Muhammad Mukarram Technical Services L.L.C

Tag Air Filtration Systems

Hazards of the Cockatoo Dander

Cockatoo dander is produced continuously and is a normal and healthy part of its growth and development. Dander, or flakes of dead skin, falls off as new skin grows in to replace the old. This process allows newer, more resilient skin to take the place of older skin that is less likely to be able to protect the bird from germs and the onset of disease.

In the wild dander goes airborne into the air and dissipates, or the bird flies miles away. In captivity neither of these things can happen. But when they are in an enclosed area—your home-dander has no place to go, and the bird cannot move away from it. So unless you actively remove dander from the air, the bird and its humans are forced to breathe air with high concentrations of dander.

For the bird, this is detrimental. Their air passages are so small that it doesn’t take much to clog them. Once clogged, they often become ill with disease and infections that are hard to cure. With people, there is generally an increased sensitivity which often produces symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, or congestion.

And for people who already have respiratory issues such as allergies and asthma, the protein in the dander can trigger flare ups that make it all but impossible to keep the bird.

In addition to dander, Cockatoos, who are powder down birds, also produce a white powder to help keep their wings soft. This powder is an additional pollutant that goes airborne with normal activity of all who move through the room.

And this powder and the dander are in addition to all the normal pollutants generally found in a home-dust, dust mites, dander from other pets, mold and mildew spores, as well as seasonal pollutants such as pollen.

Giving your bird clean air has to be a top priority if any of its other care is to matter. And the only way to insure that these particulates do not ruin your health or your bird’s is to continuously removing the particles with HEPA filtration.

High efficiency particle arresting (shortened to HEPA) by definition removes particulates as small as.3 microns which is exactly the type of filter that is needed to remove bird-related and household pollutants.

And to be designated as such it has to have demonstrated that it can remove 99,997 out of 10,000 airborne particulates that are.3 microns or greater, with a micron being defined as one millionth of a meter.

Using this type of filtration is a proactive yet non-invasive intervention that can greatly reduce the hazards that Cockatoo dander and dust are able to have on you and your bird.

Source by Debbie Davis

What Makes the Best Water Treatment System – Distillation, Reverse Osmosis, Activated Carbon?

I am sure you have gone through hard time in choosing the right water treatment system. Some are just not even “apple to apple” kind of comparison due to its different nature and functions, some are totally different mythology, some just do not produce the similar outcome. In order to do that, the best comparison is to compare the end result which is the “Filtered Water” or the “Purified Water”. To understand which water treatment system provide the best water filtration, we will need to understand what a system does and does not perform. We are discussing only the water treatment after water has been supplied to by the water work department.


This is not equivalent to boiling water where molecules of water did not leave the original container and stay with whatever other molecules originally there. In distillation, water is being heaten up to its boiling point continuously, the evaporate water molecules will be recaptured by cooling down the steam vapor and collect in another clean container. Both method remove bacteria effectively, but distillation remove traces of minerals like iron, calcium, etc (which obviously has higher boiling point) etc by evaporate into air first. However, contaminants having lower boiling point than water like benzene will not be able to screen out.

Advantage:- Effectively remove bacteria and heavy metals.

Disadvantage:- Also remove trace of natural minerals in water and almost everything else other than water.

Reverse Osmosis

We will need to understand what is Osmosis process, where molecules of water migrate naturally from a weaker saline solution to a stronger saline solution, gradually equalizing the saline composition of each solution which is divided by a semi-permeable membrane. Reverse Osmosis, the opposite of natural osmosis process of water in which the molecules of water are being pressurized to go through a semi-permeable membrane from stronger saline solution to weaker side ( any contaminants having molecule size bigger than water will not pass through).

Advantage:- Remove fluoride, chloride and other harmful particles.

Disadvantage:- Also remove trace of minerals like salt, lead, manganese, iron, and calcium. Can not remove chlorine and volatile organic chemicals which are relatively smaller in size. Having to remove alkaline mineral constituents of water, produces acidic water which will strip off calcium in bones and teeth in order to neutralize acidtiy in it.

