Muhammad Mukarram Technical Services L.L.C
Air Conditioning Energy Saving Tips

It costs you more money and uses more energy to heat and cool your home than any other system in your home. Typically, 44% to 50% of your utility bills pays for heating and cooling your home.

Regardless of the type of home comfort systems you have in your house, you can save money and increase comfort by properly maintaining and upgrading your equipment.

Keep in mind that an energy efficient air conditioner alone will not have as great an impact on your energy bills as using an approach that involves the entire house. If you combine proper equipment maintenance and upgrades with appropriate insulation, weatherisation and thermostat settings, you can reduce your energy bills by up to 50%.

General Cooling Tips:

* Use house fans. House fans help cool your home by circulating cool air throughout the house. They are most effective when the outside air temperature is cooler than the inside and when operated at night. An attic fan can blow away hot air that accumulates in the attic. This can go a long way to help the efficiency of your air conditioning system.

* Set your thermostat as high as comfortably possible. By maintaining a minimum difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures, you’ll lower your overall cooling bill.

* Don’t reduce your thermostat setting to a colder temperature than normal when you turn on your air conditioner. This will not cool your home any faster and could result in excessive cooling and unnecessary expense.

* Set the fan speed on high, except in humid weather. When it’s humid, set the fan speed on low.

* Consider ceiling fans to help spread the cooled air more effectively through your home without greatly increasing your power use.

* Keep lamps and TV sets away from your air conditioning thermostat.

* Shade air-conditioning units by planting trees or shrubs, but make sure you do not block the airflow. A unit operating in the shade uses up to 10% less electricity than one operating in the sun.

* Close shades or curtains on east, south, and west-facing windows during the hours when the sun’s intensity is at its peak. Open curtains and windows during early morning and overnight hours when the air outside the home is cooler.

* Turn off the air conditioner if the house (or air-conditioned rooms) will be unoccupied for an extended period. Use a programmable thermostat (link to product page) to turn Air off and on automatically when you know the house will be unoccupied.

Here are a few more steps you can take to substantially improve your home’s energy efficiency.

Take a Holistic Approach to Total Home Energy Conservation

To achieve the maximum in total home comfort and energy savings, we recommend that you step back and look at the big picture of energy consumption in your villa. The fact is, your total home comfort and efficiency is the product of many systems: heating, cooling, lighting & electrical, plumbing and possibly others working together.

It is the interplay between these systems, combined with the size, age, physical features and location of your home, and even your lifestyle, that combine to produce the total energy efficiency of your home. Changing or upgrading one system, without considering the other factors will usually result in some improvement, but may not deliver the maximum possible benefit.

If you’re building a new villa, or considering a major remodel or system upgrade, consider an Integrated Systems approach. It may cost a little more now, but will undoubtedly save you a bundle over time. Our skilled engineers and technicians will look at the big picture when designing a solution for your home.

Conduct a Home Energy Audit

The place to begin when evaluating your home’s overall energy efficiency and deciding how to reduce consumption and costs is with a Home Energy Audit. This takes into consideration much more than just your heating and cooling systems, and will give you a benchmark from which to make decisions and measure your energy saving progress.

Here are some of the heating & cooling factors your audit should take into consideration:

* Insulation in walls, floors, and attic.

* Vapor Barriers in walls

* Quality of Windows – Single or double pane

* Heat loss around doors and windows

* Quality of insulation in doors

* Integrity of ductwork “- Any leaks

* Cleanliness of ductwork

* Use of “passive” solar energy

* Use of curtains and other window coverings to prevent heat loss

* Efficiency of heating and cooling systems – Condition of filters, etc.

Consider Purchasing an Annual Maintenance Agreement

You’ve heard the old adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?” Well that doesn’t apply to your air conditioner any more than it does to your automobile. However, when your system is operating properly, it is easy to forget. Regular maintenance will save you the time money and headaches of premature system failures and major repairs. It will ensure that your system is always working at peak efficiency and help you avoid excessive energy costs.

Make sure your Air Conditioner is properly sized

Bigger Is Not Necessarily Better – A bigger room air-conditioning unit won’t necessarily make you feel more comfortable during the hot summer months and will most likely perform less efficiently and less effectively than a smaller, properly sized unit. Room units work better if they run for relatively long periods of time as opposed to being constantly switched on and off. The longer running time an air conditioner is allowed to maintain, the easier it is for the unit to hold a more constant room temperature. Running longer also allows air conditioning units to remove more moisture from the air, which reduces humidity and increases the comfort level in the room.

