and your system efficiency is greatly affected. AC repair services will ensure that all the major parts of the system are in good condition and thereby ensure better efficiency of the system.

Filter to be Cleaned

The AC filters have to be cleaned on a regular basis. It can be easily done at home by you or you could always get it done by the service provider. If the filter collects lot of dust, there is more pressure on the system and thereby it reduces their efficiency. The running efficiency of the system is directly related to your energy bills. To save on your energy bills, always make sure to have regular service.

Air conditioners service repair has to be done only by authorized technicians. It involves a lot of technicalities that only trained professional will be aware of. So it’s always better to get air conditioners service done by them.

Source by Angie Rios

How To Kill Stink Bugs In Homes That Have Window Air Conditioner Units

Stink bugs are notorious for their persistence when it comes to seeking to gain entry into your house during the autumn months.

1. Stink bugs want to come inside the house during the winter.

Have you noticed that the peak season for stink bug infestation problems within domestic households in North America is during the onset of autumn? This is not by mere chance or coincidence. Stink bugs are no different than any other insect or animal that instinctively seeks to escape the harshness of winter either by hibernating or by migrating south. What makes stink bugs stand apart from other insects is in their persistence when it comes to matters of seeking shelter in warm places during autumn and winter. Whereas it is very rare to find bugs lurking about in your house during the winter months, stink bugs are a notable exception.

2. They will seek any means to get into the house.

If a stink bug is unable to seek shelter in a warm household during the winter months, it will inevitably hibernate. But during the autumn months of September and October, you will find these little critters to be among the most persistent when it comes to trying to gain entry into your home for the winter. Wherever they can find any type of opening in your house, somehow they will manage to make their way indoors, where it is warm. This opening could be a crack in your house’s foundation, the exhaust fan pipes from your clothes dryer, your stove exhaust vent, your chimney, gaps in your window sills, tears in your window screens, or any other crevice that they can find. Suffice it to say that if there is a way to get into your home, a determined stink bug will find a way. This is their mission in life during the autumn months.

3. The Window Air Conditioner Unit is one of the most vulnerable parts of the home.

Among the many different ways that there are for stink bugs to gain access into your home, the window air conditioner unit is one of the single most vulnerable. It is, after all, an actual opening into your home. Designed for air to be sucked into your home from outside, it is an open invitation for these bugs to crawl straight through. This is of course a common problem with any opening into your home, be it a central air conditioning unit, or any other exhaust pipe leading out of your house. Stink bugs can make their way through these as well. The main difference is that the distance between the outside world and the inside of your house is very small, and is a relatively short distance for a stink bug to trek before it finally emerges into your home. If you don’t take the necessary precautions and safeguards to seal off your window air conditioner unit and make it completely air tight and impenetrable, except for the flow of air molecules themselves, then this unit becomes an open invitation for stink bugs to make their way into your home.

4. The problems with window air conditioner units.

Because air conditioner units are units that are fitted into an opening that is cut out of your wall, you must be mindful of the fact that even the tiniest gaps between the unit and the wall can be just big enough for stink bugs to slip through. And believe it not, stink bugs can and will find a way to get through this unit, once they are able to detect the presence of heat emanating from that unit. Stink bugs are notorious for penetrating homes and making their way indoors, and are equally notorious for their persistence at doing so.

5. How to safeguard your window air conditioner units.

While most professionally installed air conditioner units are designed to fit precisely into the opening in your exterior wall, it is inevitable that sometimes you might end up with a unit that is not a perfect fit, even by a few millimeters. This is true of both new installations and replacements, as well as with existing units that have been in your window for a long time. Here are some tips on how you can safeguard your window air conditioner units so as to prevent stink bugs from making their way through in order to get inside your home:

i) Use duct tape.

Duct tape is an extremely effective way to seal off any gaps between your window air conditioning unit and the wall. It provides a solid, impenetrable barrier. Plus, it is adhesive, so it is very unlikely to come undone, plus it can trap any stink bugs that do come in contact with the adhesive surfaces, thwarting their attempts to gain entry into your home.

ii) Spray the window with dish soap.