Water Filter

By the name it means involvement of some filtration medium, physically intercept selected particles from passing through, or chemically transform selected molecule into other form, or even using the combination of both.

Ceramic filter

Ceramic water filters come as a cartridge that fits a normal bench top filter. Some ceramic filters incorporate nano-silver impregnated into a porous ceramic outer shell that can trap bacteria down to as low as .22 of a micron in particle size [1/100,000 of an inch].

Laboratories consider a filtering medium with an effective pore size of .01 micron to .45 micron to be bacteriologically sterile and .45 micron to 1.0 micron to be bacteriologically safe. Re growth of bacteria that becomes trapped either on the outside of the element or in the ceramic’s pores is controlled by the silver which, on contact with water, releases small quantities of positively charged metals ions.

However, volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), chlorine and other undesirable odor and taste compounds, will remain in the treated water after ceramic filtering.

These ions are taken into the enzyme system of the bacteria’s cell and thereby neutralize it.

Advantage: Effectively remove bacteria

Disadvantage: Flow rate of ceramic water filters are slow. However, the flow rate of the ceramic filter can be improvised by brushing its outer surface under running water. As the top layer of ceramic and contaminants are brushed off and flushed away, a new layer becomes available.

Charcoal Filter

Charcoal water filter derived from coconut husk . This absorbs impurities as the water passes through. This form of filter comprises possibly 95% of those in use domestically. They are simple to install, relatively economical, and depending on micron level, will filter out the most deadly of contaminants, Cryptosporidium and Guardia.Some charcoal filters are enhanced by the use of activated nano-silver, which provides extra antibacterial protection, killing around 650 known types of organisms.

Advantage: Effectively remove most contaminants by absorbing impurities and economical. Minerals in solution can still permeate a charcoal filter. These minerals are essential to health.

Disadvantage: Need to be replaced at the interval of 9 – 12 months (but its cheap and safe). In area where sediment is a problem, the filter will get clogged easily. Installing a pre filter will prolong its life span.

Pre Filter

In area where sludge and large solid particles are a problem, pre filter is the solution. It is usually a membrane that block large sediments or particles from passing through and thus prolong the water treatment system.

Advantage: Filter all the large particles and sediments, the water will appear clean and clear from human eyes. Prolong the life span of main water treatment system, and it’s more economical to install one. It is comparatively much cheaper than the main unit and most of it is cleanable (which make it more lasting).

Disadvantage: Always need to be cleaned when the flow of water is slow, only remove large particles, not chlorine, bacteria and other contaminants. Will need to be replaced regularly.

So what make the best water treatment system?

In conclusion, there is no one filter that can be called as the best water treatment system. Every filter will have the goods and bads, lets put the cost factor aside as I had mentioned in my other articles; cost come later after you compare the effectiveness of water treatment system.

Has this ever come across your mind; if one filter can not be the best water treatment system, why not have a combination of all?

Multi-Stage Water Filtration System!

The best water treatment system is to make use of all the advantages of the filters or filtration system, to compensate the shortfall of others. A multi-stage water filtration system will remove the sediments, large particles, contaminants, bacteria, toxins, chlorine and odors, but leaving the trace of minerals, which is vital to our body fluids.

I can not stress enough the importance when come to choosing the right water purification system, effectiveness in removing all the unwanted contaminants as the main purpose of having a water filtration system, but leaving the good minerals in the water as the nature intended it to be.

When come to cost factor, the main concern will be that you are paying for the reliability (research & development) of the system, instead of contributing to unnecessary advertising and promotion for the branding exercise. Another cost factor to consider is the replacement cartridges pricing and availability of it. No point having a cheap main system, but the replacement cost of ct ridges that will burn a hole in your pocket. Some water filter replacement parts are easily available, some are not and might have even ceased production.

I wish you and your family in best of health, especially the young ones who need healthy water to grow and excel in life.

Source by Alvyn Khoo

Tips to Teach Your Children to Save Water

Water is a necessity for survival.