Check specifications carefully when choosing the right air conditioner for your space. Central air-conditioning systems also require proper sizing. Professionals, however, should perform the sizing of your central air system.

Also, do not use the system’s central fan to provide circulation. Instead, use circulating fans in individual rooms. Make sure you set the fan of your central air system to shut off at the same time of your cooling unit (compressor).

Use an Air Conditioner with a high Efficiency Rating

Select a room air conditioner that has an A rating or 10 or higher.

Source by Helen Rudd

Heating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Repairing Needs

Heating and air conditioning, (HVAC) systems consist of many mechanical and electronic components including compressors, pumps, fans, pipes, thermostats, etc. These are delicate appliances and needs proper care and maintenance. Central heating and cooling systems are more prone to failure as they stand the extreme weather conditions. This is the reason, an expert technician is always needed in order to repair, maintain, diagnose, as well as correct the severe problems throughout the system.

Experienced plumbers and HVAC technicians offer comprehensive services for:

1. Compressors

2. Evaporator Coils


In AC units, the compressor is the prime component and serves big functions. Its main function is to squeeze the refrigerant that comes to the compressor as a cool and low-pressure gas. The compressor in turn envelops the molecules of the fluid close together. The process of squeezing of molecules together enhances its underlying energy as well as temperature and the working fluid leaves the compressor as a hot and high-pressure gas.

In central air conditioning systems, it is located in a separate box outside the home comfort. If your air conditioner running continuously, but fail to cool or maintain the inner temperature the problem persist in the compressor. Therefore, it is necessary to keep your compressor clean and clear. Expert plumbers can perform the task and clear away any leaves, herbs, mud, debris, grass clippings or dust particles and rinse it off with a hose. It will clean the compressor and make it more efficient. Plumbers also clean the aluminum fins present inside the component.

Evaporator Coils

It is an integral part of the air conditioning unit, which pulls heat out of your home’s atmosphere. Its main part is to allow the liquid to evaporate arriving from the compressor, which extracts heat from the surrounding home air and eventually lowers the air temperature inside.

For your air conditioning unit to work smartly and efficiently, it’s vital to keep these evaporator coils clean and clear. Plumbers and expert HVAC technicians change the filter frequently. They also inspect your air conditioner in order to identify whether your evaporator coil needs a more thorough, professional cleaning.

Specialists also diagnose other components of the system including thermostat, air handlers, furnaces, heat pumps and provide vitally essential HVAC tips to the people. They provide energy saving tips, annual air conditioning and heat pump maintenance programs and regular repairing services to the keep the system efficient, smooth and trouble-free. For complete peace of mind they tend to offer necessary services including heater and furnace repairs and installation, HVAC installation and repair and air conditioning system design.

Source by Alfred Gordan

What Is Importance of Air Conditioning Services?

Air conditioning is a technology which alters air properties into a condition that is favorable and comfortable. It is therefore very important in everyday living and without it the quality of life can be reduced to great levels. Today, the air conditioning units have become very popular and very important in all households. They are used in all climates and, usually, servicing of such units is required so as to make sure that they remain in the best working order at all times.

Air conditioning repair has become as essential as the units themselves. There are many service centers within towns and cities as well. There are even those that have gone the extra mile to put up websites that can be used to contact them when the need arises. It is important to choose a company with trained professionals so as to get the best quality services.

Why air conditioning is essential

Efficiency: according to research, air conditioning has been shown to increase a person’s efficiency. When one is working within a temperature that is normal, there is a limit to the quality of work delivered. When conditions improve, efficiency goes up incredibly. A person is able to work fast thereby delivering more.

Good health: in places where it is installed, the air is filtered and cleaned. There are many kinds of particles and dust that come naturally in the air and they can harm human health in a negative way. It takes care of these quite effectively. There are conditioners that have been designed so as to filter all sorts of microorganisms, smoke and bacteria. This means that it can add to the value of life and keep diseases at bay.

Low noise: in areas without ac, people prefer to use fans. Fans can create noise and they can disrupt the normal working conditions. This makes air conditioning more popular than the fans. In areas with air conditioning, the doors and windows stay closed and therefore the outside noise is kept low. It isn’t noisy either, so work or sleep cannot be disrupted unnecessarily.