This may sound like an odd solution, but the fact of the matter is that dish washing liquid soap has proven to be lethal to stink bugs and acts as an excellent deterrent against them. By spraying the exterior of your window with dish soap, this should be sufficient to drive them away. Of course, if it not practical to spray the window with dish soap yourself, then you may want to have your window (as well as the rest of your house) professionally power washed.

iii) Caulk the window.

If you have any gaps in your window sill or in the areas between where your window meets the window frame, you may want to fill these up with caulk. Once the caulk dries, this will form a solid, water-proof impenetrable barrier that stink bugs will not be able to pass. Also, if any stink bugs have managed to get into your home through these cracks and are hiding within the walls, then this will take care of them. By sealing off the openings with caulk, this will trap, suffocate, and kill off any stink bugs that might be hiding within your walls, so that they cannot come back out and lurk about within your house.

6. Cover your air conditioning unit.

One thing you can do is permanently can encase your air conditioner unit with a cover that has gaps that are too narrow for bugs to pass through but are just large enough for air molecules to pass through. This case would be somewhat akin to a cage.

Yet another way to cover your air conditioner would be completely enshroud it within a cover when it is not in use, particularly during the winter months.

Removing window air conditioner units completely during the winter months is also an option, provided that you are able to board up the gap in the wall completely, caulk the edges, and ensure that it is air-tight.

Having a window air conditioner is a necessity during the summer months, in houses that do not have central air conditioning. Unfortunately, the luxury and comfort of having air conditioning comes at a price… the trade off is in the amount of effort you must put in to ensure that your unit does not leave your home vulnerable to an infestation of stink bugs.

Source by Zeke Misek

Importance and Benefits of Air Conditioning Services

There are several reasons that the installation of air-conditioners can become necessary other than those of comfort and luxury. For some commercial sectors and certain emergency areas, it is almost indispensable.

There are places like warehouses and storehouses, operation theaters and intensive care units in hospitals, airports and hotels or restaurants among a large number of places that require air-conditioning. The requirements of air-conditioning at homes and other residential complexes are also very important.

Important Air-Conditioning Aspects

There are certain aspects of air-conditioning that is very important. Firstly, there is an installation part. There are different designs of air-conditioners and thus their installation process too has to be different. Installation needs an outlet for the machine in many cases.

Then there is the maintenance of the machines. These are equipments of different sizes and the enhanced capacity in each makes them generate a lot of heat as well. There are different types of filters that need cleaning regularly or even changed from time to time depending on their condition.

There is another aspect of internal cleaning. Despite good surrounding conditions, there are dust and pollution settlements inside the machines. Unless these are cleaned and maintained on a regular basis the air-conditioners will not be able to perform in their cooling effects as good as before.

The requirements and nature of work involved are different in case of residential and for commercial zones. Thus, there is a need for professional services to take care of the same.

Air-Conditioning Services

There are companies that are engaged professionally arena of air-conditioning services. These are professionally managed companies with expertise and experience in electrical and mechanical work.

These companies have setups with which they provide maintenance and service jobs for all kinds of commercial and residential air-conditioners.

The first task undertaken by the companies is that of installation. A careful and accurate installation is necessary for a good performance. It has to be safely to electrical sources. This apart the companies will also ensure that the appliance is safe to handle even for children.

The next important aspect is that of repairs. There are requirement for smaller parts replacements and in some cases, major defects may also appear after a while of use. A careful and timely replacement or even repair of any problem is also essential.

Then there is the maintenance issue. A regulated form of maintenance can work wonders for any appliance or electrical equipment. Periodical checks for maintenance will ensure clean and well- maintained appliances. These will not only give better output of their quality of service but also enhance the durability of the machines.

The most important promise that companies undertake for air-conditioning services is that of timely assistance. They are very prompt in their services and professional in their approach. This is an added quality to their professional expertise in handling the air-conditioner appliances.