Considering the rapidly growing population and the fact that water is a limited resource on this planet, it has become more important than ever that children understand the significance of water conservation from an early age.

Teaching children to save water at a young age will not only help you save on your utility bills but it will also foster an interest and concern in your children towards the planet.

That said, here are some tips to teach and practise water conservation at home with your children.

Get kids acquainted with interesting facts about water

Water conservation is a serious concern, but that doesn’t mean teaching children to save water can’t be fun.

There is a wide range of interesting facts about water you can tell your child, to emphasise on the necessity of water, such as:

• Water makes up to 70% of the earth’s surface. 90% of it is salt water, which is found in oceans and is not suitable for drinking.

• Only 2.5% of earth’s water is fresh water and 70% of the earth’s fresh water is frozen in glaciers and ice caps.

• The total amount of water on earth is the same amount as it was when earth was created, millions of years ago.

• 70% of human brain is composed of water and the average adult body is about 60% water.

• Water is available in three forms on this planet: solid, liquid and gas.

These were just a few facts and you can discover more such information about water on the web. Children are more likely to remember what they have been taught when they learn it through small pointers and factoids instead of long boring sessions.

Moving on to “dos” & “don’ts”

Education begins at home. Before your child gets to the chapter in their textbook that talks about water conversation at school, you can inculcate water-saving habits in your child by teaching them the following dos and don’ts;

• Do turn off the faucets tightly.

• Don’t leave the tap running while brushing or washing hands.

• Do take a shower instead of a bath as it uses less water. If you must take a bath, fill the tub with just enough water to cover the knees and not more than that.

• Don’t throw tissues, paper or candy wrappers in the toilet as it will use more water to flush those materials off.

• Do let parents know if you spot a leaky faucet, bathtub, water cooler or any other appliance that uses water.

• Do use water from leftover bottles, ice cubes, bathroom buckets and half-drank glasses, to hydrate the grass and plants.

• When not using sprinklers, do move the hoses to the grassy areas.

• When unable to finish the whole glass of water, save the remaining water in the refrigerator instead of pouring down the sink.

• Do use a mug and bucket of water to clean your bicycle instead of a hose.

Additional tips to encourage water conservation in children

• Whenever your child takes a water-saving action, reward them to make them feel positive about their deed and encourage them to keep doing it.

• Earth day and water day are great opportunities to teach your little ones to care for their planet and the importance of preserving the earth’s resources. So, keep an eye out for events being organised in your local region on these days and get your child involve in the celebrations.

• Suggest teachers and school’s management to organise educational camps and programs to teach children about water conservation.

• Encourage your tech-savvy children to look up for videos, tips and resources related to water conservation online. By allowing your children to search for water saving tips on the internet on their own, you will provide them a fun way to learn about importance of saving water.

• Involve children in your water management routine and practises like when you are searching for water leaks around your house, ask your children to join in and help you spot leaky areas.

Children are never too young to learn about the importance of water as a natural resource that humans need for survival. With these tips and practises, you will not only teach your child to use water wisely and prevent waste but also build a foundation of love and care for their planet.

Source by Sean Kemble

Utilizing a Greenhouse As an Animal Sanctuary

There is no better way to display love for animals than by providing them with an animal sanctuary. One way to accomplish this is by designing a new or converting an existing greenhouse into an animal sanctuary. Animal sanctuaries are unique facilities that vary from shelters. The animals are not typically adopted or sold; they are simply provided an environment similar to their natural home in the wild – though some facilities have characteristics of both, where animals can be adopted.

An animal sanctuary is not a zoo and it can be as large or as small as the owner’s preference. Therefore, virtually any sized greenhouse can be converted into an animal sanctuary. Transforming a greenhouse into an animal sanctuary can provide a great deal of family fun, be personally rewarding, and also be mutually beneficial for the animals as well as the plants. Whether retired or participating in a new family hobby, transforming a greenhouse into an animal sanctuary provides the basis for a positive and long term relationship between the animals in the sanctuary and the owners.