There are many advantages of using good ac. It is therefore important to ensure that it stays in the best working conditions at all times. Accessing quality services can bring about a lot of satisfaction.

Some of the services that are provided

There are different services that are provided and they include:

· Gas logs

· Electronic thermostats

· Installation of carbon monoxide detectors

· Air cleaning

· Hot water boilers for residential places

· Refrigeration equipment

· Cooling at low temperature

· Water heaters

· Filtration and high efficiency systems

· Maintenance of heat exchanger

· Detection of Freon leak

· Analysis of energy survey

· Duct cleaning

The best service providers only hire highly qualified personnel at all times so as to guarantee the quality of the work provided. The best air conditioning services should be based on effectiveness and efficiency. They should be able to offer system installations and maintenance. A professional will always check your controls and thermostats during the maintenance times. The fans bearing lubrications should also be checked and only professionals can be able to carry out such tasks efficiently.

Source by Shalini Madhav

Ways to Lower Air Conditioning Costs in the Summer

As summer approaches, Air conditioning bills are on the rise. As a homeowner, your goal is to minimize energy costs as much as possible, especially in the summer. This is when air conditioners are running through a large part of the day. There are several steps you can take to keep your home cool, even when it’s pretty hot outside.

Here are some tips on how to lower AC costs in summer.

Use a Circulating Fan

Switching the ceiling fan on while the AC is on is actually a good idea. A ceiling fan or any other circulating fan helps disperse cool air more efficiently around the room. This lowers the temperature of the room significantly. This also helps save costs as the room cools more quickly. You can also lower your thermostat by four degrees after switching on the fan without any discomfort.

Shade Trees Help

Planting shade trees around the house can help keep your home cool. This also helps reduce AC bills in the long run. The shade provided by trees will reduce the amount of sunlight that enters through windows. As a result, your house won’t get very hot. Your AC will not have to work very hard to cool down the place. This will also increase your AC unit’s efficiency. Planting Red Maple and River Birch trees is a good idea as they grow fast and provide plenty of shade.

Keep Your Windows Covered

Make sure your curtains are drawn, so sunlight does not directly enter the room. You can also install solar screens to absorb solar energy before it enters the house. These window screens work best if your window is east or westward facing.

Get A Smart Thermostat

Getting a smart thermostat can significantly reduce AC costs. Your thermostat will enable you to set your home’s temperature to a certain level whenever you want. This will make sure your house is always comfortable. You can also control the thermostat remotely. But for your thermostat to work efficiently, make sure you place it at the right location. It should be placed away from direct sunlight and skylight. It should also be away from doorways and windows.

Service Your AC Regularly

If your AC is inefficient, it will automatically increase your cost. Therefore, service your AC so that it runs efficiently. Make sure you clean and replace your AC’s filters every few months. This is because dirty filters or clogged filters can decrease airflow and make your AC inefficient. Also, check if the condenser and evaporator are clean and have not collected dust.

Source by Mike Petty

When it Comes to Bowling, Air Conditioning Makes All the Difference

What makes one bowling alley better than the next? Some might say it is the acoustics, the music they play, the ambiance, or the fact that they let you smoke inside and purchase alcohol? Others might say it is the equipment, the quality of the furniture, or even the quality of the clientele on outside of town.

Still, what makes one bowling alley better than the next is usually the air-conditioning, that’s right, the air-conditioning system especially in the summertime. Of course, if the bowling alley operator truly wants to make money they can’t blast the air conditioning too much, or they will spend all their money paying for the electricity, and there won’t be enough left over to afford to keep their lease, or pay the salaries of all the employees.

Bowling alleys are actually part of the entertainment sector, one which got hit pretty hard during the recession, and thus, they compete with things like movie theaters, miniature golf, and even the smaller theme parks. If the price is right and the air-conditioned atmosphere is correct, the place will be full.

Bowling alley operators need to have dual air conditioning systems. They should use a swamp coolers for temperatures up to a certain point, and then a different kind of air conditioning system when the temperature reaches the maximum efficient point for the swamp cooler.

The air-conditioning system should also blow the airflow from the middle of the lanes into the area where people are waiting to bowl. This way people will wish to stand around where everyone is bowling causing more people to play, rather than just hang out. Also the room with any pinball machines, or electronic games ought to be well cooled and sealed off from the rest of the bowling alley.

By maintaining efficiency and climate control, a bowling alley can maximize its profits, by reducing its energy expenses. Please consider all this.

Source by Lance Winslow