Source by Renu Rohila

Sleeping Right Next to an Air Conditioner

Some people find that they cannot get to sleep at night during the summer unless their room is ice cold. Which is somewhat funny since some of these same people insist on being nice and warm during the winter. Anyways, it is important to make sure that you are not over doing it when it comes to sleeping with an air conditioner on at night. Fresh air is always best but if you cannot sleep with your window open for safety concerns or fears than go ahead and stick with the air conditioner. Just make sure that the room does not get too cold though.

You would be surprised how many people will end up with a cold in the middle of a hot summer because they slept in a room that got below forty degrees. In order to make sure that the room does not get too cold, you might want to look into a temperature controlled air conditioner.

There are window units that allow you to punch in the exact temperature that you want and then the unit will shut off when it gets to that temperature instead of continuing to make the room colder. As the room heats up some, the air conditioner will kick back on in order to get the temperature back to your desired setting.

These window air conditioner units usually cost a little bit more but not by much. If you want to make sure that you have a comfortable night of sleep without freezing to death, these are the air units to go for.

Source by Myloer Jamery

Energy Efficient Cooling Options

If you are like most homeowners, an energy saving air conditioner can make a big difference in your household energy budget. With energy prices on the rise, you will definitely want to do what you can to make better use of your current air conditioner, or find the most efficient new one you can afford.

There are many ways you can cut cooling costs whether you’re hanging on to your current air conditioner or planning to buy a new high efficiency air conditioner. Most air conditioning systems sold today are energy saving, compared to air conditioners of years past. Saving energy is on everyone’s mind these days because it is good for the environment, as well as your budget.

Lowering Your Energy Usage Can Help Save Money

Lowering energy use from air conditioning can make a big difference to your total energy budget. If you are not sure how much energy you are using or have questions about what type of air conditioning unit to purchase, it is a good idea to consult a professional air conditioning contractor.

You may even consider having an energy audit done on your home to determine the best course of action to take. An audit can bring to surface any problems with insulation, shading, ventilation, or other factors you may have that are consuming the most energy and costing you a small fortune.

Purchasing a New Energy Saving Air Conditioner

If you are in the market for a new air conditioning unit, you will find that today’s AC units are much more energy efficient than they were even 10 years ago. Make sure you have the right air conditioner for your home, as an oversized unit is much less efficient. You may have an oversized central air conditioner, and it is a good idea to seek a professional air conditioning contractor to help you get exactly what you need based on the size of your home, the layout, and the general size of the rooms.

Keep Your Air Conditioner Cleaned and Maintained

In order to keep your air conditioning unit functioning at maximum efficiency, keep the unit regularly maintained, having the refrigerant checked at regular intervals. Inspect those exposed vents, fins, filters, coils and make sure they are dust and moisture free. Keeping those filters cleaned and replaced, and having the unit serviced can help keep things running smoothly and efficiently.

Tips to Help Control Air Conditioning Costs

When daytime temperatures are at their hottest, it is not the time to crank up that AC to maximum degree. It is always best to cool your rooms to the desired temperature while the temperatures are cool outside. It uses far less energy for the air conditioning system to cool a room down when it’s cooler outside. Another money saving habit you can develop is to turn your unit off while you are away for the day if possible, or turn the temperature dial down. It takes very little time for your unit to start making a room comfortable, and saves energy.

Use Fans to Supplement Your Air Conditioning System

Ceiling fans can help circulate air around the room and can help save you money. Fans blow your air-conditioned indoor air around, helping to circulate that cool air throughout your home. This will help keep temperatures cool, and save energy and money at the same time. Using fans to supplement your AC is very practical as fans use less energy as compared to cranking up the controls on your air conditioner.

Source by Donna Kshir

All About AirZone HVAC Services

In 2005, a man name Brent Lewis started AirZone HVAC in Ottawa. A year later, he added residential division. It turned out to be successful. In 2007, Brent Lewis and Steve Teskey worked together to get AirZone HVAC started.

AirZone HVAC Mission Statement

The company’s mission is to build great and long relationship with clients, the community, and with workers. They have mastered this because of professional and giving outstanding services. The company is very confident in their work that they will continue to gain more people because of their excellent work.