The planning process begins with the determination of the overall structure, the plants and animals, and whether an interior dividing wall will be required to separate certain species from one another. Next, the flooring needs to be addressed. Most pets prefer the softer flooring that carpet would provide as opposed to keeping the structure’s original hard flooring. The next important piece to consider is the plant material to be selected for the sanctuary. It is important to ensure that the plants selected mirror the animals’ natural habitat as closely as possible and that the plants are not poisonous to the animals.

For any four-legged friends that will be hosted, be sure to accommodate the correct bedding requirements during the planning stage. Also, be careful to select plants that will filter the air, but not be eaten by the animals living inside. For birds, ensure there are plenty of cover trees or birdhouses.

Providing a water feature can mimic a natural water supply for certain animals. Ensure a proper filtration system is provided if animals will drink from the water or research and create the correct sustainable ecosystem between aquaponic plants and koi fish.

Designing the animal sanctuary is just the first phase, however. The next step is to adopt – or find – animals for the sanctuary and care for them appropriately. One sometimes overlooked item is allergies. Consider planning allergy tests for family members prior to hosting the animals, ensuring there will be no negative health issues once the animals arrive. Caring for animals is no small task, so it is important to plan appropriately and stay committed to the new guests and their new home. The animals will need love, attention, and plenty of care especially if adopting injured animals.

Planning, building, and maintaining an animal sanctuary is not a small commitment, but it can be an incredibly rewarding experience. If the project starts by selecting the plants and animals that will live inside, then research and planning is completed to select the correct environment, one can ensure a successful project. Seeing the greenhouse transform into a sanctuary for injured or homeless animals will be life changing and no matter how large or small the sanctuary, providing animals with food, water, and a comfortable home is a unique and rewarding undertaking that must be experienced to be properly understood.

Source by Melissa K. Reinhart

Something About Air and Water Cooled Chillers

The most common compressors used in refrigeration are reciprocating, scroll, screw-driven centrifugal. With various refrigerants chillers used in industry in industrial application, chilled water or other liquid from the chiller is pumped through process. Industrial chillers are used for cooling of products and factory machinery in a wide range of industries.

They are often used in the plastic industry in plastic processing like injection molding, blow molding, extruders, laminations, p.P. Films, rigid p.V.C. Pipe, calendars, chemicals, pharmaceutical process, dyes intermediates, mineral water soda process, paper converting, coating chill rolls, plating and anodizing, lubricants/oil cooling, dairy, bakery, food products, dehumidifier, conditioned air, welding equipment, cement processing, vacuum systems, x-ray diffraction, analytical equipment, compressed air and gas cooling.

Chillers are usually small in size (cooling capacity), usually from 1 tons to 100 tons.

Central chillers generally have capacities ranging from ten tons to hundreds or thousands of tons.

Water chillers can be either water cooled or air-cooled. Water cooled chillers offer efficiencies better than air cooled is due to heat rejection at or near the air’s wet-bulb temperature rather than the higher, dry-bulb temperature but it is used in conjunction with cooling tower.

The heart of the chiller is the refrigeration compressor. This is a pump that uses electrical energy to pump refrigerant around the system. Depending on the application like size or operating temperature, a different compressor pumping technology is used. Smaller chillers use refrigeration compressors like rotary compressors, scroll compressors, and reciprocating compressors. Larger chillers use refrigeration compressor like reciprocating compressors, screw compressors, absorption compressors, and centrifugal compressors.

Source by Sunil Dumbre

Oreck Vacuums Vs Simplicity Vacuums

Oreck vacuums are the best known on the market owing to the millions of dollars spent advertising every year. Simplicity vacuums are rarely advertised yet sell in the millions due to in-store demonstrations and word-of-mouth. Both machines are very similar. They weigh around 8 lbs so are easy and light for almost anybody to use. Both have excellent filtration, they clean the air down to .03 microns at 99.97% efficiency. You won’t be choking on dust. You also won’t have to buy filters because the polypropolyne micro fiber bag does it all! Both machines employ a direct-fan system to create the air-flow. The fan pushes enormous quantities of air into the micro-filtration bag, this system cleans you carpet much better than the indirect -motor design used by Hoover, Dyson, Eureka etc.

The Oreck uses a wooden brushroll to agitate the carpet and groom the fibers, this is much better than plastic brush rolls found on all department store vacuums. Plastic brush rolls can easily warp and melt if pet hair or string wraps up into the ends. Requiring an expensive replacement. The Simplicity goes a step further, they use a steel brush roll with replaceable brushes, years from now you can spend 10.00 to replace the brush strips instead of 50.00 on a whole new brush roll. The belt is made the same way as the serpentine belt on your car, and is guaranteed for life. The Oreck, and most other vacuums, use a big rubber band known as a “slip belt”, that requires periodic replacement.

Tidewater Sew-Vac Inc sells both brands,new and rebuilt. Before buying your next vacuum, go to your local Oreck and Simplicity Dealer and do a comparison yourself. Either brand will give you excellent cleaning and you will get great in-store service, and that is something you will not find at a department store or X club!

Source by Erik Tate

Is Nikken a Real Opportunity? An Ex Distributor Tells the Real Truth

The big uncertainty that is on everyone’s mind is Nikken a scam or not. Now I have read other reviews on this company and some of them are a little off base. One truth they do have in common with this review from an ex distributor is that Nikken is not a scam in any way shape or form.

Nikken is one of the oldest companies in the industry that began in Japan more than 35 years ago with the philosophy of the 5-pillars of health. A healthy body, mind, family, society and finances. The accepted wisdom and reality behind this philosophy, is that everything must be in balance to live a fulfilled life.

This philosophy of balance is revealed through every aspect of the company and the major area that Nikken excels is their product line. While many other companies they put together a good comp plan and search out a distinctive product with the exact price-point to make their plan work effectively. Nikken started with their products first and then chose the network marketing business model to move them into the hands of consumers.

The leadership team has a great combination of individuals such a CEO Kurt Fulle and President Douglas Braun. Kurt Fulle has 21 yeas of manufacturing and 7 years of public accounting experience. Douglas Braun has more than 20-years of extensive global brand development and international business experience in sales, marketing and executive management.

Nikken also has a full team of some of the top scientific minds in the world that are dedicated to manufacturing the best and most unique quality of product possible to benefit the end user. They spend millions of dollars in research and development before a product is released with a full-scale quality control department.

Nikken initially began with magnetic products and then expanded into other areas of health, wellness and prevention. They are now billed to be the only total wellness company in the world providing air and water filtration systems, magnetic mattresses, weighted fitness shoes, nutritionals and a full suit of magnetic energy device. In my personal experience with the majority of the products, they are the best quality products a person could find for maintaining optimal well being. As strange as some of the products may seem they really do work, at least for myself and many people I know.

The compensation plan is a stair-step break away, which is a great plan for long-standing growth over a period of time. You can grow your business quickly and the majority of the successful people were able to create momentum with personally sponsoring on average between 30 and 60 people within their first 90 days.

There are many aspects to the compensation plan that are generous from retail sale commissions, overrides, leadership bonuses, and an auto/home program.

To this day Nikken has created more than 100 millionaires and has paid out more as a percentage than any other company in the industry. And their products have changed countless lives in their 35+ year history.

Is Nikken a good business opportunity? I would say without a doubt, yes Nikken is a great opportunity for anyone to join. However to be successful you have to know how to market in these modern times. Since Nikken is an older company, all of the leaders still rely on marketing strategies that worked decades ago.

Source by Scott Zlateff

Air Conditioning Companies in the Cayman Islands

Located by the tropical Caribbean sea, the Cayman Islands are a popular destination for those who love the warmth and sun. While those who are visiting for short periods of time often have access to on-site pools and cooling systems in the many resorts and guest houses in the islands, those who choose to relocate to Cayman often do not. In Cayman air conditioning is key, as the temperatures soar during the summer months and it can become quite uncomfortable, especially indoors. If you’re looking to get a cooling unit installed in the Cayman Islands, these are the best companies to hire.