AirZone HVAC Vision Statement

The company wants to be known for the quality and improvement in their work. The company wants to be outstanding for the services that’s provided such as indoor air.

Heating And Air Conditioning In Ottawa

AirZone HVAC is a family business and it has many services to help clients. Services that the company provides include heating, air conditioning, furnaces, and more. The employee skills are professional that they work with other leading manufacturing companies. The employees currently work with other companies that handles the furnace and air conditioner department. The leading manufacturing companies that work with Company are Armana, American Standards, and Lennox. AirZone HVAC ensures that every client have high-quality services. In fact, the business have fast services that new and repair equipment are ordered before it is needed.

Heating And Air Conditioning In Ottawa

If clients are not sure or need help with heating for their homes, the company provides a free program for home consultation. The program has professional and workers that are experienced in their field. Protection packages and annual maintenance for furnace and air conditioner is offered by the company. The packages and annual maintenance for the furnace and air conditioner include the following:

  • Annual furnace maintenance

  • Furnace repair and diagnostics

  • Furnace protection packages

  • Emergency furnace service

The company installs heat that will lower the utility bill. It is proven to be true because the company is known as “Energy Star.” Air conditioner are affordable and there are plenty to choose from, so that clients enjoy using it in or out their home. Air conditioners have many features and brands.

AirZone HVAC Popular Services

AirZone HVAC provides many services for clients. It include some of the most popular services which include the following:

  • Indoor quality air

  • Air Conditioner Specials

  • Air Conditioner

  • Fireplaces

  • Apply for financing

    The company guarantees that they do excellent work for clients. They assist many clients by working with other successful companies that works with heating and air conditioners as well. Employees reach clients expectations. Budget is taking into consideration by the company, when helping clients with decisions on furnaces. The company guarantees great services. AirZone HVAC will continue to succeed while working with other companies while producing excellent service.

Source by Robert Morgan

How to Tell If Your Air Conditioner Is Running Efficiently

If you live in a climate where the temperature goes up frequently, then an AC can make the living conditions much more pleasant and comfortable. As is the case with many pieces of technology, an AC also loses if proper functioning after a period of use. It is essential that you keep on gauging the efficiency of your AC so that if issues arise, they can be rectified before it’s too late.

Here are some tips on how to tell if your air conditioner is running efficiently.

Prepare your AC for testing

You should replace your furnace filter and then remove all vent coverings. This is necessary to ensure that airflow is smooth and not restricted. Just pull out the loose vents or use a tool to pull out any tight-fitted covers. Sometimes you might need help from an AC maintenance company if you need to remove the vents which are placed in an outdoor unit. They can do this job more efficiently and safely.

Determine the different ducts of the AC

You should know which are the supply and the return ducts in your AC. In order to determine this, place a tissue over each duct. If the tissue starts flying away from the duct, then that is your supply duct, whereas if the tissue paper is sucked in, then that is your return duct.

Check the Temperature of Both Ducts

You can do this in some very simple steps. Turn on your AC, and let it run for at least 15 minutes. Then take a thermometer and place it inside the supply duct. Check if the thermometer is below the current room temperature to ensure a correct reading. You can use any thermometer, even a refrigerator thermometer will work. Remember that the supply duct is that part of the AC that throws cool air into your room. Keep the thermometer over there for 10 minutes. Note down this temperature.
Now go to the second step and keep the same thermometer on the return vent, again for ten minutes. As said before, the return vent is that part of the AC which pulls in the room air and delivers it to the HVAC system. Note this reading too.
Now subtract both the readings to calculate your results.

Results Will Tell the Efficiency of Your AC

If there is a difference of 20 degrees between your supply and return ducts, then your AC is working fine. But if this temperature is less than 20 degrees, then this can tell you that your AC is not working efficiently. There can be many possibilities of this problem. One may be that there is a leak in the system, or another may be that you need to replace the HVAC filter.

Source by Mike Petty