Polar Bear Air Conditioning

Polar Bear has been in business for over 15 years, and has a team of dedicated, professional technicians available to accommodate the needs of all types of customers. They offer 24-hour emergency service 7 days a week, as well as an up-front pricing model that freezes the cost of the job, even if the amount of work changes or increases. Polar Bear provides both a/c and refrigeration installation and service in the Cayman Islands, and satisfaction is guaranteed. They have a variety of systems to choose from, including both ductless and high-efficiency models, and clients who join their discount club receive 10% off. They are located at 22 Commercial Avenue in George Town, the capital of Grand Cayman.

Joe’s Air Conditioning

Joe’s is a popular Cayman Islands company that was established over 35 years ago. With a team of professionals who strive to satisfy the needs of both new and returning clients, they offer air conditioning and refrigeration installation and service, as well as repairs and parts. Brand new units are also available for purchase for both commercial and residential properties. Joe’s is located in the Seven Mile Beach area of Grand Cayman.

Universal Air Conditioning

Universal A/C, located in the Red Gate Warehouse of Grand Cayman’s Industrial Park, is one of the top Cayman companies that offers a/c services, including repair, installation and supplies. They have many types of air conditioning and refrigeration units available for purchase, and also service and repair the latter. This company boasts a talented team of mechanics and contractors who are dedicated to serving the individuals and businesses of the Cayman Islands to the best of their ability.

Cayman Air Conditioning and Supply

This Cayman company has been serving the residents of the islands for more than 40 years. Located on Dorcy Drive in Industrial Park, Grand Cayman, they offer a/c unit installation, service and parts and are open Monday through Friday, from 730am until 5pm. In addition to these services, this company is also available for sheet metal fitting, water filtration and purification services, fans, ice machines, air filters and more. They offer factory warranties and are able to locate many hard to find items.

If you’re looking to stay cool this summer, there are many Cayman air conditioning companies that can assist you with purchasing a brand new unit, or repairing or maintaining your current one. The businesses described above are some of the top companies in the islands for these services, and they have many satisfied customers. Making the call is the first step towards a wonderful, comfortable Cayman summer.

Source by Chelsea Oliver

Working of an HVAC System

HVAC is meant for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. The goal of HVAC is to control the temperature of air inside the assigned “Air conditioned” space as well as control of moisture, filtration of air and supply of outside natural air for control of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels noticeable all around the conditioned space, main control of the development of air or drought. Every one of these elements comprises an efficient HVAC system.

Main Parts of the HVAC

Every HVAC system mainly consists of the furnace, heat exchanger, evaporator coil, condensing unit, refrigerant tubes, thermostat, ductwork, vents and the heat pump.

Importance and duty of each part of the HVAC are mentioned below.

1. The furnace: The furnace takes up a maximum share of the space in an HVAC system. It is generally present in the basement behind a door that nobody ever opens, yet it’s a major part of an HVAC system. Its function is to move air from the heat exchanger into the air channels(ducts). The furnace is typically confounded with boilers, yet they’re separate parts.

2. The heat exchanger: This part is mentioned above but it’s not the part of the furnace. It’s situated inside the furnace, yet the heat exchanger has its own duty. It adds heat to the approaching air from the ignition chamber.

3. The evaporator coil: This part is additionally present in the furnace, yet is responsible for an absolutely different job. A refrigerant (a liquid that causes cooling) travels through the evaporator coil, which ingests heat from air passing over it.

4. condensing unit: The condensing unit resembles the evaporator coil. Inside the cube shape formed unit, the condensing unit too exchanges heat with the air that is blowing it, yet dissimilar to the evaporating coil, it emits heat.

5. The refrigerant tubes.: These metallic tubes interface the evaporator curl with the condensing coil, which generally means that the refrigerant tubes join the inner and outer air HVAC units. They’re intended to contain cooling refrigerant under an extensive range of temperatures.

6. The thermostat: This small portion generally on the wall on the main level of the home, and, depends upon what temperature you set it at, you can turn on your air conditioning or heating system. It’s best to have a programmable or “smart” thermostat to adjust your home’s temperature regardless of the possibility that you’re not there, which implies that you can minimise your energy bill.

7. The ductwork: The air ducts are having the duty of moving air all through the home. Air comes into an HVAC system through specific segments of the ductwork and is spread to rooms through different areas.

8. The vents: As the air goes through the ductwork, it enters into the room through vents. Users know about the rectangular covers that immediate and take air.

9. The heat pump: In hotter months, the heat pump takes heat from house or room to the outside. And in the colder months, it does the inverse.

All the HVAC systems consist of the parts mentioned above, and each of the mentioned components relies on the others to function in the proper manner and efficient way.

Source by Ankur Choudhary

The Wonders of the Electric Fireplace

Fireplaces have been objects of both functionality and beauty. Fireplaces provide heat and ambience to a certain place in the house. The evolution of the fireplace has taken great leaps in the recent years as we have seen the ascendancy of the electric fireplace.

During the old days, people only had the option of having a wood-fired fireplace. As time went by, gas-powered fireplaces gained popularity as they were relatively cheaper to maintain. But due to technology and the need for fireplaces which can be installed quickly and can be maintained easily, the electric fireplace was born. Electric fireplace simulate the flames of traditional fireplaces. Literally, nothing is being burnt and the illusion of burning is achieved through the use of audio and visual effects. Electric fireplaces can be installed quickly where there is access to electricity.

Listed below are some of the advantages and disadvantages of electric fireplaces that should be considered by those people who would want to avail of these modern-day fireplaces.

– Easy to install

The electric fireplace is very easy to install as compared to the traditional fireplaces. There are models today that can be installed in less than an hour. Electric fireplaces don’t really need additional space because many of them are mounted against walls. Some of them can be installed in places where previous fireplaces are located.

Electric fireplace kits come with easy-to-understand and easy-to-follow installation kits. Installing electric fireplace also require the basic tools such as screwdrivers, glass cleaners and the like.


As compared with the traditional wood and gas- fired fireplaces, the electric fireplaces are relatively more environment-friendly. They don’t emit any fumes and additional carbon dioxide into the air because they utilize electricity. Electric fireplace are not carbon neutral though, because the electricity that is utilized by these fireplaces comes from the grid which also emits greenhouse gases. However, this fact is arguably more environment-friendly than burning wood directly in fireplaces.


Don’t you hate the fact that you would need to put out the fire in the fireplace when you’re already sleeping? This inconvenience is solved by the electric fireplaces since they usually come with remote controls. There are also models which have a built-in temperature reader. They automatically turn off when the desired temperature is reached. Some electric fireplace models today have air filtration systems and fans which distributes the heat evenly throughout the room. One can also isolate the aesthetic value of the electric fireplace from its heating function. During summer (when fireplaces are not really used), electric fireplace owners can turn off the heating function of the fireplace and turn the fake flames on to be able to give the room a good glow and ambience.

-Versatility and style

Electric fireplaces can be very versatile indeed. Aside from the fact that one can turn the “fire” without having to worry about the heat, the fake fire can also be modified according to the taste of the homeowner. Modern designs allow owners to change the speed and color of the “fire” of electric fireplaces. This is important for people who would like to incorporate the look of the fireplace and the “fire” into the whole look of the room.

Let us look at some of the disadvantages that come with electric fireplaces.

-It’s just a space heater

Let us admit it, electric fireplaces are really high-end space heaters. If one is not too keen about the aesthetic value of having a fireplace, he can settle with space heaters which are definitely less pricey than electric fireplaces.

– The illusion is not good enough

Some people are not satisfied with the way the “fire” of the electric fireplaces looks. However, due to the rapidly-evolving technologies that are incorporated with newer models, the illusion of burning has been improved drastically. But then again, no one can ever argue that the illusion is better than the real thing.

These are just some of the different features and downsides of electric fireplaces. These models can really be useful for people who would like to have the comfort and the beauty of having a fireplace but are not really into the installation and maintenance of a traditional fireplace. Again, it is really a matter of personal choice, of wants and needs. It’s just good that the option is available.

Source by Lee Dobbins